

 Name  Peach Sapphirine
 Called  Peach
 Age  Unknown
 Gender  Female
 Height  4 ft 3 in
 Build  Small
 Species  Sapphirine
 Role  Sapphire (formerly)
 Demeanor  Chaotic
 Alignment  Chaotic Evil


  • ”Cute” things
  • Dresses & accessories
  • Hoarding
  • Chaos


  • Era 3
  • Low ranking gems
  • Earth
  • Sapphires




Anti Era 3


Peach has basic gem abilities and average Sapphirine ones. She doesn’t have any special abilities of her own. Her tail however, can stretch and extend to be used however she pleases. A spring? Whip? Chair? You name it!


Peach is an average Sapphirine that was made to be shown off by Yellow Diamond to show the other Diamond’s that she was capable of making “cute” gems. Basically, her entire creation came from Yellow trying to prove a point. After Pink Diamond’s shattering, she was given basic Sapphire royalties and then shooed away, forgotten about like most gems are. Her purpose was just to be a cute Sapphire, and yet even in that respect- Yellow Diamond failed.


Peach Sapphirine was created by Yellow Diamond after a small argument she had with Pink Diamond about gem making. Pink made fun of Yellow’s inability to make cute gems, and that they were all battle-hardened warriors. Despite Yellow explaining to Pink the process of making gems and how she had a hand in making several gems that could be seen as “cute”, she had to prove it to her. Pink slightly helped Yellow, and the two created Peach Sapphirine. Yellow was amused and boasted about her gem to Pink, and then the other Diamond’s. It was a talking point for her for a long time before Pink’s passing. After Pink Diamond was “shattered”, Yellow started to forget about Peach Sapphirine. She blocked out memories of her and Pink to cope, and thus forgetting about the gem they made together. She left her to be an average Sapphire, and even gave her Sweetheart Bubble Glass to keep her occupied. Peach Sapphirine enjoyed the attention she got from the Diamond’s, even after being forgotten about- she felt like she could do anything. She made a lot of friends and upon learning about her new gem’s abilities, she put her into a sort of slave labor situation and had her make her outfits non-stop. It was becoming increasingly obvious that Peach was no ordinary Sapphire, and other gems started to slowly avoid her as time went on. Peach started to get chaotic- yet kept it to herself, knowing she’d be in trouble or deeply disliked if she showed that side of her. She got quiet- too quiet. As far as everyone else knew, Peach was a quiet gem that had a nice tailor servant, but what they didn’t know was the terrible relationship they had with each other. Peach did everything she could to keep up her reputation, but one day her servant snapped. Sweet told Peach off and left, embarrassing her in front of other gems and bringing their real dynamic to light. Peach’s reputation was finished and there was nothing left for her on Homeworld. She bursted with anger and lashed out on the other gems around her and escaping. Peach was furious. No more fun, no more games, no more messing around- she got humbled and put down by a gem beneath her, one that she had been reigning over for centuries. Peach had a new goal and fixation now, and it wasn’t very cute…

Others of Importance


Sweetheart Bubble Glass  [ enemy | servant (formerly) ]

Sweet was Peach’s personal tailor and servant during Era 2. Peach’s demands and attitude finally caught up with her, and Sweet put her foot down, leaving her and Homeworld for good. This did not sit well with Peach…


Pyrope  [ acquaintance ]

Pyrope came back to Homeworld after fixing her crashed ship on Earth, determined to recruit more people to help with her takeover. Let’s just say there weren’t many people to recruit...


Cotton Candy Spinel  [ friend ]

These two became friends almost immediately, both having similar attitudes and ideals. They were inseparable.

HTML by Pinky
