
3 years, 5 months ago


Gender: Nonbinary
Age: 7 (FRLG/ORAS), 10 (HGSS/BDSP), 13 (BW) 15 (BW2/XY), 17 (SM/USUM) 
Birthday: October 23 (Scorpio)
Hometown: Malie City, Ula'ula, Alola
Trainer Class: Super Nerd

Height: 5'1"
Clothing: Minior and other space themes, darks & brights
Accessories: Minior-themed sparkles in Bantu Knot hairstyle, Solrock and Lunatone-themed earrings
Bag: Moon Balls, Sun Stone, Moon Stone, collection of Comet Shards, Star Pieces and Stardust, fancy pens, notepads, tablet

Favorite Food: Star fruit teriyaki chicken and rice, Minior Bits (konpeito), rainbow chip cupcakes
Favorite Drink: Soda Pop, galaxy lemonade
Flower: Hoku Alola Flower
Likes: Space, the stars and constellations, science, technology, video games, gachapon
Dislikes: Cloudy or stormy nights, closed-minded people, anyone who complains about technology
Hoku is incredibly intelligent, especially in fields that fascinate them- specifically, space. They're rather obsessive over their love of the galaxy, and since they were small, they've been collecting anything to do with space. They've always known what they wanted to be when they grew up, focusing intensely on this hyperfixation and others were curious to why they loved outer space so much. They have such a fascinating way of seeing the world and finds excitement in these passions. Over time, Hoku found out that they are autistic, which may very well be the reason to why space is something they hold so dearly to their chest. 

Sometimes they go off into their own world, as if their head is in the interstellar clouds.

Born in Malie City; a city with an obvious Eastern influence in its design. The architecture is distinctive here.

Despite their surroundings, Hoku's beliefs have been less traditional and more scientific. They grew up family-oriented, very close with their cousins, especially Melochia. However, Hoku was so wrapped up in space, they didn't notice her drifting farther from the rest of the family since a young age.

Often they visit Mount Hokulani; a mountain suitable for observing the stars, and the observatory is their favorite place to observe and study various phenomena in space for fun. It's not long before Hoku works at the Hokulani Observatory for Molayne and alongside Sophocles. They're studying the position of the stars and space, tracking meteor activity to see if they can catch any Pokemon actually coming from space, and is hoping to see Deoxys.


Parents: Although their parents grew up with traditional values, they became more open-minded, and supported their child and their scientific outlook. They may not understand everything but still love and support their child. 

Olivia: She does her best to take part in Hoku's life no matter what. It was through Olivia that Hoku first met Kukui and Burnet because of their love of science and Pokemon. Olivia tries to encourage their hobby and sometimes accompanies them to the mountain peak- she was the first to escort them there when they were little after all. When she visits, she makes sure to go for tea with Hoku in Malie Garden.

Fia DiaThe three of them often have camp outs on Mount Hokulani, so they can watch the Minior together; they've even all  caught some of their own! They often stargaze together, love to have sleepovers (alongside Melochia), and play with the Stufful dolls that Olivia has, as well as their pet Stufful!

All them love to have family game nights together at times, being able to play video games together on their Nintendo Switches despite all being far apart.


Lucinda: It was through their love of technology that the two were able to grow close and get in touch! Hoku was fascinated when Lucinda received her own Rotomdex, and was excited to tell her about the beautiful view from Mt. Hokulani. The two keep in touch online while they journey the regions and sometimes meet up if possible. When it's a clear night, Lucinda will take photos of the stars to send to Hoku.

Laney: They're pretty close, often stargazing whenever they get a chance to be together- along with Lumina of course! Laney often goes to Hoku for advice if she needs some help coping with something, and likewise, Hoku turns to Laney if they're having some trouble expressing something.

LuminaThough they’re into different types of technology,  both found they’ve learned a lot from the other. They also relate to one  another, being nonbinary, and both love to talk about the wonders of  the universe.

Melochia: Coming from the same city, the two often spent their time together despite their differences.  Melochia was happy that Hoku was different too, and wished she could be as unapologetic. Before running away, Melochia left her a note that just said "sorry"- it hits Hoku all at once, all the signs they missed.  Her absence made Hoku realize just how lonely they are. They reconnect just before Team Skull disbands, Hoku reaching out when they found her, and apologizing for missing the signs. Melochia insists that they have no reason to apologize, and is happy to be close with them again.

Kukui & Burnet: With a shared love of science and Pokemon, Hoku likes to pop into either of the married couple's work to hear new discoveries and see what they've been researching.

Molayne & Sophocles: Though maybe not as close as the cousins were to one another, Hoku was close with both, and perhaps could be considered best friends. Whenever Hoku would visit, they would show her everything in the Hokulani Observatory, and they would gaze in awe at the star globe, and to be able to look at space was a dream come true! Not to mention playing games all day with them, even if it interrupted their work- Hoku couldn't wait to start working with them!

Love Interest:

MahinaMatching rings with Star & Comet Shards.


During one of the meteor showers, Hoku had a lucky chance encounter with a shiny Minior after it crashed into the earth and exposed its core. Wanting to save the little Minior, Hoku made sure to put it into a Moon Ball quickly. The two grew attached to one another quickly, and Hoku didn't have the heart to say goodbye. Meteor is Hoku's best friend, not to mention a lucky charm- their trainer swears that they have the best luck in Gachapon when their Minior is by their side. 

Hoku was ecstatic when they were able to receive Solrock in a trade with a trainer from another region. Nova has the ability to read the emotions of others, and always knows how Hoku is feeling. When it gets chilly or they're in colder areas, Nova will rotate its body, and give off an intense heat to warm Hoku back up in an instant!

Hoku was ecstatic when they were able to receive Lunatone in a trade with a trainer from another region. Crescent seems to have a link to the lunar phases, often most active on nights of the full moon. When Hoku clearly needs sleep but tries to fight it Crescent will stare at its trainer, lulling them to sleep.

Hoku spends time with any Pokemon that show up on Mount Hokulani, and has connections with all the Minior, even naming each and every one of them space-themed.

+ They are named after the Hoku Hawaii flower, also known as the Hawaiian Star. They're also named after Mount Hokulani.
+ Their favourite legendaries are Palkia, Cosmog, Cosmoem, Solgaleo and Lunala, their favourite mythical is Deoxys, and they're fascinated with the Ultra Beasts