Romeo (Sinnamon Roll)



2 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info

Fusion Chamber:

400 RC

Mythical Pass:

1000 RC

Total cost of RC to enter:

1400 RC




1400 RC



Fallen Kingdom

01 — Profile

Name Romeo
Nicknames Blaze
Age ???
Gender Trans Male ( He/They )
Height 2ft
Birthdate December 25th
Species Porygon/Zorua/Mew
Orientation Demiromantic Gay Asexual
Occupation Being an asshole

Status Forever Homed
Designer TheIdioticRedHead on DA
Worth NFS

  • Has the ability to go from cube to non-cubic/pixelized to regular form.

  • His glow-in-the-dark markings glow more or less depending on his emotions, just like his eyes.

  • He seems to move his legs like a Porygon sometimes.

  • His eyes acts like little screens. For example, when he sees Slate, they glow and go heart shaped.

  • Glitches sometimes.

  • His "hair" is actually his mane!

  • Sometimes wears the Pokémon item "Black Glasses"
02 — Personality

Clever: Very clever, oh so, so very clever. He knows everything that's happening to who he wants and knows the world and history, nothing really surprises him anymore. If he finds someone who gives him a real challenge in battle, not really strength-wise, more on the stubbornness, talent and smart side, now that would make him impressed. That person, he would want to become his sidekick. Though he will forever remain unbeatable, he always finds a way, when you think/he says he's down, he's not, he's tricking you for fun. That's his perk, he's not "strong" properly talking, he's clever.
Loyal: While he may seem heartless, deep down, he just wants his friends to stay together, and not leave him. He'll never abandon or betray a friend, despite his so-called "challenges" and his more than questionable view of the world. He will, always, be there, he will, always, try to reconcile his friends, he will, always, always, do his best for them.
Sweetheart: As said above, he may seem heartless, but he is very sweet and caring to those he is close to. And, yes, he will snuggle with them and give lots of gifts and attention, most likely all of his attention.

Protective: Is very protective of his friends (and bro), even if he won't admit it. He will fight without a second thought if he needs to, even if someone were to only ever so slightly bump into them by accident.
Childish: Playful, he likes to taunt his friends or attackers, even when he's getting attacked. He also thinks that he can make friends by tricking other people.
Charming: He doesn't really know/realize it, but he's extremely charming, handsome, suave, and attractive to others, even the way he acts, talks, his voice and accent. But he's also Ace, oblivious and gay, despite him seemingly using this to his advantage. Sorry ladies and gents, you won't get him as easily as he got you 😔✊

Erratic: You never know what he's planning to do next. He's wildly unpredictable and petty, he can be happy and kind one minute and angry and shouting the next.
Capricious: He's impulsive and unpredictable, he could be doing something, and the next second his plans change completely, unexpectedly, without any logical reasons for anyone else but him.
Unstable: His mood and behaviour can change in a snap of a finger. He's hard to be around sometimes, especially mentally. If you plan on doing something with him, always be prepared to change course in the eventuality of him changing his plans and reprimand anyone who even dares contradict him.


  • Slate and Ender

  • Violence

  • Loyalty

  • Cookie (Both meaning..)

  • Being/Feeling weak

  • Old memories

  • Water

  • People leaving him/Being lonely
03 — Background


Romeo was born in another world with an Arceus, a Dialga, a Palkia, a Giratina and another Mew who was Shiny. He helped create a world, but after some unfortunate events, a betrayal and a murder, he was banished to another world with limited powers and his personality suppressed. Millenniums later, he was caught after his prank against Team Galactic went wrong and his DNA was taken to hatch an egg. Upon the egg hatching, the curse was removed and he switched bodies, leading to the possible death of his old body, and his personality to come clashing back on him. After his escape, he remembered as a Mew seeing Ender being born, and realized that his new self was now his brother. He went on a quest to find him, leading him to the Hideout.


