


9 years, 14 days ago


Nickname: Lucy, Lulu, Lucia (family)
Gender: Female
Age: 9 (FRLG/ORAS), 12 (HGSS/BDSP), 15 (BW) 17 (BW2/XY), 19 (SM/USUM)
Birthday: June 22 (Summer Solstice)
Hometown: Mauville City, Hoenn
Trainer Class: Sightseer

Height: 5'8"
Clothing: Cute with sporty touches; electric themes 
Accessories: Plusle and Minun hair clip, choker necklace
Bag: Quick Balls, Ultra Balls, PokéNav Plus, Nomel Berries, Lemonade, Magnet, extra camera, extra Rotomdex/phone storage, rechargable batteries, food rations, Potions
Favorite Food: Pancakes, Pichu curry plate with saffron rice, Yummy Yamper Pasta, lemon cheesecake, Pikachu Pokéffle
Favorite Drink: Raichu Electric Float, Popping Pachirisu Float, Zapdos' Float Drink, electric iced tea
Likes: Vlogging, filming, photography, selfies, video games, social media, technology, storm-chasing, rock climbing
Dislikes: Missing a good shot, blurred photos, running out of film or space on her camera, having no electricity

Lucinda has an excitable and electrifying personality, and always seems to have a bright smile on her face.  She also seems to almost always have a high amount of energy that can be infectious to others. Rather quick-witted, she's able to respond quickly and (super) effectively, whether it's for problem solving or making a silly joke or pun.  She's also able to think quickly and clearly in stressful situations.

It’s almost like creativity sparks her imagination, able to take aesthetically pleasing images whether using a camera or phone! She's got a knack for graphic design as well. She has an eye for detail and knows how to plan things out to look their best.
She was born in Mauville City; this large city is located in the heart of the Hoenn region, at the crossroads of its nostalgic past and new technology.

On the second floor of Mauville City is a high-class apartment complex known as Mauville Hills, which is where Lucinda lives with her family- their accessible balcony can be flown or soared from. 

Lucinda ends up with a job in TV Mauville, starting off as a paid intern. At her job, she was able to easily charm both co-workers and the audience with her electrifying personality- she was so animated and fun! It inspired her to travel regions, wanting to document her adventures and broadcast to the world what she saw!
She's got her Dad, her Pops, and her two little twin siblings! Despite how intimidating her Pops might look as a Street Thug trainer, he is a big teddy bear. He and her Ranger class Dad love each other very much. The little ones are just as energetic as she is, and her Plusle and Minun used to help take care of them all the time. Her Pops and his Delinquent class best friend, who Lucinda considers family, gift Lucinda the Plusle and Minun hoodie to match them. 

LaneyShe especially is pretty emotional when it comes to her sister- she loves her a lot and tends to wear those emotions on her sleeve. Whenever Laney gifts her artwork, Lucinda makes sure to hang them up in her bedroom alongside any photos on display. 

LuminaLucinda always made it her goal to make her siblings smile, Lumina included, so whenever she was upset, she'd make sure to sit down and listen to her and talk things out. The two had a common interest in editing, both photos and videos, and Lumina would often help edit pictures that her older sister would take. Lucinda appreciated it a lot, and would make sure to repay her somehow for her work. 

Lucinda often looked after them and took on the responsibility of caring for them if both parents were busy. Whenever fights got too heated, Lucinda would have to break up the fights, often sitting with Laney cuddled in close on one side as she helped wipe her tears, and pulling Lumina in close on her other side. She'd take the time to listen to them both, and try her best to help make them come to an understanding and make up. The three love to play games together, and whenever they're on trips, Lucinda loves to take photos of her little siblings, or take selfies alongside them. They also made personal playlists to listen to together.

Melochia: Even though they're cousins, the two of them didn't know each other as well, since Lucinda grew up in Hoenn, and Melochia was a bit distant. Once they realize they have a shared love in gaming, and Lucinda shows interest in Melochia's secret passion for music, the two bond. They also share a love for video games, so Lucinda likes to talk with Mellow about upcoming games. 

All them love to have family game nights together at times, being able to play video games together on their Nintendo Switches despite all being far apart. 


