


8 years, 9 months ago



Around 60 yrs (ages slow)
6'4 / 8'10 werewolf


  • Camping
  • Whisky
  • Home Cooking
  • Socializing
  • Junk Food
  • Animals
  • M&Ms
  • Wilderness
  • Punk Rock/Rock/Classic rock/Glam Rock


  • Rain
  • Staying in one area too long
  • Being alone for too long
  • Olives
  • Using Tech
  • Conflict
  • Wearing Shoes (wears them despite this)

Character Stats

Social Reserved
Empathetic Logical
Sincere Deceptive
Bold Timid
Patient Restless
Optimist Pessimist
Serious Trivial
Polite Sassy


• Expressive • Curious • Friendly • Loyal • Goofy • Instinctual • Wanderlust • Wild

Early Life

His mother is from an american indigenous tribe that upkept wolfmen as something more than an evil cryptid and something passed on by right. His mother is stubborn, hot headed and prefers her own company over others. She went out to make a living for herself. Some time passes and she meets the man who would be Spencer's father, also a werewolf, who fell hard for her. To her surprise she was able to stand his company more than most. Though they had an on and off relationship as she still prefered her own company. That is until Spencer came along. Spencer is the only person she feels wholey connected to.

She moved to her family's land as she found Spencer was born werewolf ((a rare happening in this headworld)). Her relatives are familiar with werewolves/wolfmen and they helped raised him hand-in-hand with the wilderness as to keep him one with 'His Wolf'. His familiarity with the woods and wildlife is very strong. He loved his life but he had to stay within their bounderies because he had a hard time controling his shifting as it was directly linked to his emotions-- and Spencer is veeery expressive. But it made his home feel like it was meant to contain him.

He grew older and his itch to explore and leave the home also grew. While wandering the territory's boundries, he ran into a wolf he would call Casper as she appeared like a ghost. Unbeknownst to him this was a Wolf Spirit his family told stories of; The Wolf Mother, who guided Werewolves and the Wolfmen as a final stage of their growth. He would follow her around and she would show him more about life in the wild that his kind could never have taught him. Control of his senses, his instincts, fighting, and shifting, as well as to shift into a feral wolf. Something he became intimidated of as it was hard for him to want to come back from it and to rationalize with himself as to why he should come back from it. Shifting into the wolf made him want to run and run and never stop from the pure freedom of it. To saite the feeling, he instead felt it was time to travel. So he took to the road.

He hitches rides on trains, cars, trucks. Slums around, works odd jobs for spare cash. He joined the circus (just as backstage and set up) that traveled to France at one point and picked up some french. Spencer returned to travel through the states with no destination in mind or occupation beside the odd jobs he'd pick up for quick cash along the way. He has trouble staying in one place too long though he often goes back to visit his mother and family from time to time. In his journeys he has met a handful of other cryptids as well as made a lot of friends along the way to which he visits sometimes as well.


After some time, he runs into a vampire named Selene who he found himself deeply curious of and she had taken to toying with him which only peaked his interest further. Their first official meeting started off as if it'd lead to hair flying-- his werewolf instincts responding aggressively towards the vampire species. To both their surprise they found comfort in each other that grew into love.

Spencer still travels around, picking up supplies or souvenirs for Selene along the way if not also taking her along with him so they can both enjoy the open road to meet up and connect with his friends and family-- his pack. Despite hitting the road so often to make his frequent travels to reconnect with everyone and to pick up odd jobs here and there, he is happy to finally come home to Selene's shop and apartment and say he's 'home'.



Trivia & Notes

  • Handyman (mechanics, plumbing, yard work, household repairs etc)
  • Manual worker (Construction, roofing, etc.)
  • Hunting Skills
  • Can shift at will
  • Can shift to a large feral wolf as well, but avoids this as he has trouble wanting to come back from it.
  • Still has some trouble keeping his shift from coming out with emotions
  • Superhuman strength (ex. can flip a car but can't hold it above his head)
  • Strong senses
  • Fast regeneration




[ Partner ]

Spencer's vampire girlfriend and the moon to his sun. Selene's deadpan, deathly, dry humor is a nice contrast to Spencer's enthusiastic, ignorantly beaming joy. He absolutely adores her and can not get enough of her.



[ Cousin ]

Spencer's cousin whom he get's on with as if they were twins more than anything. She has a ton of kids who are TECHNICALLY his second cousins but refers to them as his nieces and nephews. He's Uncle Spencer to them and he's overjoyed by it and takes full privledge of being a Cool Uncle and letting them get away with everything.



[ 1st Cousin once removed(Affiliated Pack) ]

Sarah and Spencer go way back. She's the only one still in the pack that has been around long enough to have known Spencer's father, Richard. In truth was partially raised by him and succeeded him as pack leader of the Leon pack. Spencer and her get along like warm siblings. She's matured faster than him even though realistically she's younger, but she's always been a motherer and prods at Spencer as such. He enjoys it..



[ 1st Cousin-in-law(Affiliated Pack) ]

Joel's stoic and patient aura calms Spencer. He has a very strong leader effect on everyone, Spencer included and that feels like security. He doesn't know much about Joel and though he's inviting, Spencer still feels he's at a distance. It seems Joel is most comfortable that way and Spencer understands that.



[ Best Friend(Affiliated Pack) ]

Isaac and Spencer are goofball rowdy ol' boys. If they enter a room together it's sure to light up the energy in the room. More than that Spencer feels comfortable enough to open up to him about most things. While they meet each other's energy, Isaac does help level out things just a bit with his mindfulness which helps their dynamic a lot.



[ Friend (Affiliated Pack) ]

Spencer loves her like a little sister but Nailah is torn between finding him fun or seeing too much of her brother, Isaac, in him. Which is annoying. They get along well though.



[ 1st Cousin twice removed(Affiliated Pack) ]

Spencer sees Ronan, like Orla, more as like younger siblings or nieces or nephews. Spencer finds Ronan's calm and compliant nature very charming and inabling (for spencer and isaac antics).



[ 1st Cousin-in-law(Affiliated Pack) ]

Spencer sees Orla, much like Ronan more as like younger siblings or nieces or nephews. Orla is a little more attached to Spencer than her brother, always excited for his visits. Spencer finds her very sweet and endearing as she loves to cuddle up on him.



[ Friend(Affiliated Pack) ]

Romy is a fairly new addition to the Leon Pack in Spencer's perspective. They are very introverted and keep to themself and Spencer respects that. Romy shows their appreciate for that in their pack cuddling greeting when Spencer visits and it warms his heart.



[ 2nd Cousin twice removed(Affiliated Pack) ]

Sean has a sort of laid back wiley nature about him that Spencer finds delightful. But as much as Sean tries to act more like a senior adult to Spencer-- much to Sean's dismay Spencer still sees him like a younger brother as he is techmically older than Sean.



[ Teacher ]

Spencer's spiritual teacher he nicknamed, 'Casper', from when he was much younger. Spencer is conflicted on how he feels about her as she wasn't ANY FUN and pushed him to exhaustion but he learned so much from her as well.



[ Rival? ]

Memphis is Selene's ex, another werewolf who has had a run in with Spencer after Memphis came back to Selene. They fought, Spencer coming out the victor with Memphis leaving but Memphis' bitterness over it still eats at him.

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