
2 years, 5 months ago



Name Flynn Inferno

Called Flynn, Hothead

Age 7

D.o.B. April 2nd

Gender Male

Pronouns He/Him

Species Fire Elemental

Magic Fire Magic

Demeanor Emotional



HTML Pinky

Daaaad! Searah called me a trapezoid!

Flynn is a young boy of fairly average stature, standing at approximately 4’0”. He lives in Snowdin Town with his father and three siblings! Flynn loves to run around and play in the snow, despite being a fire monster. He’s often discouraged from doing so, because it could hurt him. He loves to run around, so he was put on Delivery Boy duty at Grillby’s by his father. He’s very fast with his little legs! He hopes to be able to work in the kitchen when he’s older, or as a waiter with his big brother.

Currently, Flynn is going to school in Hotland with his twin sister. Their older brother, Hunter, walks them to school so they don’t get lost or something. Flynn and his twin, Searah, are regular kids. Like any siblings, they fight a lot. Searah tends to call Flynn names, whether insulting or not, and he always gets upset. Her favorite insult to him is to call him a trapezoid, because neither of them know what that means. Flynn is very emotional and empathetic, he tends to cry at the littlest things and is easily upset, along with being very excitable. He's the kind of kid to sit and cry with someone if they skin their knee on the playground. He likes lending a helping hand, but often tends to make the situation worse in his attempt to help, he's young, inexperienced, and uncoordinated. He has a very kind soul.


Frogs!(and Bugs)
Anything frog themed you get him, he will love it and you forever. Frogs are his life. Bugs too, he likes bugs.

A lot of drinks boil if he leaves them in his mouth long enough, and he likes the carbonation!

Spicy Food?
Hunter eats it, and he copies everything Hunter does.


Overly sugary things make his tummy hurt, and they taste funny.

Pretty self explanatory, if he gets wet it hurts. Anytime he walks through Waterfall he gets really on edge and jumpy.

Let’s face it, pickles are just gross. They make everything soggy AND taste yucky.


Height 4'0"

Build Average

Eyes White

Fire Blue

Glasses Forest Green

"Hair" Style Swept up, wild

Aesthetic Blue Raspberry ICEE






Flynn lives with his father and three siblings in Snowdin Town, above the Grillby’s restaurant. He has an older brother, Hunter, and two sisters: Fuku and Searah. Flynn is the youngest of his siblings, being only a minute or so younger than Searah, which she likes to remind him of. Flynn was born to two loving parents, Onyx and Grillby. The six of them had a lovely little home life, with their two dads and two new babies. Onyx died when Flynn and Searah were toddlers due to health complications, stemming from his time in the war. While devastating, it didn’t ruin their family dynamic; only changed it. Growing up, Flynn was told countless times how much his dad loved him and constantly reminded of how amazing he was. Despite not knowing much of his dad from his own experience, Flynn strives to be like Onyx. He likes looking at pictures of him with his dad, he’s been told that as a baby he was very clingy towards him! He rarely left Onyx’s side if he had a choice.

Currently, Flynn is a happy and smiley kid. He can’t sit still, so when he became old enough to somewhat help out at Grillby’s, his dad put him on delivery duty. Living in a safe part of the Underground, it seemed reasonable to have his son run food to people within Snowdin Town. Flynn absolutely loves his job, he feels like he’s helping a lot and he gets to run around and meet new monsters! That’s how he met his best friend! His best friend’s cousin is Searah’s best friend, so a good chunk of the time the four of them have play dates together! When they’re older, Flynn is Searah’s best man at her wedding; her wedding to that very same best friend!


Food Burger and fries

Drink Sprite

Season Summer

Time Evening

Weather Snow

Birthstone Garnet

Love Language Words of Affirmation

  • He has a pet frog named Fredrick! He found him in Waterfall one day on his way home from school!
  • He has myopia in his left eye and hyperopia in his right, which is why he wears bifocals!
  • Flynn is extremely clumsy and uncoordinated!
  • The bandana he wears around his arm was a birthday gift from Skelly, his best friend!
  • He never, ever ties his shoes. Mostly because he doesn’t know how, but whenever someone else does they seem to become untied very quickly.


SkellyBest Friend!
His best friend! They met when he was delivering food to the skeleton brothers’ house, and Papyrus opened the door. Ophelia was standing behind him, and they made eye contact while Papyrus called Sans to pick up his food. Flynn would show up day after day just to talk to her at the door, before Papyrus noticed and invited him to play inside. Flynn currently has a little puppy crush on her, which ends up staying all the way into adulthood. They get married someday!


They’re twins, and they have different personalities. They bicker! Overall, they get along the majority of the time. However, Searah will bring bugs home, which makes Flynn upset, because “She kidnapped them! They had homes!” The older they get the better they get along, with Searah becoming the more outgoing one and more of the protector of the two.


He insists on doing everything Hunter does. Everything. Hunter is his role model, anything Hunter likes, Flynn likes. Most of Flynn’s clothes are hand-me-downs from Hunter, save for a few items. Flynn insists on hanging out with Hunter and his friends, which annoys Hunter sometimes. That’s his annoying kid brother man, he doesn’t need to see everything going on in his life.