Wip of fake lore cuz I lost it lol Have the real lore instead in the meantime: New lore unlocked: Part of the reason for Romeo's trial In short, it wasn't a fight between Romeo and Shiny that caused Shiny's death, but a fight between Rose and Romeo. While trying to stop them, they got hit by both Rose and Romeo's attack at the same time, making him bleed to a long and painful death. Romeo, of course, horrified (his friends are the most important things in the world for him), took all the blame Rose, terrified of what Arceus could do to them, went with it and blamed Romeo. Of course, Arceus already knew all of this, seeing them argue in front of him made him mad (obviously, they were like his kids). The reason why we can see Romeo defending himself at the end of the trial was because Rose backstabbed him, being mean to him so Arceus would accuse him instead. Romeo noticed that, and outraged, tried to defend himself. Arceus decided to punish Romeo, but also Rose. He knew that being alone with the responsibilities for Rose would be an equally horrible punishment as Romeo. I'm planning on making it so in the future, Rose attempts to contact Romeo, because Shiny wasn't dead (obviously, they're immortal lol), Arceus only kept him somewhere, asleep, while the others were punished, without telling them. They'd want for him to come back, but for some obvious reasons, he would stay.

Present (?)

Maecenas at felis non justo egestas convallis. Fusce ornare lacus convallis ex laoreet, nec varius libero laoreet. Donec eget mauris ac justo accumsan fermentum. Vestibulum fermentum interdum libero id tempus. Donec auctor ipsum sed lacus blandit ornare.

Nulla non lorem eget massa suscipit consequat. In aliquet augue fermentum facilisis convallis.

04 — Trivia

  • Likes to put people through "challenges" to see if they are worthy of being his friends (i.e.: Testing their loyalty in missions, random strength test with "puppets" (controlled statues or even Pokémon for example), or even seeing on which side their friends would be in in an argument against him). He dislikes when people don't share his point of view. While if someone happens to be unworthy for them, but shares their view, they're likely to befriend them and teach them their ways.

  • Can share his powers, read minds, and communicate telepathically through objects (if wearing). Has the powers of Mew, and somehow, more..? They can levitate, go invisible, teleport, transform, make clones of themselves, summon things, beings even (but it is limited to people who wears said objects above or know), and much more.

  • Likes to have a sidekick who he sees as an equal, shares the same views and opinions, and does/shares everything with. Calling them their "true friend", though he hasn't found one yet- (Though they do wish for Slate to be his sidekick, though he hasn’t asked yet somehow..)

  • Has respect/hatred towards Arceus. He also has difficulties trusting Mews and is neutral towards Dialga and Palkia, but he seems to respect Giratina.

  • Somehow has an electronic-ish British sounding voice and smells like a mix of hell, distortion world, space and cookies at the same time.

  • Uses dear/my dear, darling, hun, honey or love as casual nicknames. He will mainly use cookie, but also mi amor/my love or prince/princess for closer friends/lovers, when teasing, worried, or when flustered.

  • Still rather oblivious to mortal things, like love for example. He does not know what it feels like, but knows the word. (For example, Ender can’t talk, but knows what it is, even though he doesn’t exactly know how). Though he CAN feel them, it'll just take him a while to understand what it is. He is aware he does have a kind of love for family and friends though, in some way. If he were to fall in love, he would fall, and fall hard (Hopeless romantic), and be warned, it's gonna be a slow burn due to him being Demi (and other reasons). It'll be interesting for Romeo to find another Demi/Ace person (Slate) He doesn't even know he's flirting, he doesn't know what it means, he just knows that it seems to work most of the time so it's a reflex for him- So seeing someone as uninterested and unaffected by it than him- Idk, interesting..

  • Has flashbacks, hallucinations, panic attacks, meltdowns, nightmares, moodswings, as well as snapping and getting worked up often, and much, much more...
05 — Relationships

 ("Future") Boyfriend 

Present: Has a huge squish crush on him, but isn't really aware of it... He had never experienced this before him, and so this is all new. Deep down, he secretely wishes for him to be his sidekick. For now, he's just slowly dying inside at how weak he is at him.

