


2 years, 11 months ago


he/they (transmasc) - ~3y/36 moons - bi?

  • Was very young when he became leader, due to the untimely death of Palestar and the defection of his first deputy, his adoptive son, Flowerfall. He fell naturally into his role as leader of this small clan, though, and they’ve been doing as well as they ever have - sometimes, though, he comes off as more of a friend than a leader.
  • His Warrior name was Lightwish.
  • Optimistic, though kind of airheaded at times - carefree would be an incredibly good word to describe Lightstar. He gets along with Mothwool, who he shares many traits with, such as being trusting to the point of naivete. He has an energy that seems to calm people down. On the flip side, he can have a playful/scheming - but never malevolent - side to him. He means no ill intent, but he is happy to goof off and play practical jokes.
  • Crimsonstar is very distrustful of him and thinks there’s ill intent behind his calmness, or perhaps that it’s a facade - this is legitimately untrue, but it’s rare that anyone can change Crimsonstar’s mind once it has been made up.
  • The only way to legitimately upset him is to make it clear you’re doing something to take advantage of or negatively influence others.
  • Partner of Shadowbreeze, his deputy, who often has to play the straight man to their goofier antics. Though he may often seem fed up with them, the two care deeply about one another and are rarely seen apart. Ambiguous family figure to Rainstream, who often enables him in goofing off.
design notes: pretty short in stature, sleek fur that is entirely white