


2 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info

Total cost of RC to enter:




Nature Mint:

50 RC

Fusion Chamber (Eevee):

400 RC

Fusion Chamber (Flying):

400 RC

Pokémon Evolution:

400 RC

Natural Mutation (Wings):

300 RC


1550 RC


(Riolu/Murkrow fusion! (Possible future Eevee too? 😳)

Will evolve when he gets a true friend

Why do people keep forgetting his ears and messing his tail?😂
Y'know what? Design notes:
CAN BE FERAL "He is often seen running or walking either Naruto style or dog style due to his feathers being annoying at times (aka you can draw him feral)." Shitty example below v

His long black Riolu things on the side of his head have 3 spikes, the middle one being bigger.
His tail has the shape of a Riolu one, but with feather like scruff at the end.
His ears are on the sides of his "hat" don't forget em istg plz 😭😂


Name: Roberto (Or Robert for short)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Panromantic

Age: Teen

Species: Riolu/Murkrow(/Eevee)

Type: Fighting/Dark (Will buy Flying later)

Nature: Careful (Will change later)

Rank: Bronze

Polite: Very respectful, may even act like a valet to some people, also giving shiny gifts, which is nice for the friend, but not to who he probably stole it from..
Loyal: They are extremely loyal to those he considers friends, he shall not let anything happen to them. Though if he gets betrayed, he would be greatly affected by it..
Sweetheart/Affectionate: He may not look like it, but Roberto is full of fun and energy, a bit like a child. Time has made him look and act rough, but really, he just wants to receive/give affection as much as the next one.

Clever: He's always two steps ahead of you, somehow.
Prideful: He's got a lot of pride, doing reverences or even tipping his "hat" at people.
Thief: Roberto is very stealthy, dexterous and speedy. He's able to disarm traps, pick locks, spy on foes, avoid enemy detection and perform backstabs from hiding etc. Thief stuff ya know? He mostly steals shiny things, a lot of shiny things, from everyone, and he will fight for it. What does he even do with them? No one really knows- :/ Sometimes he does it only as a playful prank, but not everyone knows it's a joke..

Short-tempered: He has anger issues, his happy and cutesy personality is half actually him, half him trying to hide it. He has a lot of anger that built up inside of him, but he's not mean, at least not towards Pokémon. (You could say he's an angsty teen-)
Reserved: He doesn't bond with just anyone, he tends to be picky with who he becomes close to. But he seems to respect Pokémon quite a lot, unlike humans.
Quiet: He's mostly silent with new people or strangers. And that's really annoying, like, really annoying. It may seem like he's doing it because he's clever, but not really, he half doesn't know what to say and half wonders if he should trust them.


  • His paws are not as long as a normal Riolu, making it able to bend his paws to perch. Does not impact the way he moves very much, he's just as fast and dexterous as a normal Riolu.
  • He is often seen running or walking either Naruto style or dog style due to his feathers being annoying at times (aka you can draw him feral).
  • Color wise, his right eye is of a Riolu, and the left one is of a Murkrow.
  • His neck is fluffy (despite being spiky and kind of hidden under the yellow collar looking thing), just like a Murkrow.
  • He can fly or glide, he's not the best flier though, but he tries his best and it shows- He's got as much endurance in his arms than in his legs, he can fly or glide for a long time, though it takes a lot of energy, unless he just flies/glide straight in one direction.
  • He can sense/use Aura just like a normal Riolu. He can sense emotions from others from far away too, and this helps him locate/track others when he flies. He can even communicate with other Riolu/Lucario if they are close enough.
  • He doesn't like humans very much for some reason, perhaps it is one of the reasons he joined a team exclusively made out of Pokémon, who are also thieves.
  • He's somewhat neither nocturnal nor diurnal, he just takes random naps here and there. Either because he has the possible genes of an Insomnia Murkrow/Honchkrow, is nocturnal just like a Murkrow and diurnal like a Riolu, or because he's straight up just an insomniac. You can see him as often during the night as during the day. He doesn't really seem that tired though, maybe because he naps quite often? (Edit: He has Narcolepsy now, I don't make the rules)
  • Part of the Human Genocide Squad in the Hideout.
  • Can cook pancakes with abs (waffles) with his screams.
  • To give an idea of his behavior, he has ODD, ADHD and Narcolepsy.
  • Smells like metal (jewels, gems, gold etc.)

