Iona Jacobs



6 years, 9 months ago


Notice: This character is a WIP and information may be incomplete or change.


Egocentric • Manipulative • Malicious • Rampageous

Name:Iona Isabelle Jacobs/Lexie Lethal
GENDER:Cis Female
Birthday:9th October 1991♎
occupation:Retail Worker/Musician
Pinterest board: ~x~

Iona is a very questionable vocalist in an alternative band, with even more questionable morals. She's egocentric to an absurd extent, constantly scheming about how best to utilize the people around her to gain power, money, and fame. To Iona, there's no such thing as bad publicity, and her ultimate goal is for as many people to know her name as humanly possible.
Iona is very manipulative and malicious. There's nothing she loves more than taking someone and wrapping them around her little finger.
Iona's involved in all kinds of inadvisable business. She's certainly no stranger to crime, to put it mildly, and if the police came knocking, she wouldn't hesitate to throw the nearest available person under the bus in her place.

'Okay, motherfuckers, are you ready to fuck shit up?! We're gonna raise hell tonight!!'


Iona Jacobs is not a good person. She's the frontwoman and singer for a heavy, alternative band called Snake Bitez, and her approach to most things in life is questionable at best.
Iona is, to put it lightly, a little bit obsessed with her music and her band - not to mention, herself. She is narcissistic to an extreme, hating any conversation that doesn’t revolve around her in some way, and making everything about her at all times. Iona is, quite simply, in love with herself, an egomaniac to her very core.
In contrast to this, Iona cares very, very little about other people, and in fact, sees them as nothing but tools to use on her path to fame, fortune, and supremacy. She has absolutely no qualms about manipulating and exploiting them, no matter how negatively they are affected by Iona’s schemes.

Iona is obsessed with having control over people. She finds the power she has over other people close to euphoric at times - to her, there's a sweet, sick satisfaction in watching someone go completely off the rails and knowing that she’s the one responsible. Multiple times has she happily watched people steadily get more involved in the drugs that she introduced to them, and gradually lose complete control.
Iona is deeply involved in a wild, dark branch of nightlife culture, and she uses a variety of substances to intensify her already crazy nights out. She’s pretty much on the brink of being a criminal, and is acquainted with multiple convicts, drug dealers, and equally unsavory characters. She sees all of these people as stepping stones along her path to absolute triumph and success. She's been in trouble with the law multiple times, but again and again, she worms her way out of situations, completely abandoning morals in favour of achieving her dreams.

One of Iona's favourite pastimes is shit-stirring. She'll happily worm her way in between a relationship and break it down from both sides, lying, blackmailing, and generally fucking things up for people as much as she possibly can. She just does this to see the results of her actions, to make things about her. Iona cannot keep a secret. She has absolutely no filter, no censor, and simply loves to see the chaotic consequences of her disgraceful choices.
Iona is very sexually promiscuous, and the idea of seducing others is often at the forefront of her mind. The way she presents herself, too, is incredibly sultry and suggestive. Everything down to the way she speaks is seductive, desire oozing from her every syllable. This is often the approach she takes when she wants something from someone - and it often works, too. If it doesn’t, hey, there’s always blackmail or violent threats.

Iona will pretend that her only reason for caring about people is that they add something useful to her life, and, don’t get me wrong here, this is the case 99% of the time. However, given the right circumstances, Iona can genuinely care for very certain, very specific people, even if she herself doesn't realise it.
Iona is an attention whore (and a regular whore), with deep, complex issues, and a compulsive need to make sure people know who she is, at all costs. Whether their opinion is good or bad really doesn’t matter to her. She’ll stop at nothing until every household in the UK knows her name.


Partying, Fame, Money, Drugs, Alcohol, Chaos, Violence, Manipulation, Sex, Herself, Music, Being evil.


Boredom, Rules, Rival Bands, Politics, Having to help others.


