
2 years, 4 months ago



Name Roman

Called Roman, RoRo

Age 22

D.o.B. January 29th

Gender Male

Pronouns He/Him

Species Skeleton

Occupation Mailman

Demeanor Reckless, Fun



Designer RoughTime

HTML Pinky

Reckless • Impulsive • Thoughtful • Kind

Roman is a tall, semi-awkward dude. He’s massive, which is kind of intimidating to some people, especially paired with his clothing choices, but because of his fun personality it’s often forgotten about. Roman works as the mailman in Underground, which he really enjoys! HE loves running around and saying hi to the people he’s come to know on his route. There’s one particular person he dislikes because he doesn’t empty his mailbox, though…

Roman currently lives in the Ruins, with Toriel. They’re essentially roommates, with her being a natural mom over him. He spends a lot of time outside the Ruins, mostly hanging out with his friends… which he only really has two of, Erin and Undyne. Erin and Roman hang out a lot, her family is basically his family. Undyne is constantly trying to hang out with Roman, but he’s too scared to go to her place. They’ve known each other since they were kids, and when they were older she practically begged him to join the royal guard, and after years of Undyne climbing the ranks, he finally did… as a mailman. Technically, he is employed by the Royal Guard, but isn’t a guard. Undyne was not impressed in the slightest by this, but she was still glad to have him around.









Height 7'0"

Build Lanky

Eye Lights Red, Black pupil

Ecto/Magic Red

Tattoos Black Hearts

Weapon Hammer

Aesthetic Soda Pop












Hamilton! • Roman’s magic weapon! He named it Hamilton, since it's a large hammer. He’ll use Hamilton to pound the ground in front of him, sending a shock through the ground to rattle his opponent.

Bone Ring! • He will summon a spear-like bone, sharpened on one end, to throw towards his opponent. Along with this, bones will pop up from the ground around him, creating a ring that reaches about the height of his hips, ready to be picked up and thrown.

Spikes! • The bands he wears around his wrists aren’t just for show! When activated, the spikes on these bands can extend at a rapid pace, as a quick way to get his opponent away or to injure them!



Not much is known about Roman’s childhood. He spent his days running around, playing with other kids his age, sleeping wherever he found a nice place to lay down. He lived a relatively safe childhood, as those around him were generally kind and welcoming. Roman had always loved more of a gothic style, which was a little strange to other kids his age. He had made a friend at school, Undyne, who instantly took a liking to him. He was always very tall and awkward with his limbs, and Undyne thought that his height was just the coolest thing ever. Roman would refuse to go to Undyne’s house, since he was scared of her parents. Now, as an adult, he doesn't go to her place because he’s scared of her! He doesn’t want to know what goes on in Undyne’s mind, much less her living space.

When Roman was sixteen, he became aimless and was encouraged to find a job by adults around him. So he started looking around for people who needed work, and came across a woman in need of a pool boy. So, he skipped his butt over there and eagerly introduced himself. The woman he worked for was a very rich, powerful woman named Corsiva. She saw him and gave him the job instantly, seeing how willing he was to work… and he was cute. Very cute. After a couple months of Roman cleaning her pool, she progressively gave him more work. Cleaning the yard, the walkway, etc, eventually moving things into the house. Wash the dishes, clean the living room, vacuum the hallway… She took a very strong liking to him, in a very bad way… Soon, Corsiva became more predatory towards him, partaking in grooming behaviors to get in his pants. Roman soon found himself backed into a corner with Corsiva, where she repeatedly took advantage of him over an extended period of time.

After multiple of these encounters, Corsiva became with child. She, like with her previous children, didn’t want her. She passed the infant off to Roman and instructed him to “take care of it,” implying that she wanted the child dead. Roman, afraid of what Corsiva could and would do to him if he didn’t oblige, took the baby and went into the woods in Snowdin. He had planned to follow through with what his abuser had asked of him, but when he looked into the face of his beautiful, perfectly untouched daughter he just couldn’t bring himself to hurt her. So, instead, he left her on the doorstep of the most competent skeleton he knew, who would take great care of a child. He named her after a favorite song of his, wrote it on a note, and tucked it into her blanket before ringing the doorbell to the home in Snowdin…

Once his daughter was gone, Roman started his way back to Corsiva’s home, where he’d been living for the past few months. About halfway there, he realized he didn’t need to be in this situation, so he turned around and never looked back. He had very little belongings, which he didn’t much care for to begin with, so he didn’t even bother going back for them. He primarily hung around Waterfall for a bit, mostly hanging out with Undyne, who encouraged him to join the Royal Guard. He did!... as a mailman, he loves his job! After securing a job, he now needed to find a place to live. He wasn’t content anymore just hopping from place to place, he needed to settle down. Roman searched and searched, until he stumbled across a certain woman on an exploration of the Ruins. You see, Roman was there to sleep one night while he was in Snowdin. He was hoping to sleep in the corridor that the large door on the edge of town led into, not knowing anyone lived there… let alone the Queen! He was in shock, shot up and profusely apologized for intruding, half heartedly explaining himself. Queen Toriel, who he now just refers to as Toriel, softly guided him back inside, as she was worried he would catch a cold sleeping out in the snow. He stayed one night, then two, then a week. This one-time stay turned into Roman becoming Toriel’s roommate, slowly. He felt awful imposing, but Toriel asked him to stay with her. They’ve become very good friends, however Toriel becomes somewhat overbearing on him at times, in a maternal way. Asking why he’s getting home late, if he’s wearing his coat, etc. This annoys Roman, but he’ll never express this.


  • His favorite drink is Cherry Coke!
  • He makes his out outfits! Rips his jeans, makes jewelry, etc.
  • He gets his shoes custom made, since he has such giant feet.
  • He constantly trips over himself, which makes those around scared for their lives, if he were to actually fall.
  • Since living with Toriel, he's taken a love for baking! She's taught him some of her simpler recipies.


Roman met Riley at Grillby’s. He was sitting at the bar with Erin when he and Riley made eye contact, and Erin picked up on it. Erin nudged him to go talk to her, to which he awkwardly stumbled over to her and blurted out “You are really pretty!” This made them both extremely flustered, and they ended up having a long conversation that lasted into the night and into the early morning. He walked her home after and they shared a nice awkward moment that ended with them exchanging numbers! Roman got the balls to ask Riley on a proper date, and eventually became official! During their first kiss, they headbutted accidentally.


ErinBest Friend
Roman has been Erin’s best friend since she was 14, they bonded really quickly since there aren’t a lot of monsters in her area around her age. And even then, there’s a two year age gap between them. Both of them are really goofy, so when you get them together they tend to do dumb things. Roman is the voice of reason of the two, but that’s stretching it.

