


2 years, 6 months ago



Name: Achwho (Ah-ch-who (or be like me and sometimes pronounce it like "Aw-choo", "Aw-chu" or "Aw-ch-who" wheeze)

Gender: Male (He/They)

Sexuality: Too young! (Omniromantic (Omnisexual Asexual) when growing up!)

Age: Kid 

Species: Cubchoo/Ditto

Type: Psychic

Nature: Naive

Rank: Bronze

Personality (Will change as he grows up!!):
-Jolly: He likes to make others laugh and smile! His cheerfulness often puts a smile on other recruits' faces!
-Social: Likes to interact with everyone. Even wild Pokémon, or even the General himself..? He somehow doesn't seem intimidated by the Diamonds.. Well, he's still a kid after all!
-Sweet: Adorable, likes everything and everyone, and he will give all of them hugs! He also likes to cuddle, mostly because he craves affection and warmth.

-Curious: Very curious, likes to explore and investigate new things! Though that sometimes puts him in trouble, especially with wild Pokémon or even fire.. Achwho, it's not because it's warm and pretty that you should hug and lay on it..
-Oblivious: Oblivious to what's happening around him. He still doesn't get what's happening most of the time, but he still goes with it.
-Energetic: Has tons of energy! He runs (or more like levitate) and plays around the Hideout all the time! He especially likes to surprise (startle) others he knows, just to see them!

-Needy: Since they're still a baby/young kid, they can't take care of themselves, at least not very well.. Therefore, they almost constantly require someone around to help them.
-Naive: Naive, he will believe almost everything he's being told. You could tell him that Rattata is a god and he'd believe it.
-Crybaby: He still doesn't understand much of what's around him, understandably! He often hurts himself or gets told things that make him sad or angry, and that makes him cry, and sneeze, a lot.

-They're often mistaken for a Mew by other organizations like Team Galactic and such- And they just catch them and go- 👁️👄👁️ bruh
-Always cold, shivers most of the time and often sneezes. He seeks warmth too, from blankets and such, even from other Pokémon... Without asking-
-Prefers to cuddle Fire or bigger and fluffier Pokémon since he thinks they're more comfortable and warm.
-They have the move "Blizzard" from their Beartic genetics, yet doesn't fully know how to use it yet. Therefore, it often accidentally uses the move, which he is not immune to since he isn't an Ice type, making a huge mess around and knocking himself out cold, literally.
-When he sneezes, he sometimes teleports with a psychic cloud around him. (You can hear a faint "Choo" off in the distance)
-He still tries to catch his tail.
-His name is actually "Who" because when strangers see him, they often wonder who or what he is (he thinks that it must mean it's his name), but since he cannot seem to pronounce it without sneezing, everyone calls him "Achwho".
-Maybe has a slight (identity crisis?), because he kind of wonders what he is ("Am I a Mew?"). But he's not too affected by it, it'll pass as he grows~
-Fun fact, they used the leftover Romeos DNA, but it didn't work (complicated but kind of explained in Romeo's app), so no, they're not related as far as I'm concerned.

-Credits to Q for helping with the bio 💖✨: "Maybe they're a failed Mew experiment in an attempt to make a ‘mon that can transform into all ‘mons. But the Cubchoo genes applied to the experiment wind up being dominant and they turn out to become a psychic Cubchoo instead"

Bio: Achwho was created by Team Galactic who tried to make a "homemade" Mew. They used some leftover DNA from a Mew who sadly passed away for some unknown reason after a certain Pokémon caused mayhem to escape, and by using a mixture of multiple Pokémons genetic. Unfortunately for them, the Mews DNA didn't seem to do anything, and one of the Pokémon DNA of the mix (Beartic) wound up dominant, creating a Psychic Cubchoo instead. Team Galactic, finding no use for the baby Psychic Cubchoo, especially after finding out it was just a Ditto in Cubchoos clothing, decided that they had no use for them, and threw them out. Besides, it looked constantly sick, and they didn't want to risk the chance of having a sickness spreading around to the other experiments. They had a random grunt bring them to "the farthest place possible, where they couldn't find their way back", which ended up being Eterna Forest. The Cubchoo, waking up to being in a completely unknown place, in the middle of the night, freezing (more than usual), started crying out for help, fruitlessly. After a while, all they had the strength to do was sneeze uncontrollably. The poor Cubchoo, in a sneezing fit, kept teleporting after each sneeze, completely at random. They somehow ended up inside the Hideout, teleporting around the place, sneezing as if it was the sickest little being ever (which he wasn't). The recruits, surprised and startled, decided to try to catch that poor baby before it got hurt. Achwho watched as he saw some random recruits, like that one looking like a long flying noodle or that Eevee looking bat, trying to catch him as if it was a game. There was also this ghost-looking Eeveelution that was levitating around, trying to catch them. Then, for some unknown reason, a Blizzard kicked up, not an actual one, the move Blizzard.. From the little cub! The Cubchoo, seemingly surprised themselves, got stuck into their own Blizzard, got Frozen status and then slammed into a wall, knocked out cold, literally.
After the general confusion and chaos (some recruits thought they were under attack) ended, the other mons, who didn't have a chance to see the little one from up close, noticed it was only a baby. It didn't take long for the Hideout to decide that they would keep the baby Cubchoo and take care of them. And so, Achwho joined the Hideout, without really knowing what happened that day-

Ability: Rattled

Move Set: 

Equipment: Starter Pack

Relationships: Wip