  • Iona is 5'5". The massive platform heels she always wears, however, make her seem at least 5'8".
  • She is slim and average-proportioned, with slightly bigger than average breasts.
  • Iona's hair is naturally dark brown. She bleaches it white consistently, and half of her head is shaved pretty close on her right-hand side.
  • Iona's eyes are a steely grey. She wears heavy eye makeup nearly all the time, and she often wears colour contacts, too, meaning that a lot of the time her eyes look purple or red.
  • Iona is quite conventionally attractive. She has a triangular face with sharp cheekbones, and a small, slightly ski-slope nose.
  • Iona has many piercings. She has at least 7 in each of her ears, eyebrow piercings, a septum piercing, a tongue piercing, snake bites, and nipple piercings, amongst more, probably.
  • She has a good couple tattoos, too, scattered on her arms, and her back.


  • Iona cannot stand hot drinks, but she'll drink iced coffee in winter.
  • Iona does not really do relationships, but she sleeps around with a lot of different people.
  • Iona keeps her age a secret to anyone she's not close with. Most fans assume she's younger than she is.
  • Lexie Lethal is her stage name. She's also casually referred to as 'Superbitch' among some people in the Denman area.


Mentions: Drug use, manipulative behaviour

1991 - 2006

Iona was born in 1991, to Cliff Jacobs and Hannah Bonham, raised in a small flat on the outskirts of Denman. However, mere months after her birth, Hannah left them both for not-fully-understood reasons. Iona was a problematic and angry child, who took out her frustration on her father and her classmates. She was raised alongside Kai London, who she considered her best friend for most of her childhood. Kai's father, Dominic London, was close with Cliff. The two men played in a band together when they were both young, and far closer.
However, Cliff was not a happy man. Working a dead-end job and living paycheck to paycheck, he didn't spend much time with Iona, leaving her home alone far more often than he should have. He was quite depressed and mostly apathetic to the things in his life - something that Iona most certainly internalised. Iona began to learn that the best way to get attention was cause as much trouble as possible.
She spent a lot of time growing up at the London house, playing with Kai, watched over by Dominic and Indira London. On occasion, she'd stay with her grandparents, who'd usually sit her in front of a TV set and leave her to it.
Iona never really stopped thinking about her mum. She wondered long and hard about why her mum didn't want her in her life. She became desperate to contact her, convinced that if she heard from her daughter, that she'd change her mind, and come running back. She pestered her dad for contact details so she could send her mum letters, but Cliff didn't even know where she lived now. In fact, Cliff didn't say anything at the time, but he somehow doubted Hannah even had a home. Iona was very saddened by her lack of success, and her letters to her mum remained unsent.

Iona was always amazed to hear Dominic and her father talk about their days in the band. She'd pour through photos and gaze up at their instruments, singing alone in her bedroom until she came to the conclusion that she was Actually Really Good, and people should definitely be taking more notice of her. She decided that when she was a grown-up, she'd have her very own band, and that it would be the best ever.
Iona didn't do great in school. She was constantly in trouble with teachers for being rowdy, vandalising the school, petty bullying, and thieving from other students, to name several.
When she was older, she was suspended for smoking pot on the school grounds. However, despite all of this, she was never overwhelmingly popular. A few kids would hang out with her, but it was clear that they didn't like her - her company just made them feel cool, and they were fascinated by her ways.

By this point, her and Kai had officially started making music together. Dominic eagerly helped them with everything, from songwriting to guitar to chords and harmonies, most of which went way over their heads at this stage.
Iona decided that she would name her new band Snake Bitez, because she thought snake bites were really cool, and adding a z made it even cooler.

Not long after, Iona was introduced to Matthew Navarro, a friend of Kai's. She was uninterested in him at first, but eventually started to change her mind when she heard that Dominic had been teaching him some basics on the drums.
Eventually, she initiated Matthew into the band, too.

Iona was still thinking about her mum, and now that she was a little older, she was more capable of doing her own research. After months of ringing phone number after phone number, she found the one. Iona asked the woman on the other end if her name was Hannah Bonham. Hannah said yes. The second after Iona started excitedly introducing herself, Hannah hung up. The phone went dead. No further calls went through, no matter how much Iona tried. And tried she did. Hannah did not want anything to do with Iona.
Iona was distraught.

