


2 years, 11 months ago


he/him (transmasc) - ~1.5y/16 moons - gay

  • Nightfrost is a purebred cat (oriental longhair) who was born to neglectful parents (Rubix & Evening) and abusive owners - when he was very young, he ran off and wound up getting discovered by a similarly-aged Sparkblossom. Sparkblossom essentially took him home and went “can we keep him?” and the two became inseparable. They know and trust each other in ways they would never know anyone else!
  • When Nightfrost was still an apprentice in BlazeClan, Blizzardstar took an interest in him and his skillset, and thought he would fit much better into the dynamic of FrostClan. Coupled with this and Sparkblossom drifting apart from him during his own apprenticeship, Nightfrost grew bitter towards BlazeClan, his own set of issues and trauma regarding neglect catching up with him, and defected. When he joined FrostClan, he was given his Warrior name and an entirely new prefix as a personal honor from Blizzardstar.
  • He and Sparkblossom are an autism/ADHD power couple.
  • Extremely hard to get along with and cold to almost everyone. Even if he considers you a friend, you’ll be hard-pressed to get him to admit it - he doesn’t like hanging out, talking, teamwork, or anything of the sort. However, he’s very intelligent, especially adept at identifying bugs and plants, and fierce in combat. A lot of this is for his own idea of self-preservation - he’s very distrustful of everyone as a result of his childhood abuse, and has a pretty negativistic view of the world. The only person who can get him to open up is Sparkblossom - he’s the only one Nightfrost trusts enough to let openly care about him without reflexively brushing off. While he often says he doesn’t like kits, he’s very likely to indulge them, and kits adore him, so he couldn’t avoid them if he tried. Incredibly picky eater. 
  • While he dislikes most of his former clanmates from BlazeClan, Mothwool and Flurrysong are exceptions - he thinks they're trustworthy, and more importantly, respectful of his issues and not completely overbearing. Friends with Shimmerstreak of Sparkclan, too - they have a friendship that consists mainly of  making fun of each other, but that's still a form of friendship.

design notes: tall, lanky, very thin! entirely black with black nose + paw pads