Hana-Marie Lacolombe/Amano



2 years, 11 months ago







seiyubian (kitakujin)







magic ability

light magic





voice claim

haley tju (marcy wu, amphibia)

Another one of the five Protectors of Delacroix. As Holly's older sister, Hana tries to take care of her and be a role model to her, however, due to her nervous and cowardly nature, this is a bit hard for her.



worth: N/A obtained: N/A

Design Notes.
  • Designed with a strawberry cheesecake in mind, because like with Holly, I was desperately craving for desserts while designing her in general so I decided to project that onto her design.
  • Overall design was based both off of angels and a fifth suit of cards that ultimately stopped getting printed due to lack of popularity that was known as the "eagles"!
  • 4 feet 5 inches (135.62 centimeters) in height.
  • Uses a spear as her weapon when in Protector form.

Gift Art
Character Interactions
Ship Art


  • Like with Holly, her second last name (Amano) is meant to be Japanese, and in Kanji it would be read as 天野, which can be read as "heaven field".
  • And again like with Holly, in real-world terms, Hana is meant to be Japanese.
  • Her birthday, while it would be written as 6/6 in-universe, is pretty much June 6 in real-world terms, making her a gemini.
  • Hana's magic typically revolves around light; meant to be similar to the illusion magic of her sister Holly, for illusions can be caused by light. Also related to how angels in Christianity are commonly associated with light.
  • Her hair used to be blonde but I felt that it blended in too much with her hat and didn't look close enough to Holly's shade of hair for the two of them to be considered sisters, so I changed it to a pinkish-brown kind of color.
  • Was actually the first character created for Descendants ☆f Hazel (prev. named Witch☆Hazel,) and was meant to be the protagonist of a slice-of-life webcomic that later turned into what Descendants ☆f Hazel is today.
  • But if you want to go further back into time than that, Hana-Marie's initial design was based off a My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic OC that I had as a child who was in turn inspired by the Pokémon Cresselia, and while she's changed a lot over the years, the pastel-yellow + pink colors are almost the same as they were many years ago!

Unlike her sister, Hana detests spontaneity and tends to stick to a strict routine every day; should there be a sudden change in her routines, she would try everything she can to get them back to the way they were before. She's also a bit of a hypochondriac, washing her hands numerous times if she believes she has touched something even slightly unclean. Also unlike her younger sister, she was very content with the safety and sense of quiet that came with being somewhat sheltered and living in Saint-Alizée.

Things would change when she's chosen to be a Protector for Delacroix. Over her time as a Protector, Hana gets over her paranoia and fears, and learns to accept a hint of change and be braver thanks to her being able to look up to a role model: Lola-Lily, the oldest Protector in the coven. Perhaps with the gained bravery, she’ll be ready to face the challenges that are up ahead when the time comes.