
7 years, 9 months ago


Name: Dia
Gender: Female
Age: 7 (FRLG/ORAS), 10 (HGSS/BDSP), 13 (BW) 15 (BW2/XY), 17 (SM/USUM) 
Birthday: July 28th (Leo)
Hometown: Konikoni City, Akala, Alola
Trainer Class: Artist (Jeweller)

Height: 5'3"
Clothing: Collars, ruffles, sparkles
Accessories: Vulpix headband, custom Z-Ring, rings, a variety of jewelry

Bag: Heavy Balls, Icium Z, Casteliacone, Gem Shards, Never-Melt Ice, Magnifying Glass, Ice Stones, a variety of other gems, Icy Rock

Favorite Food: rock candy, cotton candy, geode cake pops, deep fried ice cream, Swablu Shaved Ice

Favorite Drink: fire & iced tea, Articuno’s Float Drink, slushie floats
Flower: Tweedia
Likes: Jewelry, gems, evolution stones, rock climbing, grooming her Pokemon
Dislikes: Imperfections, very humid weather

Dia can come across as cool, but it's only because she's so focused on her work and the small details that sometimes it makes her miss the big picture. Being from such a close-knit family, she's comfortable around people, especially her loved ones, though there are times where she needs to step out and recharge. 

She found a love in making jewelry, often seen sketching up quick ideas, looking at evolution stones and Pokemon for inspiration. It seems like she can find inspiration anywhere! She has a fine eye and does her best to make sure every detail is captured to the best of her ability. This can give her some stress and anxiety, especially while working, and it's a process for her that not everything needs to be perfect.

While she doesn't like confrontation, when something upsets her, she can have an icy temper. She tends to give them the cold shoulder until she cools off. Due to being a perfectionist in her work, it would take a long time to get the pieces to look how she wants, so if someone accidentally messed them up or touched anything she was working on, she would get upset about it.
She was born in Konikoni City; a city of merchants, where you find lots of shops and even a photo club, beyond the gate at the entrance.

Dia helps out at the family shop, taking care of the jewelry side. When Sun and Moon find Icium Z, Dia shows up, having been visiting Mount Lanakila. She teaches them the Icium Z-move, before continuing on with her Ice-type Pokemon, alongside Fia, who is bundled up and shivering in the cold.

She also customizes Z-ring bracelets!

Olivia: Their older sister who had to step in as the mother-figure. The bond between them is very strong, and Dia is the one left in charge of the shop if Olivia's away. Olivia jokingly says that it's because of the twins that she's still single, but in truth, she would put them first anyway. 

Fia: Her twin sister and best friend. Despite being as different as fire and ice, the two are very close, and compliment each other perfectly. Fia treasures any jewelry that Dia makes her, but tends to keep them safe at home and wear them on special occasions. Dia also treasures what Fia makes for her, and often wears them on display, special occasion or not. They're almost never seen without the custom Z-Rings Dia's made for them, or their Vulpix-themed accessories that Fia's made! Even their outfits tend to subtly match one another, even with their opposing colour palettes.  Although the sisters spend a decent amount of time apart because of their respective jobs and hobbies, when they're not preoccupied though, they are typically together. They hold their bond very near and dear to both of their hearts. The two can sometimes be seen with one another either in the shop, their bedroom, or even at Mallow's family restaurant, sketching out ideas for their next works. They're always there to help inspire one another.

HokuThe three of them often have camp outs on Mount Hokulani, so they can watch the Minior together; they've even all caught some of their own! They often stargaze together, love to have sleepovers (alongside Melochia), and play with the Stufful dolls that Olivia has, as well as their pet Stufful!

All them love to have family game nights together at times, being able to play video games together on their Nintendo Switches despite all being far apart.


Lucinda: The three are pretty energetic as a trio, and they have a Legendary Bird theme (Fire, Ice and Lightning). Lucinda often brings back gems or trinkets she found when exploring so that Dia and Fia can use them in their jewelry and accessories. When they're able to get  together, they enjoy rock climbing together, enjoying the heights and view, and Lucinda will ask them to allow her to photograph or film their works, whether it's accessories, jewelry, or performances. Dia and Fia both gift Lucinda things they've made just for her, and she'll often wear them to show them off, though tends to keep them safe and hidden  hen she's on a particularly rough adventure, not wanting to risk losing  them

Laney & LuminaThe twins almost see them like more older siblings due to how close they are to Lucinda. The twin bond that Dia and Fia share definitely inspired them to want to be that close and continue to be that close as they got older. Fia and Dia like to dote on Laney and Lumina, gifting them cute Plusle and Minun themed accessories. Whenever Laney and Lumina find something Vulpix themed (Kantonian and Alolan), they buy and send them to Fia and Dia.