Fia Dia: The three are pretty energetic as a trio, and they have a Legendary Bird theme (Fire, Ice and Lightning). Lucinda often brings back gems or trinkets she found when exploring so that Dia and Fia can use them in their jewelry and accessories. When they're able to get together, they enjoy rock climbing together, enjoying the heights and view, and Lucinda will ask them to allow her to photograph or film their works, whether it's accessories, jewelry, or performances. Dia and Fia both gift Lucinda things they've made just for her, and she'll often wear them to show them off, though tends to keep them safe and hidden when she's on a particularly rough adventure, not wanting to risk losing them.

HokuIt was through their love of technology that the two were able to grow close and get in touch! Hoku was fascinated when Lucinda received her own Rotomdex, and was excited to tell her about the beautiful view from Mt. Hokulani. The two keep in touch online while they journey the regions and sometimes meet up if possible. When it's a clear night, Lucinda will take photos of the stars to send to Hoku.

BlakeLike with the twins, Blake had a difficult time not being drawn to Lucinda in some capacity, despite her personality being a contrast to their own. One day, Blake overestimated themself when they were with their friends and got them even more lost. That was when Lucinda found them, took charge, and got the group home safely. While not as close to Lucinda as they are to the twins, Blake considers Lucinda to be an older sister figure, and sometimes confides in her if they need help organizing their thoughts.

Love Interest

KaedeAfter the twins had commissioned Kaede for a portrait of her, Lucinda looked into her artwork, thanking her and the twins. After Lucinda saw Kaede getting along with the twins, she found it easy to reach out- it was important to her that anyone she became friends with liked them both as well. It sparked an online friendship, Lucinda enjoying her art style, and Kaede enjoying her photography. They're both rather electrifying in their own ways, and sometimes like to play games together, whether online or in person when they can meet up.


This Rotom can enter various electronic devices, such as the Rotom Dex for the camera features, and the Rotom Phone, which also allows Lucinda to use the Rotom Bike, stream videos,  etc.- she has the Rotom Catalog as well. Circuit often has additional commentary to give Lucinda on anything she's doing, loving to tease and sass her. They can be pretty feisty when in a bad mood, but thankfully are typically pretty happy!

Pikachu → Raichu (Alolan)
As a Pikachu, Lucinda met her partner while in the Alola region. It may be due to the weather, climate, and love of pancakes that Bokeh evolved into an Alolan Raichu, and Lucinda certainly didn't complain! Lucinda and Bokeh indulge in pancakes a little too much. One of Lucinda's favorite things to do is to rub Bokeh's cheeks, loving the sweet fragrance that comes wafting out, as well as the light shock! The star-shaped thunderbolts is a really cute aesthetic that makes for great photos.

One can almost say Yamper captured Lucinda and her heart first! The sweetheart happily chased after Lucinda during her visits in the Galar region, and she couldn't resist how adorable he was. Lucinda is aware that he's a glutton and mostly assists with her work to get treats, and she's more than happy to indulge. Lucinda and Zoom like to go on runs together, and others can hear the crackling of electricity as they do. Zoom does the zoomies.


Pawmi ♀

Plusle ♀
Plusle and Minun are quite literally Lucinda's biggest cheerleaders and supporters, with pom-poms created from electricity and all. Lucinda can't help but smile when she hears the crackling noises of sparkling joy and brilliant showers of sparks. Thanks to the two's electricity, Lucinda often feels relaxed and has boosted vitality. When they need extra electricity, Tatl absorbs some from telephone poles.  

Minun ♀
Plusle and Minun are quite literally Lucinda's biggest cheerleaders and supporters, with pom-poms created from electricity and all. Lucinda can't help but smile when she hears the crackling noises of sparkling  joy and brilliant showers of sparks. Thanks to the two's electricity, Lucinda often feels relaxed and has boosted vitality. 

+ Her Favorite legendaries are Zapdos, Raikou, and Raging Bolt and her favourite mythical is Zeraora
+ She adores the Z-move, Stoked Sparksurfer

+ She visits the Lental region, and is fascinated with the Illumina phenomenon