2006 - 2019

Iona started to make some pretty dodgy acquaintances. A friend of a friends brother was a drug dealer, and a friend of his, made fake IDs. Iona started to realise that she needed to make herself known, she needed to leave a mark on people's lives, on the world. When she left school, she got a generic retail job, but was fired after little more than a month. She jumped back and forth from shitty job to shitty job, all the while, delving deeper into the world that fascinated her so much, the twisting the rules, the drugs, the music, the money, the sex.
By this time she was already involved in hard drugs, but tried to keep her wits about her, not relying on them too heavily and seeing them primarily as a way of enhancing her already crazy nights out. Of course, it was dangerous out there. Iona's go-to places were some of the dodgiest in the county - but she knew that with Kai by her side, she'd be most likely left alone. All the same, Iona had her fair share of drunken brawls, throwing punches whilst tripping out on something funky.

Iona knew that Kai was her biggest asset, and she also knew exactly how to manipulate him. Iona soon seemed to be making every decision in his life, exercising absolute control. The power she felt, knowing that if she tried hard enough she could get him to do pretty much anything, was intoxicating to Iona, and she couldn't get enough of it. She began manipulating other people, using them as tools before their use was exhausted. She'd leave them, usually with a few drug-related issues that weren't present before.
One time in particular, a young woman called Abigail got dragged into their crowd. She immediately hit it off with Kai, and shortly after, the two began seeing each other. However, Iona didn't like the fact that Abigail was getting his attention. She deserved that attention. Iona started introducing harder drugs to her, and watched as Abigail became more and more reliant, until she was coming straight off the rails. Iona felt no guilt, nor empathy.
Unsurprisingly, Abigail and Kai's relationship came to a close, as Abigail found herself hardly able to function.

During all this time, Snake Bitez was still one of Iona's biggest priorities. They started playing in small bars. It was in this period that they were joined by bassist, Jules Bailey. They started playing for audiences of an increasing size, until finally, it seemed as though Iona's childhood dream was on the precipice of coming true.
A voice in the back of her mind told her that when they get really, famous, her mother would hear them on the radio. Then, she'd notice her.

Iona became more involved in crime, even managing to get on the wrong side of gang members in one way or another during her various expeditions. In 2017, her and Kai were apprehended at a bar by a very dangerous man, who threatened Iona into keeping herself out of his business - before he left, stabbing Kai as a warning.
Iona was greatly distressed by this, the real concern she felt for her friend an unfamiliar feeling. As much as she told herself this was because Kai was such a great asset to her life - and he was, there was definitely more to it than that. In truth, Iona was a little bit obsessed with Kai, relying on him for much, much more than she let herself admit.
He was in the hospital for a few weeks following this, and on one occasion, when Iona had come to see him, she had quite the encounter with his mum, Indira - who fully blamed Iona for what happened. Indira barred Iona from spending time at their house, and demanded that Iona stop spending time with her son.
Iona, of course, planned on doing nothing of the sort.

In fact, Snake bitez were practicing more than ever - despite Kai's strange new Partner. Wisely, Kai tried to keep Addison and Iona as separate as possible.

2020 -
This year, Iona's hard work with the band pays off - they get signed! Iona is absolutely on a high - she's over the moon. She puts her everything into the band, giving up on her dead-end retail jobs entirely. Her entire existence becomes about the music, and about spreading her image as far as possible. She feels confident and in control, happy that her nails are firmly dug into the boys of her band. The next year is when they release their album, Drain. However, shortly after, Jules resigns from the band.

Iona is furious that he could turn his back on them, and she becomes even more controlling of Kai and Matthew, getting them into various extremely hairy situations, with the law, with criminals, with many people. Iona is out of control. She's lost her mind.

They tour after the release of their album - but shortly after this, a particular event tips Kai over the edge, and he announces that he and Matthew, too, are leaving the band.
Iona goes ballistic, denial, bargaining, anger - the situation gets more intense, and Iona almost seriously hurts Matthew before Kai tosses her into a table, knocking her unconscious.

