


2 years, 11 months ago


he/him (transmasc) - ~3y/36 moons - gay

  • Adoptive son of Palestar, the deceased leader of MirageClan, and adoptive brother of Flowerfall, who defected to SparkClan. He deeply respects Palestar, and to a degree, resents Flowerfall for defecting so soon before Palestar died. When they meet, there’s sure to be something between a verbal spat and an all-out fight. 
  • Softspoken, determined, and straight-laced, a very gentlemanly kind of cat. He’s a very altruistic type who is prone to being gullible when feelings are involved. Firmly believes that people are the sum of their actions, not their words, one of many teachings he learned from Palestar and took to heart. Very stubborn about allowing other people to care for him, too.
  • He is often the voice of reason and reality to his partner, Lightstar, and he is also his deputy - he is the source of much structure within MirageClan, as he is a lot less carefree. Regardless of the occasional stress Lightstar causes him, he cares for him greatly, and the two are rarely seen apart - when he’s in a really good mood, Shadowbreeze may even join in on his antics, but he won’t let anyone else see it. Often scolds Rainstream for enabling Lightstar, but sees her as a sort of daughter figure.
  • Blizzardstar thinks he is interesting and has a very useful skillset, and once upon a time, asked if he would consider joining BlizzardClan. Of course, out of respect for his late father, Shadowbreeze rejected, and he has had a much harsher opinion of Blizzardstar since.
design notes: medium-sized and medium-haired! has another white patch on his stomach