Future: Huge crush -> Madly in love. Slate is Romeo's precious, if someone even lays one finger on him, be prepared to see half of the Hideout blow up. He falls back in love with Slate every time he sees him, and if he were to smile at him, he would probably go heart.exe has stopped working, same for flirting.

 Half Brother 

“Oh, brother! How I’ve missed you- I shall never let anyone lay a single finger on him! He can’t seem to be able to talk either, such a pity, poor little one seems so sad about it.. Don’t worry brother, I’ll be your friend. I’ll play Minecraft with you


Name Romeo
Age ???
Gender Trans Male (He/They)
Orientation Demiromantic Gay Asexual
Species Porygon/Zorua/Mew

Owner Gwy
Obtained Custom
Value NFS
Status Forever Homed










Clever: Very clever, oh so, so very clever. He knows everything that's happening to who he wants and knows the world and history, nothing really surprises him anymore. If he finds someone who gives him a real challenge in battle, not really strength-wise, more on the stubbornness, talent and smart side, now that would make him impressed. That person, he would want to become his sidekick. Though he will forever remain unbeatable, he always finds a way, when you think/he says he's down, he's not, he's tricking you for fun. That's his perk, he's not "strong" properly talking, he's clever.
Loyal: While he may seem heartless, deep down, he just wants his friends to stay together, and not leave him. He'll never abandon or betray a friend, despite his so-called "challenges" and his more than questionable view of the world. He will, always, be there, he will, always, try to reconcile his friends, he will, always, always, do his best for them.
Sweetheart: As said above, he may seem heartless, but he is very sweet and caring to those he is close to. And, yes, he will snuggle with them and give lots of gifts and attention, most likely all of his attention.

Protective: Is very protective of his friends (and bro), even if he won't admit it. He will fight without a second thought if he needs to, even if someone were to only ever so slightly bump into them by accident.
Childish: Playful, he likes to taunt his friends or attackers, even when he's getting attacked. He also thinks that he can make friends by tricking other people.
Charming: He doesn't really know/realize it, but he's extremely charming, handsome, suave, and attractive to others, even the way he acts, talks, his voice and accent. But he's also Ace, oblivious and gay, despite him seemingly using this to his advantage. Sorry ladies and gents, you won't get him as easily as he got you 😔✊

Erratic: You never know what he's planning to do next. He's wildly unpredictable and petty, he can be happy and kind one minute and angry and shouting the next.
Capricious: He's impulsive and unpredictable, he could be doing something, and the next second his plans change completely, unexpectedly, without any logical reasons for anyone else but him.
Unstable: His mood and behaviour can change in a snap of a finger. He's hard to be around sometimes, especially mentally. If you plan on doing something with him, always be prepared to change course in the eventuality of him changing his plans and reprimand anyone who even dares contradict him.

I'm too scared to break the code to remove this lol.


Romeo was born in another world with an Arceus, a Dialga, a Palkia, a Giratina and another Mew who was Shiny. He helped create a world, but after some unfortunate events, a betrayal and a murder, he was banished to another world with limited powers and his personality suppressed. Millenniums later, he was caught after his prank against Team Galactic went wrong and his DNA was taken to hatch an egg. Upon the egg hatching, the curse was removed and he switched bodies, leading to the possible death of his old body, and his personality to come clashing back on him. After his escape, he remembered as a Mew seeing Ender being born, and realized that his new self was now his brother. He went on a quest to find him, leading him to the Hideout.

