
4 years, 18 days ago


Nickname: Laney
Gender: Female
Age: 5 (FRLG/ORAS), 8 (HGSS/BDSP), 11 (BW) 13 (BW2/XY), 15 (SM/USUM)
Birthday: June 16 (Gemini)
Hometown: Mauville City, Hoenn
Trainer Class: Twins | Artist

Height: 5'5"
Cutesy-casual, running shoes or flats, bows, "+" signs, ruffles, cozy sweaters, stockings/tights
Accessories: Plusle hair tie
Bag: Poke Balls, gaming handhelds, games, PokéNav Plus

Favorite Food: 
Toasted pb&j, strawberry shortcake, berried treasure angel food cake, Helping Hand Parfait, strawberry ice cream, Plusle Pokéffle
Favorite Drink: Berry Juice, strawberry milkshakes
Flower: Twin Flower
Likes: Video games, arcade games, teamwork, drawing, cartoons, friendly competitions, co-op gameplay, playful banter
Dislikes: Isolation, sore losers, people calling her optimism childish
Laney seems overly happy and cheerful. She is almost always smiling and loves to give others a helping hand so they can also feel the joy that she feels. She has the tendency to be optimistic about many things and gets her hopes up, which can sometimes be a bad thing. Although she tries not to let it, she can often find herself disappointed, but still tries to look for a bright side. She always tries to lighten up the mood.

Just as she's quick to be cheery, Laney can also be quick to cry.  Whether from happiness or feeling overwhelmed, she frequently gets tears in her eyes that she has to rub away with her sleeves. She gets easily overwhelmed and upset but is thankfully equally quick to cheer up shortly after.

There are often "sparks" of inspiration, giving her a lot of ideas, however too many causes her stress and she feels she has to act upon them or else she forgets them and ends up crying out of stress.

She was born in Mauville City; this large city is located in the heart of the Hoenn region, at the crossroads of its nostalgic past and new technology.

On the second floor of Mauville City is a high-class apartment complex known as Mauville Hills, which is where Laney lives with her family- their accessible balcony can be flown or soared from. 


Family: She's got her Dad, her Pops, her older sister and her twin! Despite how intimidating her Pops might look as a Street Thug trainer, he is a big teddy bear. He and her Ranger class Dad love each other very much. Her Pops' Delinquent class best friend is considered family as well.

LucindaThe twins look up to Lucinda a lot; Laney especially is pretty emotional when it comes to her sister- she loves her a lot and tends to wear those emotions on her sleeve. Lucinda also doubled as a mentor to the twins, as she often looked after them and took on the responsibility of caring for them if both parents were busy. 

LuminaHer twin sibling. While they are twins, they're also like magnets. They repel each other, but stick together when they see eye to eye and love each other lots. They're able to spend time together or separate, having their own hobbies, but they also love to collaborate when they can, and the gaming channel makes them both happy. Laney always uses the red joycon while Lumina uses the blue when gaming on their Nintendo Switch.

MelochiaThe twins' cousin from Alola. When Laney realizes what Melochia is going through, she always tries to bring out the positive, and often reaches out to her. No matter the distance, if Laney has any moment, she'll send her cousin some positive quotes, or some cute drawings she did, or even Meowth videos! Melochia appreciates everything, and made a playlist of the videos sent as reminders.

As Melochia noticed how in sync the twins were, especially when they were older, she'd ask them to give her a helping hand even with some simple claps or beats so she could get a rhythm or tempo in mind. Melochia also always tunes in for the twins' streams and she did both their intro and outro music.

All them love to have family game nights together at times, being able to play video games together on their Nintendo Switches despite all being far apart.


BlakeHer best friend. Laney and Blake are pretty much polar opposites of one another, while Laney is very outwardly emotional, Blake tends to be rather stoic.  While they have had the occasional fight due to their differences, especially as they've grown together, they understand one another almost as well as the twins themselves do. Blake is pretty easygoing, and despite not being emotional, they're always there if Laney needs them, happy to just be a silent shoulder to cry on or a soothing pat on the back. Laney is good at bringing Blake out of their shell as well; her being more forthcoming with emotions can sometimes cause Blake's stoicism to slip ever so slightly. Laney takes it as a personal victory whenever Blake expresses themselves due to her in any capacity.

KaedeLumina and Laney see her artwork and decide to commission her to draw a portrait of their older sister. Kaede gets to work on the portrait, and she also makes a postcard with the artwork - adding a cute Alolan Raichu stamp to go with it!

Fia Dia: The twins almost see them like older siblings due to how close they are to Lucinda. The twin bond that Dia and Fia share definitely inspired them to want to be that close and continue to be that close as they got older. Fia and Dia like to dote on Laney and Lumina, gifting them cute Plusle and Minun themed accessories. Whenever Laney and Lumina find something Vulpix themed (Kantonian and Alolan), they buy and send them to Fia and Dia.

HokuThey're pretty close, often stargazing whenever they get a chance to be together- along with Lumina of course! Laney often goes to Hoku for advice if she needs some help coping with something,  and likewise, Hoku turns to Laney if they're having some trouble expressing something.

Love Interest

EmileThey get along pretty early on, and rather quickly- they're both on the sensitive side, and Emile feels a lot of empathy for Laney, knowing what it's like to have people asking why they're so oversensitive. Laney appreciates having someone she can talk about her feelings to, making her feel a little better about being a sensitive person, knowing she's not alone. Whenever the twins have a fight or falling out, Emile will go to Laney's side, knowing Blake will be able to better help Lumina, to cheer her up. Whether or not it's for a pick-me-up, Laney and Emile love to go for ice cream together. With how emotional and open they are with one another, it leads to them falling for each other gradually and at the same time. Laney is aware of his crush on her, and Emile is aware of her crush on him. Sharing looks, holding hands, hugs, sharing a milkshake, a kiss in a soft moment- it all just naturally happened. When they're together, Emile tends to write songs for Laney, which she absolutely loves and adores, starstruck that she would be gifted such beautiful music. They often inspire her, and Laney can be seen listening to Emile's music as she works on art. They love to wear matching outfits, and most dates include milkshakes.


Plusle ♀
Lucinda often helped out with taking care of her little siblings, with both her Plusle and Minun lending a Helping Hand. Plusle grew attached to Laney and the two gained a special bond with one another. Lucinda left her Plusle and Minun behind with Laney and Lumina, knowing they would take care of each other. Plusle and her trainer are literally personal cheerleaders for their loved ones. The two have shared lots of laughs, smiles and tears with each other. Plusle loves to cuddle close when Laney is gaming or working on art.

+ Her favourite legendary is Latias