
2 years, 4 months ago



 Name  Gold 
 Called  Gold
 Age  Unknown
 Gender  Male
 Height  5 ft 10 in
 Build  Muscular
 Species  Metal
 Role  King of Crete
 Demeanor  Charming
 Alignment  Neutral Evil
 Theme RISE


  • Greek Mythology
  • Being worshipped
  • Getting Offerings
  • Shiny things


  • Being disrespected
  • Not being taken seriously
  • Getting ignored
  • Worshipper doubt






Gold has what his worshippers call “The Golden Touch”, the name of the power King Midas had when he was given the gift to turn anything he touched into Gold. Gold could also do the same, only for himself. Once he let go of whatever it was he had, it would change back to whatever material or color it was before. Another thing Gold can do is harden his body into actual gold. While hardened he is a lot harder to poof, and depending on the light he can blind people with his shine. The con to that ability is that he is a lot heavier and is mostly immobile.




Thousands of years ago, Gold formed on Crete. Era 2 had already begun back on Homeworld. Unaware of what was going on or what his surroundings were, Gold took to nearby villages, attempting to ask people questions about who, what, and where he was. People would freak out at the sight of him and even get on their knees and bow down to him. Some begging for their lives, some shocked and immediately silent, others asking for blessings on their children, crops, homes, etc. He was frightened and confused. People by the hundreds started coming to him with gifts and offerings, wishing for him to give them long and happy lives, farmers wanting their crops to grow faster and tastier, mothers wanting their sons to be strong and healthy when they grow up, he was appalled. Then, more people had came to him, this time asking him to turn their cattle, jewlery, clothes, you name it, into gold. The poor metal couldn’t comprehend anything. He was overwhelmed and scared. He didn’t know who or what he was, and people were giving him things and asking him for things he couldn’t provide. All of the stress and confusion caused him to poof. Gold took all of the time poofed to process everything. He decided to reform and disguise himself so he could learn more about this strange land. Decades of learning from others, reading scriptures, visiting other places in Greece, etc. He learned enough to understand why people had been acting strange towards him, but nothing about what he was. Gold found himself trying to poof himself to change his form to something like a deity. He finally decided to reform, his physical form came to represent something powerful and god-like to the people of Crete. He may not know who or what he is, but that won’t stop him from living, and luxuriously at that!

Others of Importance


Pink Sapphire  [ love interest ]

Pink Sapphire crash landed somewhere in Greece and her gemstone was immediately brought to Gold. When she reformed, Gold couldn’t believe his eyes, was this his Aphrodite?


Pyrope  [ enemy ]

Sapphire had told Gold about how she got separated from Pyrope. Gold decided to search for this said Pyrope for Sapphire, but he was greeted with aggression instead.


Sunstone  [ friend | crush ]

A trip to Greece led the others straight to Gold, and when he laid eyes on Sunstone, he felt a similar rush he had when he saw Sapphire. He almost instantly made friends with him, and is very flirtatious.

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