Too scared to break the code to remove this lol

The past

Wip of fake lore cuz I lost it lol Have the real lore instead in the meantime: New lore unlocked: Part of the reason for Romeo's trial In short, it wasn't a fight between Romeo and Shiny that caused Shiny's death, but a fight between Rose and Romeo. While trying to stop them, they got hit by both Rose and Romeo's attack at the same time, making him bleed to a long and painful death. Romeo, of course, horrified (his friends are the most important things in the world for him), took all the blame Rose, terrified of what Arceus could do to them, went with it and blamed Romeo. Of course, Arceus already knew all of this, seeing them argue in front of him made him mad (obviously, they were like his kids). The reason why we can see Romeo defending himself at the end of the trial was because Rose backstabbed him, being mean to him so Arceus would accuse him instead. Romeo noticed that, and outraged, tried to defend himself. Arceus decided to punish Romeo, but also Rose. He knew that being alone with the responsibilities for Rose would be an equally horrible punishment as Romeo. I'm planning on making it so in the future, Rose attempts to contact Romeo, because Shiny wasn't dead (obviously, they're immortal lol), Arceus only kept him somewhere, asleep, while the others were punished, without telling them. They'd want for him to come back, but for some obvious reasons, he would stay.

Still too scared to remove the code lol


Height 2ft
Build Digitigrade/Feral
Main fur colour Dark grey
Glow colour Red
Mane style Shoulder/Collar lenght with a goatee
Eye colour Red and yellow
Demeanour Unnerving/Ominous/Menacing
Reference Reference
Design notes
  • Has the ability to go from cube to non-cubic/pixelized to regular form.
  • His glow-in-the-dark markings glow more or less depending on his emotions, just like his eyes
  • His eyes acts like little screens. For example, when he sees Slate, they glow and go heart shaped.
  • Sometimes wears the Pokémon item "Black Glasses"
  • Glitches sometimes.
  • His "hair" is actually his mane!
  • He seems to move his legs like a Porygon sometimes.

  • Likes to put people through "challenges" to see if they are worthy of being his friends (i.e.: Testing their loyalty in missions, random strength test with "puppets" (controlled statues or even Pokémon for example), or even seeing on which side their friends would be in in an argument against him). He dislikes when people don't share his point of view. While if someone happens to be unworthy for them, but shares their view, they're likely to befriend them and teach them their ways.
  • Can share his powers, read minds, and communicate telepathically through objects (if wearing). Has the powers of Mew, and somehow, more..? They can levitate, go invisible, teleport, transform, make clones of themselves, summon things, beings even (but it is limited to people who wears said objects above or know), and much more.
  • Likes to have a sidekick who he sees as an equal, shares the same views and opinions, and does/shares everything with. Calling them their "true friend", though he hasn't found one yet- (Though they do wish for Slate to be his sidekick, though he hasn’t asked yet somehow..)
  • Has respect/hatred towards Arceus. He also has difficulties trusting Mews and is neutral towards Dialga and Palkia, but he seems to respect Giratina.
  • Somehow has an electronic-ish British sounding voice and smells like a mix of hell, distortion world, space and cookies at the same time.
  • Uses dear/my dear, darling, hun, honey or love as casual nicknames. He will mainly use cookie, but also mi amor/my love or prince/princess for closer friends/lovers, when teasing, worried, or when flustered.
  • Still rather oblivious to mortal things, like love for example. He does not know what it feels like, but knows the word. (For example, Ender can’t talk, but knows what it is, even though he doesn’t exactly know how). Though he CAN feel them, it'll just take him a while to understand what it is. He is aware he does have a kind of love for family and friends though, in some way. If he were to fall in love, he would fall, and fall hard (Hopeless romantic), and be warned, it's gonna be a slow burn due to him being Demi (and other reasons). It'll be interesting for Romeo to find another Demi/Ace person (Slate) He doesn't even know he's flirting, he doesn't know what it means, he just knows that it seems to work most of the time so it's a reflex for him- So seeing someone as uninterested and unaffected by it than him- Idk, interesting..
  • Has flashbacks, hallucinations, panic attacks, meltdowns, nightmares, moodswings, as well as snapping and getting worked up often, and much, much more...
Likes and dislikes

Slate and Ender



Cookie (Both meaning-)

Friends and "family"

Being/Feeling weak

Old memories


People leaving him/Being lonely

When people cheat

("Future") Boyfriend |

Present: Has a huge squish crush on him, but isn't really aware of it... He had never experienced this before him, and so this is all new. Deep down, he secretely wishes for him to be his sidekick. For now, he's just slowly dying inside at how weak he is at him.