Bio: Roberto was born in a lab, he doesn't know from what group (he doesn't even know the name of it), probably one that went under the radar (Actually Team Galactic). He was a genetically modified Riolu, with genes of a Murkrow. He did have parents (Lucario and Honchkrow, the Lucario was also modified, that's why he has High Jump Kick), but he doesn't know them, only their DNA was used to make his egg. He was hatched forcefully, not naturally, because he wouldn't hatch on his own, but he wasn't hurt or damaged in any way, he was just a bit upset by it. 

They put him in a fake outside enclosure. The groups base was fully underground, so he wasn't actually outside, though there was a reinforced glass window as a roof. There were loads of other fused/enhanced/modified Pokémon with him, just as confused as him, but most were very friendly and kind, and he would play and interact with them. He wasn't anything special, except for the fact that he was a Lucario breed, which made him rarer and more valuable to humans (apparently). Scientists would often stop by the enclosure to observe them and take notes, he didn't know why, but it became normal after a while.

After a few days, he was moved from his "home", to a cage in some sort of room. It looked like an office, and he waited there, alone, for a few hours. Then, a human adult and a younger one entered the room. He didn't understand most of what they said (he barely heard any human speak before in his pen, but like some other Riolu, he learned more of it later on in life), he understood the words "Riolu" and "Murkrow" for example, but other words were foreign to him. After what felt like an eternity, the two humans got up, did a handshake, and the younger human walked to his cage. The young adult opened the cage and picked Roberto up like a kid would with a pet, he felt he was happy, so he wasn't too scared. 

This human became his trainer, and train him he did. He trained a lot, he became stronger and stronger, he even sometimes battled the other stronger Pokémon of his owner! They traveled at the same time, practicing his flying too while on the move. He didn't know where they were traveling to, or why they were even walking that far, but he didn't really mind. He could see the outside world! And his trainer seemed somewhat happy about it!

He formed a bond with this person, clueless of who he was, he was a kid after all! Besides, he gave him food and treats, and a lot of attention and love! Roberto was very loyal and protective of him, and he tried his best to prove him so at every occasion he got. He would even sometimes sit on his head or shoulder! Sometimes, he thought that his training was a bit harsh, battling some random innocent wild Pokémon here and there, but he would do what his master told him to do, sometimes reluctantly.
His trainer had to often scold him because of how often he stole things from others (especially shiny things), no matter how nice Roberto was trying to be.
He never evolved though, and his master never really tried to hide the fact that he was a bit disappointed by it, but he rolled with it. The reasoning behind this was later on revealed to Roberto, in the worst way imaginable. 

One day, after months of travelling, they arrived in a big city. Roberto liked visiting cities, he could eat some new unknown foods, see some beautiful art or even builds, and meet other Pokémon he'd never seen before! Though, this time, it was different.
His trainers Aura felt, odd. Perhaps he didn't like this city? Roberto didn't know, but he didn't think too much of it.
They stayed for a few days in a hotel of some sort, everything was normal. They would visit the place, like his trainer knew Roberto liked to, they would go meet some new Pokémon, and they would learn a bit of the cities culture. 

Though, after a week, things changed.

His trainer brought him to a secluded part of the city, Roberto didn't really like it, especially with the Aura the human emanated. Was he scared? Or perhaps angry? He didn't really know..
They reached an abandoned looking building from the base, but if you looked up, it looked like a normal skyscraper.
They were lots of menacing caged Pokémon, and the humans were just as scary. He caught a glimpse of a Shinx that was shinning in fear, in a cage, in the middle of the crowd, before his trainer dragged him to a table with a big guy behind it. Roberto didn't really listen, he was distracted by the commotion there was around them. He hugged his trainers arm in fear, what was happening?

