


3 years, 1 day ago


Name: Shivermist

Gender: tom (ftm)

Sexuality: bi

Look: a short and round tom with long gray calico fur. Then a blind eye and a blue eye with a scar under the left one

Rank: medicine cat

Personality: Shivermist is a caring cat with pushy demeanor that get him in trouble. Sticking to the "if you want something done right, do it yourself." Moto

History: Shivermist grew up in the clans knowing exactly what he wanted to do in life, help cats.

So it was a no-brainer to become a medicine cat. He excelled in roll and had a helpful handful of empathy. But this got him in trouble.

He cared about cats and their relationship. His mentor would scold him for not fully aligning himself with the warrior and medicine cat code, sacrificing his own desires and needs for everyone else without a second thought. 

So when he finally settled down his mentor decided he was ready to earn his name. To his horror, he watched as Shivermist spoke against the code after receiving his name, "ruining" the half-moon ceremony. So they all returned home, Shivermist and his mentor arguing the whole way home and in camp.

The leader demanded to banish Shivermist despite how old their old medicine cat was, not that his mentor minded entirely.

So Shivermist left before dawn, not saying goodbye to anyone.

Because of his lack of hunting skills, his mentor refused to teach, and Shivermist had no choice but to become a kittypet. This would be where he would meet Dawnleaf and Featherfire, both banished for not following the code for one reason or another.

The three agreed the clans were wrong and wanted to create a safe haven for cats like them. So they made their own clan. Electing Dawnleaf as their leader.

Shivermist and Dawnleaf snuck to the moonpool one night. Allowing her to speak to StarClan and receive her nine lives and name.

Shivermist would continue to sneak to the Moonpool to meet with his ancestors. And for his dedication, they gifted his new home their own Moonpool for their safety after Shivermist was nearly caught by one of the other clan cats.

But their new Moonpool was different. It would allow for cats to transition to their true self with constant visits, even quicker with a cat with the opposite genitals that also wanted to transition. 

Now this made Shivermist ecstatic knowing they could live authenticity, but also allow him to understand what any new clan mates might be going through when they go into the process.