Future: Huge crush -> Madly in love. Slate is Romeo's precious, if someone even lays one finger on him, be prepared to see half of the Hideout blow up. He falls back in love with Slate every time he sees him, and if he were to smile at him, he would probably go heart.exe has stopped working, same for flirting.


Half Brother |

“Oh, brother! How I’ve missed you- I shall never let anyone lay a single finger on him! He can’t seem to be able to talk either, such a pity, poor little one seems so sad about it.. Don’t worry brother, I’ll be your friend. I’ll play Minecraft with you


Name of the character
[relationship] |

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse eros ante, suscipit non finibus sit amet, ullamcorper non tellus. Donec et risus tempor, ultricies dui at, scelerisque metus. Fusce semper aliquet varius. Donec ornare porttitor hendrerit. Morbi nec nunc vitae elit malesuada laoreet. Curabitur erat lectus, pellentesque in gravida at, dapibus nec ligula. Sed ac metus interdum, viverra massa sit amet, volutpat lorem. Cras eget magna ac libero vestibulum tristique eget vel tortor. Aliquam enim libero, volutpat eget egestas sit amet, ornare sit amet nisl. Suspendisse dui purus, fringilla eget feugiat non, mollis quis magna. Nunc a velit neque. In vel ornare lectus, at aliquet nunc. Curabitur rhoncus erat in sodales porta.

Donec vulputate lectus quis tellus maximus porta. Sed laoreet luctus blandit. Integer elementum ut neque non vulputate. Nullam rhoncus nisl sed eros suscipit aliquam. Nullam nisl felis, hendrerit non cursus non, sagittis id nulla. Etiam sed placerat tellus. Morbi pulvinar non metus vitae euismod. Quisque luctus maximus metus sed fermentum. Phasellus pellentesque augue enim. Nulla ac nunc sed justo fringilla ornare. Ut nec tincidunt sem, sit amet fringilla eros. Quisque eu venenatis ligula. Nulla et dictum purus. Maecenas in lobortis est.

Oh, oh, Slate, you're a smart cookie aren't you?



"Oh, oh, [name], you're a smart cookie aren't you?"

Name: Romeo

Gender: Trans Male (Non-Binary (Unknown) to Male) He/They

Sexuality: Demihomoromantic (Demiromantic Gay Asexual)

Age: Young adult

Species: Porygon/Zorua/Mew

Type: Dark/Psychic

Nature: Impish

Rank: Silver

-Clever: Very clever, oh so, so very clever. He knows everything that's happening to who he wants and knows the world and history, nothing really surprises him anymore. If he finds someone who gives him a real challenge in battle, not really strength-wise, more on the stubbornness, talent and smart side, now that would make him impressed. That person, he would want to become his sidekick (more in "Notes"). Though he will forever remain unbeatable, he always finds a way, when you think/he says he's down, he's not, he's tricking you for fun. That's his perk, he's not "strong" properly talking, he's clever.
-Loyal: While he may seem heartless, deep down, he just wants his friends to stay together, and not leave him. He'll never abandon or betray a friend, despite his so-called "challenges" and his more than questionable view of the world. He will, always, be there, he will, always, try to reconcile his friends, he will, always, always, do his best for them.
-Sweetheart: As said above, he may seem heartless, but he is very sweet and caring to those he is close to. And, yes, he will snuggle with them and give lots of gifts and attention, most likely all of his attention.

-Protective: Is very protective of his friends (and bro), even if he won't admit it. He will fight without a second thought if he needs to, even if someone were to only ever so slightly bump into them by accident.
-Childish: He likes to taunt his friends or attackers, even when he's getting attacked. He also thinks that he can make friends by tricking other people.
-Charming: He doesn't really know/realize it, but he's extremely charming, handsome, suave, and attractive to others, even the way he acts, talks, his voice and accent. But he's also Ace, oblivious and gay, despite him seemingly using this to his advantage. Sorry ladies and gents, you won't get him as easily as he got you 😔✊

-Erratic: You never know what he's planning to do next. He's wildly unpredictable and petty, he can be happy and kind one minute and angry and shouting the next.
-Capricious: He's impulsive and unpredictable, he could be doing something, and the next second his plans change completely, unexpectedly, without any logical reasons for anyone else but him.
-Unstable: His mood and behaviour can change in a snap of a finger. He's hard to be around sometimes, especially mentally. If you plan on doing something with him, always be prepared to change course in the eventuality of him changing his plans and reprimand anyone who even dares contradict him.

