Cat’s Eye Aquamarine





 Name  Cat’s Eye Aquamarine 
 Called  Aquamarine
 Age  Unknown
 Gender  Female
 Height  3 ft 5 in 
 Build  Small
 Species  Aquamarine
 Role  Manager
 Demeanor  Fiesty
 Alignment  Lawful Neutral


  • Shapeshifting
  • Working
  • Observing
  • Debates


  • Being teased
  • Earth politics
  • One track minded people
  • Paparazzi




New Era | Homeworld


Aquamarine has water manipulation. It is very minuscule compared to the likes of a Lapis Lazuli, but she can manipulate and control small portions of water including her water tail. It was usually used to carry things around when Aquamarine had her hands full. The water bubbles would insulate the item she needed to carry and would trap the air in with it so it wouldn’t get wet.


Aquamarine’s purpose on Homeworld was almost similar to her chosen job on Earth. She was practically a high ranking Pearl. She scheduled important events, contacted Homeworld allies (and even rivals) for meetings, went on search parties for rogue gems or conquered species, made sure things were prepared and in pristine condition for the Diamonds, etc. obviously she didn’t do ALL of this alone, that’s what most Aquamarine’s were for. One thing she was specifically called to do was to write and deliver messages back and forth on the daily. She felt bored and sort of confused as to why an Aquamarine such as herself would be delivering messages when others have wings. She never took this up with the Diamond’s though.


Cat’s Eye Aquamarine was an average Aquamarine in Blue Diamond’s court. She did her job, and she did it well. After Pink Diamond’s “shattering”, everything changed. The Diamond’s were distraught and more strict, Homeworld was running low on resources, gems were being produced with less resources and more technological advancements. Chaos. Aquamarine wasn’t one to sit back and watch the world burn, she had ideas and ways to fix some of Homeworld’s current issues whilst the war against the rebellion was waged. Aquamarine wasn’t listened to, she was actually never even given the time of day to see her Diamond face to face. Not only was Cat’s eye a “lesser” version of the more respected Aquamarine gem, but she was also considered a defect among her peers.  Her “defect” wasn’t anything serious and it was actually very easy to hide, but everyone had already known about it and would never let her live it down. There Aquamarine was, watching Homeworld’s resources wither away, gems going rogue and running from Homeworld, the rebels getting a one-up in battles. There was nothing she could do but continue to do her job. Fast forward to Era 3, Pink Diamond was alive, but she wasn’t the same. Everything was different. Cat’s Eye Aquamarine took to Earth on a Little Homeworld tour, she loved it. So many available job options, so many different things to do, so many opinions and ideas, all on this one planet. There was one issue though, Aquamarine still missed her job. A few weeks on Little Homeworld, Aquamarine had researched Earth occupations similar to what she did on Homeworld. Secretaries, managers, it was all there for her. These jobs however required someone TO manage….

Others of Importance


Rose Quartz  [ friend | employer ]

Aquamarine found Rose through her job research. She pleaded at her office doors to let her be her manager and teach her Earth’s ways. Rose, of course, welcomed her with open arms.


Sunstone  [ friend ? ]

Aquamarine and Sunstone started off on the wrong foot, making fun of each other and constantly arguing. Now? Same thing but this time they do it because they’re friends.


Sweetheart Bubble Glass  [ friend ]

Aquamarine got off on the wrong foot with Sweet, but eventually she came around and now the two are really good friends and great business partners.

HTML by Pinky
