


2 years, 10 months ago


Name: Spenser

Gender: Demi-male (He/They/It/Soul)

Sexuality: Asexual Greyromantic (MLM/MLNB? 🤔)

Age: Young Adult

Species: Zorua

Type: Dark/Ghost

Nature: Bashful

Rank: Bronze


-Peaceful: Mostly peaceful, he will not attack or be hostile unless you are. Will literally let, let's say a Galactic Grunt, approach him, without reacting in any way, waiting to know their intentions. Kinda like an NPC if that can help-
-Fatherly: Not kid wise, like, generally, with everyone. He doesn't mind others using him as a shield, or a hiding spot, or a cuddle buddy, or even as a vent/rant buddy. He's just there if ya want ya know? Even if he doesn't know you. Now if you try to obviously become friends with him.. He might flee-
-Resourceful/ingenious/clever: Always has whatever you could need. Even if he doesn't, he's quite the clever one, and will craft you something instead! Where does he keep his stuff? Nobody knows. Legends says they keep it under their cape..

-Impassible: Hard to make them react, as well as showing little to no emotions. Though they do react or have emotions, they just often prefers to hide it by turning their head or by hiding under their scarf/cape. He's also easily flustered too, he won't tell anyone that though.
-Hoarder/Covetous/Collector: Quite the collector himself, he adores collecting rare, strange and mysterious stuff. Not that it is a bad thing, since, most of the time the things comes in useful. But, he also often eye other people's belongings.. And wait- Where's my text??

-Reserved: He a shy boi, often too shy to answer greetings, he prefers to skedaddle away instead of making friends. Will probably answer you though if you offer him something or a trade.
-Loner: Often seen by himself, he seems to enjoy his alone time, could be compared to "that one guy we forgot existed but oh hey since when is he in the corner of the room right now".

-Probably doesn't use contractions much.
-Magically makes stuff appears from under their cape. Aka, they/you need something, they reach under and taDA 🎉
-Likes to fish!
-Its eyes glow in the dark just like a Hisuian Zorua!!
-One of their parents was a H!Zorua, they didn't end up being a fusion, but they do have the DNA in them, making them also Ghost and learn H!Zorua moves. Their eyes glow gold in the dark like H!Zorua, and they could even evolve into a H!Zoroark, if that were to happen.
-Oh also, has one of the same Zorua parents as Romeo, cuz I like relating my characters aND NOBODY CAN STOP ME (btw, they have several other siblings in the wild, mainly because of Team Galactic, they have at least one other known)
-Spenser cuz diSPENSER hA, also kind of reference to Pokémon rangers? Like, it was unintentional, but it made me think of em, also lol Specter go brr
-Prolly has a Pokéball collection, and also prolly tried using some before- Did it work? IMG_1452.jpg

Spenser was born in a lab, several years ago, a team Galactic's lab to be more precise. He was a failed experiment of making a pure Hisuian Zorua breed (which was unbelievably rare) or a half Hisuian half Zorua fusion. Obviously, this experiment failed, and the little Zorua was born with mutations, and mostly without being a Hisuian Zorua at all despite gaining their Ghost-type as well as moves and a few of their features. Team Galactic, not even bothering to even take care or experiment on him, threw him out in the wild, just like many other unfortunates. Disoriented, he ended up joining a small group of Team Galactic's defects to survive, living most of his years with them. That is until their little home was found by some of the lab's grunts, and like the single brain celled they were, they decided to attack or catch most of them, making the few survivors scatter around in the region. Spenser was one of them, being only a youngling by then, he wandered the world by himself, searching for his lost companions. But he never found them, what he did find though, was a love for collecting things, everything, slowly becoming more and more antisocial and silent as his addiction grew. He needed to be stealthy, fast, quiet, like a simple shadow, but mostly, a good thief. Because any respectable collector steals, right? 
One day, he met a very chatty Pokémon in the woods. This Pokémon did not want to leave him alone, not that he disliked it, deep down he was quite lonely, so he enjoyed the company. Eventually though, the Pokémon, distracted, bumped into him and made a few items fall from under his cape. Impressed, the other mon asked them if they were a travelling merchant.
Confused, he had asked what it was, and the other told him it was someone who travelled the world, exchanging items for other items, or money. Intrigued, he said no, but that it sounded interesting. The other mon then jolted up as if they realized something, and asked them if they were a thief part of a certain "Rocket Hideout". Puzzled, he yet again said no, wondering what it was. The other mon, explained to him that it was simply a bunch of mean thieves, who stole money and things from others, also sabotaging other teams as well as humans. Intrigued, Spenser made a mental note to make sure to visit that place one day, maybe even search for it now.
Despite barely answering to their constant chatting, the other mon didn't seem to mind it. But Spenser couldn't help but feel bad, he felt like he was bad company to them. So when they fell asleep, he swiflty got away and escaped, not without leaving a small item besides them, their heart shattered. It had been a long time since someone had interacted with them.. And so he left, after a while, he decided that his new goal was to find that mysterious group of thieves, and along the way, proclaim to be a travelling merchant so he could interact with the few that wanted.
Its took a long time before he found his way into Sinnoh, the world was big, and he actually didn't know where they were to behin with. When he reached a forest, he was filled with nostalgia, this place reminded him of that other Pokémon, but by then, he had gone over it. He heard footsteps, from more than one Pokémon at least, intrigued, he followed the sound to a small group of strange Pokémon. Fusions, and a lot were wearing some strange atire with bright red "R" on them. Could it be? He sneakily followed them to their base where he was met by many smells if different Pokémon, and items, loads of them, like stash or a dragons lair.. With the corner of his eyes, he spotted a small red shine from the branch if one tree, a Pokémon, and a strange one at that. He had noticed him, being weary of being noticed, he quickly moved away, before disappearing in the shadows, like a simple ghost. All he saw before leaving, was the strange glowing mon look down at where he was, confused but also seemingly surprised at something, what that was Spenser didn't know.
What he did know though, was that he would come back.

Ability: Illusion

Move Set: 
-Knock off
-Shadow Sneak
-Foul Play/Thief/Payback/Protect/Fling

Equipment: Purple/Magenta cape/scarf (can be drawn as either :3)

Relationships: Wip