
2 years, 10 months ago



Name Ophelia

Called Skelly

Age 6 yr

D.o.B. October 13th

Gender Female

Pronouns She/Her

Species Candy Skeleton

Magic Strong

Demeanor Calm



HTML Pinky

Calm • Sweet • Distractable • Listener

Skelly is a sweet, quiet little girl. She’s very happy, living with her dad and uncle and being well taken care of. She has good friends and a loving family, everything she could ask for! Skelly has very strong magic, due to her biological lineage; she’s young, so she doesn’t know how to control or use it. She has the ability to open “portals” into alternate universes. As of her current age, this is simply the ability to see and communicate with them, however as she gets older she’s able to use this ability to physically hop between worlds. She calls them her “shortcuts,” which she picked up from her uncle.

Skelly is a candy skeleton, however she hasn’t gotten most of her markings yet. She currently has “freckles,” which are glittery-like markings on her face. Skelly has a good relationship with her dad, and she takes after him in almost every way, which he enjoys. Skelly is usually seen dawning a red sweater with black stripes, which used to belong to her dad when he was young. She wears a black skirt, black boots and socks to match her sweater. Even though her favorite color is pink, she likes to match with her dad, so she wears red often. She has dull, blunt fangs and she’s fairly short for her age, with a round face.


Skelly’s favorite thing ever is pumpkins! She loves anything with pumpkins on them. She has a pet pumpkin named Rock!

She loves pickles! Anything she can justify putting them on she will, even if it makes no sense. Hotdogs, Pb&J’s, ice cream, anything!

She can commonly be found playing in the snow in front of her house! She’ll only play in clean snow, if it’s dirty she won’t even touch it.


She doesn’t like eating them, because she usually refuses to eat her vegetables. Especially carrots.

Limes leave a weird taste in her mouth, plus she saw Auntie Erin freak out over a lemon, and she thought they were the same thing, so she decided she doesn’t like them either.

Getting Dirty
If she gets even a little bit of dirt or something on her, she starts crying. She likes to be clean, so when one of her clothing items isn’t she throws a huge fit.


Height 3'8"

Build Squishy

Eye Lights Purple

Magic Purple

Weapon Halberd

Markings Purple, Pink, Violet

Aesthetic Strawberry Milk






When Ophelia was born, neither of her parents were in a place where they could/would take care of her. So when she was just an infant, she was left on someone’s doorstep. Her father left a note in her blanket with the name “Ophelia” on it. The doorstep she was left on was that of the 22 year old skeleton brothers, Papyrus and Sans. Ophelia was immediately welcomed into their home, with Papyrus taking the main parenting role; Sans was too lazy to actually take proper care of an infant. He was more content being a fun uncle, but as Skelly grew older he started taking on more “dad-like” duties (taking her to school, making lunch, tucking her in at night, etc). As a group they decided that Sans was the “Dunkle,” Dad-Uncle. Despite loving them both equally, she definitely spends more time with Papyrus. When she was about 3, he formally adopted her! She tends to copy everything he does, because she wants to be just like him.

Ophelia goes by Skelly because she has a hard time pronouncing her name. “Ophelia” is too long, and she usually gets caught on the first syllable. Papyrus used to call her nicknames like “Bitty Bones,” and “Little Skelly,” which is where she got it from. Since he used to call her that as a toddler, she thought it was her name, so when she learned that she couldn’t pronounce Ophelia, she decided she liked the name Skelly! Her dad definitely has more nicknames for her, namely “Little Me,” because of her constant imitation of him, but Sans also has a few nicknames for her. He calls her Stapes, after the smallest bone in the body, because of her small stature. She won’t understand the meaning until she’s older, so she always gets annoyed because she doesn’t get it.

To the rest of her neighborhood, Skelly seems to be somewhat of an anomaly. She’ll randomly show up, out of nowhere. Then she’ll just disappear. To the residents of Snowdin, it just seems like she’s pretty stealthy, however, this isn’t the case. In fact, Skelly will quite literally just appear out of thin air. Because she is so young, and doesn’t yet understand how exactly to use her magic, she will shift to different planes of existence at random, but she doesn’t stay for long. At most, she’s in a different universe for a few minutes, then appears back in her own. She doesn’t register that anything actually happened, so usually she just goes about her day like nothing did happen. This is sort of unnerving to other residents…

Throughout her life, Skelly finds it hard to feel like she fits in. She has a handful of good friends, but when other kids come along she seems to be overlooked. She’s usually seen at a table coloring, she likes to sit quietly and do her own thing. Even as an adult she does this, though more seriously. When she meets her group of friends in school as a kid, they stay friends all throughout school and into adulthood. She has a cousin, Segoe, who’s just a little older than her, but they’re relatively the same age, only a few months apart. She meets the fire twins through Segoe, since Searah is Segoe’s best friend other than Skelly. Skelly and Searah’s brother, Flynn, hit it off instantly. They quickly become best friends! Even growing up, they still remain really close as a group. Eventually, Costello joined because he also went to school with them, and he was a family friend of Segoe.


Food Pie

Drink Chocolate Milk

Season Winter

Time Sunset

Weather Snow

Birthstone Opal

Love Language Gift Giving

  • She has a pet pumpkin named Rock!
  • She makes and plays with sock puppets!
  • As she gets older, she somehow always ends up with the same kind of sweater.
  • One of her favorite things to do is sit on her dad's shoulders so she can be really tall, "Like a tree!"
  • She loves to make snow angels and snow-monsters.


Segoe is Skelly’s best friend! Because she’s not very outgoing, Segoe was pretty much one of her only friends until she introduced her friends to Skelly. Grown up, they train together with Papyrus! They’re each other’s Maids of Honor at their weddings! They have playdates almost every other day, they act more like sisters than anything.


Debug is a friend Skelly made in one of her disappearing-into-nowhere trips! She met Debug in the antivoid. They’re both kinda shy, but with no one else around, just endless white, they began talking and eventually became friends. Somehow, half of the times Skelly warps away she ends up near Debug!


FlynnBest Friend
Flynn is Skelly’s best friend! Other than when she’s with Segoe, Flynn and Skelly hang out most of the time. Flynn has a little crush on her, which everyone knows except Skelly, she’s happily oblivious! These two in the future form a closer bond, and eventually they get married! Right now though, they’re just best friends and like to play in the snow together!


Auntie ErinAunt
Aunt Erin is an awful influence on little Ophelia, she teaches her things she shouldn’t know. Erin is Sans and Papyrus’s second cousin (their mothers are cousins,) so for all intents and purposes she’s Skelly’s aunt, and is called as such. Erin is the “Fun Aunt,” and she takes this title very seriously. She’s constantly spoiling Skelly, buying her snacks and such when she asks, and teaching her bad words to tell her dad.