Then, out of nowhere, a guy grabbed him and tried to take him away from his trainer. Panicked, he tried to hold onto him, but his trainer, after a few seconds, let go of him. They both looked sad, as Roberto was taken away from him. Despite his best efforts, the guy never let go of him, and he brought him into a prison looking place. There were lots of intimidating Pokémon in his cell, and in every other ones. The Shinx from earlier could still be seen by how bright he was shinning compared to the other Pokémon. Once in a while, a Pokémon was brought out, and never came back. Roberto, like most of the other Pokémon, tried desperately to escape, but was unable to.

Eventually, that Shinx that shined so bright that they could see from everywhere in the room, despite there being no lights, was brought out too. The place fell into darkness, except from those few Pokémon that shined in the dark. Despite Roberto being able to see in the dark, that small Shinx brought comfort to a lot of the Pokémon around, and when they disappeared, Roberto could feel the distress from everywhere in the room. That, that was one of the scariest moments of his life, if not the scariest.

A few minutes later, he was brought out too, not without giving a few bites and scratches to his assailant. He was thrown in a huge circle of dirt, with a chain-linked fence dome above it, surrounded by multiple steps of chairs and a crowd. It felt like he was on a stage to throw some sort of performance. Then he saw it, the Shinx, extremely bruised, especially their back legs. He looked up at the hundreds upon hundreds of people looking at him, and spotted his trainer behind him, standing on the other side of the arena. He ran to him, and due to his small size, was only able to reach the border with his head and paws. He begged for help, to get him out of here, but he kept a blank stare, he felt his Aura was emanating sad and angry vibes though. He didn't even attempt to get him out, he only told him something along the lines of:
"Since it's your first time, they gave you an easier victim.."

Victim..? What..?
He wanted, no, they wanted him, to end him??

All his trust and loyalty he had towards his human shattered as he stared at him and the crowd in disbelief. So was that what he was born for? Trained for? Raised for?
All that time, was all that affection fake? How could he not notice? How did he not notice?
All those humans looking at him, all they wanted was entertainment. They didn't care about him, or even that Shinx at all!

With anger and a tear in his eye, he ran towards the Shinx, he took flight, people cheering him on, awaiting the execution they have all been waiting for.
He opened his claws, more cheers, he started flapping faster, he had never flown that fast before, he grabbed the small Shinx, the crowd ecstatic. But instead of hurting him, he grabbed him tightly, flew towards the dome, and spun through one of the bigger dome holes, and escaped.

The Shinx, a bit confused and surprised almost let out a zap, but noticing what was happening, he didn't. After a few minutes, or perhaps hours, of gliding and occasional flapping, him and the (fainted) Shinx landed near a Pokécenter, far away enough not to be found. Roberto called as hard as he could for help, he knew nurse Joy's were nice, they were probably the only humans he even trusted anymore. A nurse Joy opened the door, a bit surprised, and so did a few trainers and adults that were inside. Startled by them, he retreated into the sky, not really knowing where he was going, he just wanted to leave.

He never saw that Shinx again.

After days of mostly running and flying, he was exhausted. He didn't really know how the world worked when alone, where he was going, or where to even find food without human help. He resorted to the only things he knew, instinct, and the fact that he really liked shiny things. He became a travelling thief, and that's how he mostly survived.

One day, weeks or even months later, he landed to rest as usual, but was met by some sort of Pokémon who claimed to part of a group named "Rocket Hideout", made out entirely of Pokémon and thieves. They took him in, treated his wounds and even fed him. He wasn't sure if he trusted them yet but, they were nice to him. Besides, Pokémon group? Stealing? That's something that seemed right up his alley.

Ability: Super Luck

Move Set: 
-High Jump Kick
-Wing Attack
-Double Team
-Feint Attack

Equipment: Starter Pack (Unequipped but bandana optional)



A few images/gifs that have Roberto vibes :3 :
