


2 years, 11 months ago


she/her - ~2y/24 moons - lesbian

  • Carefree, playful, and very difficult to ask to take anything seriously. Horrible influence on Lightstar, who already tends to be all of these things, but needs to be responsible as a leader. She’s very childish, and can be selfish and standoffish as a result. Despite this, she seems to always think she’s being helpful, even when she very much isn’t.
  •  Very extroverted and friendly, and while her energy may be overbearing, she brightens up the room a lot! Very cheerful and sunny.
  • The interesting thing about Rainstream is nobody really knows where she came from - herself included! She has no memory of her past, her family, or anything - Shadowbreeze found her while out and about, once, and she essentially followed him home. 
  • Extremely attached to Lightstar and Shadowbreeze in an almost-parental sense, despite not being much younger than either of them. Very close with Sweetleaf! They might be an item.
design notes: she's a turkish angora! her left eye is green & her right eye is blue.