Jakki Rockatansky



3 years, 9 days ago


Jakki Rockatansky
El Huervo

01 — Profile

Name Jakki Rockatansky
Nickname Jax
Age 19
Gender Male ( he/him/they )
Height 5'4ft/162.56cm
Birthday 05/24/2544
Race Tajaran
Oriet. Bisexual w/ male pref
Occupation NT Medical Department

  • Jakki has gone by Kahtulii'rwa Churqara, Jakki Quinn, and Kiska Kovalyov over their years.

  • Jakki does not mind being called either gender.

  • Jakki does not have a real medical license, only being valid on Nanotrasen's property.

02 — Personality

Jakki is often quiet and observant, keeping a keen eye out for any trouble coming after them or someone they care for. Their time spent aboard the NSS Cyberiad has made him quite paranoid.

They will rarely deny alcohol when offered, the alcoholism more obvious than the fact that their hair is white. They have dealed in quite a bit of escapism, and seem to be proud of it, for one reason or another.

They are quite clingy and protective, their paranoia birthing a fear of abanadonment and loss. They will often go to great lengths just to help their close friends and loved ones.


  • Vodka

  • Exploring

  • Mice (to eat)

  • Romance


  • Being involuntarily wet

  • Antihol

  • Spiders

  • Demons

03 — Background

As a three year old kitten, Jakki (Kahtulii'rwa Churqara at the time) had fled Ahdomai with their parents and their brother. Due to their age, Jakki has no solid memories of what occured in that time, but ultimately the Tajaran was split from their family, ending up in the hands of a Neo-Russian family on Sol in 2548. The family consisted of five humans and a single older Tajaran, who Jakki began to call her grandmother.

Jakki's (now Kiska Kovalyov) new family was kind enough to the cat in their younger years. They had grown up in a scrapyard owned by said new family, giving Jakki plenty of room to explore. As they grew, they were homeschooled, mainly being taught the trade of Robotics, as well as Common, Neo-Russian, and they recieved practice in their native tongue.

Once Jakki hit twelve years of age, they began to work for their family, as well as continuing their schooling. Their main job was to take apart, rebuild, and fix scrap-tier exosuits and IPC/IRCs. Through this, they learned the basics of construction and simple wiring, as well as further knowledge in robotics.

After hitting seventeen years of age, Jakki had an altercation with their family, causing them to temporarily flee, finding a single studio-sized apartment, changing their name to "Jakki Quinn." They took interest in advertisements from Nanotrasen, quickly finding work aboard the NSS Cyberiad. Jakki was given simple jobs, sticking to medical classes that NT had offered while filling in as they finished their schooling.

04 — Trivia

  • Due to being raised in an extremely cold climate, Jakki often wears heavy clothing, and is often uncomfortable without it.

  • Jakki's right arm is cybernetic caused by an uncommon genetic deformity with cloning.

05 — Relationships

Jay Wingler

"I love you to death and back, Milaya! Thank you for everything you've done."