-Son of a Porygon (Enders parent), a Zorua and a Mews DNA. He's been on a quest to find his brother, but couldn't find him due to him being stuck in a game. Ender doesn't know about his existence yet though.
-Even though he's technically younger than Ender (born after), he seems to somehow have the memory of Mew, making him "technically" the first Pokémon too (He claims to be the first too, and he actually is, at least one of them. How that is? Was he reborn? Nobody really knows, and he doesn't tell anybody..). He remembers it all, from the very beginning of times. Still acts like a young adult though.
-He's not the opposite of Ender, more like "different", I mean, it does seem like he is the opposite, but nah.
-Likes to put people through "challenges" to see if they are worthy of being his friends (i.e.: Testing their loyalty in missions, random strength test with "puppets" (controlled statues or even Pokémon for example), or even seeing on which side their friends would be in in an argument against him). He dislikes when people don't share his point of view. While if someone happens to be unworthy for them, but shares their view, they're likely to befriend them and teach them their ways.
-He can share his powers through objects, read their minds, and communicate telepathically to whoever wears said object.
-Likes to have a sidekick who he sees as an equal, shares the same views and opinions, and does/shares everything with. Calling them their "true friend", though he hasn't found one yet-
-Has the powers of Mew, and somehow, more..? They can levitate, go invisible, teleport, transform, make clones of themselves, summon things, beings even (but it is limited to people he knows), and much more.
-He has the ability to go from cube to non-cubic/pixelized to regular form.
-Somehow has an electronic-ish British sounding voice.
-If he were to fall in love, he would fall, and fall hard (Hopeless romantic). Though be warned, it's gonna be a slow burn due to him being Demi. (and other reasons)
-Has respect/hatred towards Arceus. He also has difficulties trusting Mews, is neutral towards Dialga and Palkia, but he seems to respect Giratina though.
-Smells like a mix of hell, distortion world, space and cookies at the same time.
-Romeo technically has two birthday, his official one is Christmas, and the second one from the reborn is gonna be the day I made him. But- He doesn't celebrate it or even tell anybody-
-It'll be interesting for Romeo to find another Demi/Ace person (Slate) He doesn't even know he's flirting, he doesn't know what it means, he just knows that it seems to work most of the time so it's a reflex for him- So seeing someone as uninterested and unaffected by it than him- Idk, interesting..
-Plays Minecraft with Ender if he asks.
-Sinnamon roll
-Strenghts: Cleverness, strenght, charm. Weakness: Water, memories, emotions, Slate and Ender. In between: Unpredictability/instability/Erraticness.

Romeo was born in another world with an Arceus, a Dialga, a Palkia, a Giratina and another Mew who was Shiny. He helped create a world, but after some unfortunate events, a betrayal and a murder, he was banished to another world with limited powers and his personality suppressed. Millenniums later, he was caught after his prank against Team Galactic went wrong and his DNA was taken to hatch an egg. Upon the egg hatching, the curse was removed and he switched bodies, leading to the possible death of his old body, and his personality to come clashing back on him. After his escape, he remembered as a Mew seeing Ender being born, and realized that his new self was now his brother. He went on a quest to find him, leading him to the Hideout.
(Full detailed story is in the making)

Ability: Illusion

Move Set: 
-Phantom Force
-Lash Out

Equipment: Likes to spawn in random accessories, mainly Black Glasses though

Ender - Half-Brother

Slate - Chips

Shiny - Old friend, deceased

Voice claim