Melochia: They wish that she had reached out to them more. This was, of course, when they were unaware of her issues.  When they find out that Melochia joins Team Skull, they make it a point to "run into" her a lot and this time try to reach out themselves. Fia and Dia manage to reach her, and Melochia starts to reconnect with others again, even before Team Skull disbands. Dia and Melochia spend time working on their own things in each other's company, finding comfort in each other.


Kukui & Burnet: She's known Kukui and Burnet since she was young, though connected with Burnet first due to their love of science. Currently she'll pop by the lab to see how her research is going, and loves to play with the Pokemon there. Kukui helped her along her trial journey, and due to her fine work with gems, he recruited her for help decorating the Alolan league.  She always wonders how he handles the bitter cold of the mountain when he's not even wearing a shirt. While she adores the cold herself, she usually makes sure to bundle up!

Lana, Kiawe & Mallow: Dia sees Mallow and Lana fairly often, sometimes visiting Mallow's jungle especially for picnics with the girls, or heading out to the lagoon with Lana to look for some special rock or gem samples.  When it comes to Mallow, she typically brings along her own food as a back-up just in case, but with outings with just Lana, she'll cook for both of them. The girls love being surprised with some of the jewelry that Dia makes.
Dia gets closer to Kiawe through Fia, though definitely isn't as close as Fia is to him.  She loves watching them dance together and always applauds their efforts and provides critique for dances. When they're performing for a crowd, she'll help them flare up the costumes with some bedazzling! She'll bring some icy treats like popsicles or slushies up the mountain to her twin and Kiawe when they're practicing.


Vulpix (Alolan) ♀
Vulpix was only a baby when Dia found her on Mount Lanakila. Aura makes ice shards with her tails and sprays both herself and her trainer to cool them off, both preferring cool air. She quite literally and figuratively helps her trainer keep her cool, and the two share lots of cuddles, especially on hot Alola nights. Dia has observed her curly hairs through a microscope, finding inspiration in her cute looks and the small ice particles springing up. Aura is pretty much attached to the hip with Dia, often lounging nearby even while she's hard at work.

Eevee → Glaceon ♀

Rockruff ♀
Knowing that Rockruff were considered to be good Pokemon for beginners, Olivia brought Dia and Fia to catch one each of their own. They happened to catch sibling Rockruff, making them even more special. Both can sense when the twins are in the dumps, and always stick by their sides- and they show their affection by rubbing the rocks on their necks against them. It's rather painful, though, so Dia and Fia both nuzzle  the soft fur on their heads instead, but it's okay if they've got clothing in the way so it doesn't hurt! Both are protective, but generally friendly unless directed otherwise. 

Carbink ♀
Naturally, Dia was drawn to Carbink's glittering, jewel-draped body. She found inspiration in their beautiful gems, even as a child when she heard the tale Carbink, their queen and a kingdom of jewels. Quartz is a precious gem in Dia's life, and she will always help polish her jewels when needed, and extra. Quartz is pretty careful even around the home; it especially gets skittish if it catches a glimpse of a red gem similar to Sableye's.

Minior (Blue Core)
Minior was gifted to Dia by Hoku. Zircon is a reminder of the nights the twins and Hoku spent together on Mount Hokulani to watch Minior and the stars together. Zircon prefers to eat the dust and particles around Mount Lanakila as it's their favourite and it makes their colours shine bright! Dia is thrilled that one of their favorite places also has such a positive impact on one of their Pokemon. Zircon is very helpful when it comes to figuring out the best cut and sturdiest gems, being a Pokemon that stays alive using a sturdy exterior.


Stufful ♀
Stufful only allows the family and close family friends to touch and pet it, disliking it otherwise. She does love her fluffy fur to be pet by those she loves and trusts. She's feisty and protective of the house, as well as of the family- if one of them is sick, she will stay by their side  until they feel better.

+ Her favorite legendaries are Articuno and the Alolan guardian deities and her favourite mythical is Diancie

+ Dia is named after the Tweedia flower
+ They live above their shop in Konikoni City, and the twins share a bedroom that looks 'split in half'. Cool shades that give an 'icy' feel alongside the browns and wooden floors. It's also her workspace for making jewelry, so there's a desk with gems and whatnot organized on it. Her bed really just has sheets, but one blanket in case it gets a little too chilly! She's also got grooming supplies for her Pokemon, and some rock candy treats. Fire and Ice / Molten Rock and Crystallized Rock aesthetic.