...Iona doesn't hear much else from Kai, Matthew, or Jules, not after the bands properties are split. She's a solo artist now, who is also in the midst of a mental breakdown and a bender than never seems to end.
Iona begins to become involved in gangs. This entire period of her life flashes by, years that Iona can eventually, hardly even recall. She's reliant on drugs, and is beginning to question everything about herself and her life. After a few realisations triggered by hallucogenics, Iona realises that nothing matters.
Then she realises she's pregnant.

At this moment, everything changes. Iona is desperate to keep this baby, to make sure it's healthy. Iona puts her everything into unborn child - feeling as though it is now her only purpose. She goes cold turkey, which is incredibly hard for her, but reaches out to a rehab program and finds herself a support network. She doesn't know the father, and doesn't care to know, either.
But Iona's bad desicions creep up on her, and a vicious druglord that Iona seriously pissed off during the years that were but a blur to her, bluntly, wants her dead. Iona realises that she needs to run away - so she makes her plans. Fake ID's, a new life in Australia. It sounds far-fetched, but Iona's plans really seemed to be working. Everything is set.
Iona Jacobs would dissappear.

Before Iona leaves the country to find her new life, she finds Kai - desperate to have one last conversation with the man that her life seemed to revolve around for most of her time on this earth. She starts to wonder if she loves him. Was she ever really controlling him, or was he controlling her?
Iona leaves the country.
Iona Jacobs ceases to exist.



Kai London

[ Friend/Bandmate ]

It's very hard to accurately describe Kai and Iona's relationship. Iona manipulates Kai obsessively, and uses him as a glorified meat shield to protect her when things go pear-shaped on nights out (which they usually do). She knows that he relies on her as a constant in her life too much to ever leave her. The truth is, Iona relies on him as a constant, too.


Matthew Navarro

[ Friend/Bandmate ]

Iona, frankly, doesn't really give a shit about Matthew, and it's a miracle he's not extremely worse off from Iona's influence on his life. Iona thinks that Matthew is a bit of fun, something to toy with, and obviously an important asset to her band - but not much else.


Cliff Jacobs

[ Father ]

Iona doesn't really talk about her father much, or see him any more, but she doesn't actually dislike her dad. She feels protective of him to some minimal extent, and doesn't blame him for the poor way he raised her. She feels a little guilty, deep down, for everything that her and everyone else has put him through.


Hannah Bonham

[ Mother ]

Iona's mum left her and her dad, only months after Iona was born. Iona has not seen her mother since then, and has not even had a proper conversation with her. She has deep issues regarding her mother, that go a level deeper still, when Iona remembers how Hannah explicitly denied her any role in her life and refused to communicate.


Dominic London

[ Dad's friend/Friends Dad/Mentor ]

Iona likes Dominic a lot, and often used to feel jealous of Kai, wishing that Dominic was her own dad. Dominic taught her most of what she knows about music and everything that goes into a successful band, and she wouldn't be where she is now if not for him. She's very grateful to Dominic for all that he taught her, but nowadays, she doesn't consider him at all.


Indira London

[ Friend's mum ]

Iona and Indira never got on. Indira realised she was trouble far before anyone else, and she was very protective of Kai, trying her best to protect him from Iona and her ways. Iona finds Indira a fussy, irritating woman, and wishes she'd just piss off.


Julian Bailey

[ Friend/Bandmate ]

Iona feels resoundingly neutral about Jules, but the two of them have had a few troubles ever since he joined the band. Whether it was musical or artistic disputes, or general criticism about Iona as a person, Jules would say what was on his mind. He was independent and strong, immune to Iona's scheming ways, and this always irritated her. But a part of her respected Jules, and she couldn't help but find him likable.


Addison Ellis

[ Disliked ]

I'm reworking some stuff about these too, so this may very well change in the future.
These two don't know each other - and it's a good job, as it probably wouldn't turn out well for either of them. Addison is Kai's partner, and Iona definitely feels an aspect of jealousy about this.

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