


3 years, 12 days ago


-- I mean, what else are we gonna do? Best we just go along with it.  

Name: Nisang
Age: 17 (KHUX)
Status: Sleeping
Foreteller: Aced

   Nisang is a somewhat quiet, stubborn boy. Originally he fell under the Ursus faction before he was chosen by Ava to become a Dandelion. While the idea of more training to be something more special wasn't exactly what he wanted, it sure beat having to stick around to take part in a war that pitted keyblade warrior against warrior. When his best friend was also chosen to join Ava's army, he went easily because, well. Might as well.

   Nisang has a standard Starlight keyblade with only one customizing attempt to make it a little easier to swing. Everyone who watches him agrees he'd look 'way cooler' with some kind of sword or a thinner keyblade, but he's making due with what he has. Nisang is a 50/50 magic and physical fighter with a harder lean into magic ever so slightly. If he had a sheath, he'd be the type to resheath the keyblade after every major large swing. Since he lacks one, Nisang just holds his keyblade back at his side. If the movies existed in his universe, people would say he had a very 'theatrical samurai' style of fighting.

   Nisang isn't bad at making friends. He has a few scattered around and used to have even more before Ava pulled him to her side. He's a bit of the "cool guy" in the group, preferring to hang out on the side and wait for the perfect moment to deliver an impressive line that leaves people saying he's so cool. Despite all the stars aligning for him to become a team leader in attitude, Nisang suffers the problem of just accepting things as they happen. He's stubborn, but only in the way that keeps him from speaking up and stopping something from happening. "Well, this might as well happen," is his personal motto and it leads him to accept things he's not entirely sure he should accept so willingly.
   He tries to play up the personality where he is a Cool Guy, unflappable and someone you can rely on. He buys the nicest clothes, practices his eyeliner to make his face look like someone you could idolize. A lot of his looks and persona is just a mask, though. Inwardly, he suffers bouts of jealousy and isn't confident about a lot of things going on. He's sure if people knew just how empty and unsure he feels, they'd all leave him. It may be why he's such good friends with Jiji, a girl who doesn't seem to care about any of that aspect of him. She's constantly trying to change his clothes and give him silly accessories, or mess up his makeup. Originally he accepted her as a "well, this might as well happen" sort of thing, but quickly found himself being fiercely protective and worried about her well being-- she's kind of a loveable clown. Nisang half wishes she had her own mask to wear in public so people wouldn't take advantage of her, but perhaps that just him throwing his own unsure feelings on her.


♥ Jiji:
- His closest friend, and the one that gave him the nickname of 'Nini'. She had approached him while he was waiting by the fountain, waiting for some people in his own Union to return from their mission off-world. He was unsure about her, both from being a cross-faction and just... who approaches a stranger so cheerfully like that? Surely it's a trick. It didn't take long with her chattering for him to just accept her presence and now he can't imagine going too long without Jiji showing up to hang off his arm and try to drag him into another of her personal adventures. Nisang's other friends tease him about how close they are, down to having matching 'puffball accessories' despite Nisang's instance his isn't a puff-- at first. Jiji has added so many accessories to his look he's given up trying to explain the difference.
   Nisang suffers a lot of jealousy and just general fear that someone will take advantage of Jiji's innocent nature. They're not a couple, Nisang is fairly sure Jiji has designated him to the friend zone which is more than fair, they are just friends, but he can't help but feel a tight grip in his gut any time Jiji reiterates that to their other friends. Just friends. His feelings are obvious to anyone but the pair themselves, however. Jiji thinks Nisang scares off girlfriends because he's a "meanie sourpuss", when the reality is more like everyone can see how much his Cool Guy mask breaks the moment anyone flirts with his best friend, so for his (and their own) sake, they stay away.

The End:
   Nisang knew what it meant when Ava offered both him and Jiji a place in her Dandelion group. Some kind of end to all of this was coming, and going with it would give them both the better ending. What he didn't understand was the how, or why, or when. He wasn't one of the leaders so his knowledge was slim, and it was impossible to get any information out Ephemer or Skuld. The best thing to do seemed to just be accept the path given, follow along with it. This might as well happen.
   It wasn't until the world was ending, rattling around them, that he really started to second-guess and hate his personal motto that had gotten him this far. At the first rumble, he'd taken Jiji and lead her into a building like that would keep them safe. By the first crack of a nearby structure toppling, they were huddled under a desk and wrapped tight around each other. He had no idea what was happening and he hated himself for not knowing more or pushing harder to find out more, like that could maybe keep them safe for a little longer. Before he had the time to really get angry, the End came. Both he and Jiji fell, choosing to Sleep with their Chirithy rather than be reborn and separate. Nisang had no real last words, but at Jiji's own request that he never leave, Nisang grabbed her hand tight. Everything fell asleep before he could get out an "I,"

Little Extras:

   Sleep Habits: 
Nisang appreciates his sleep and doesn't try to skimp out on it, but he's not so picky as to demand a solid 8 hours. He prefers going to bed early, with an early rise, and aims for it. Whether that's what ends up happening or not is left to question.

x - Nisang's dreameater state is a Sir Kyroo
x - In the end, he realizes he has a crush on Jiji. Being put to Sleep stopped him from confessing anything.
x - Previously, he and Jiji didn't get transferred to the Dandelions and died in the war. Nisang refused to let anyone else kill Jiji, and took her heart by his own keyblade. Some of their first art shows this, but it's since been retconned because I really wanted to give them dreameater states