Basic Info


Detra Melfic




Scorpiral Demon




Memoiran General, bodyguard of The Lady Anatola and her Circle





Creation Year


Soul Tune

Scorpion's Sight/Desert Dancer


Trati Melfic (younger sister)


Detrati - Onakaiya

Current Home

Switzerconstantinlantis - Memioras


Physical Appearance

  • Medium length mildly-curly black hair
  • Purple eyes
  • Light brown skin
  • Very tall in height
  • Physically fit with very well built muscles
  • Armored exoskeletal plates and horns
  • Scorpion tail

Clothing Style

Detra doesn't particularly like wearing that much clothing considering how difficult it can be to put on over his exoskeleton without it being custom made. He doesn't tend to be clear about what parts of him are exoskeleton and what is armor, which seems to be a purposeful ambiguity to make things more interesting. Some of the armor on his legs and arms, like his gloves, are indeed armor, but the armor on his chest is exoskeletal. He does also wear armor shoulder-plates and sometimes a cloak depending on the situation. His horns, tail, and plates on his face are also exoskeletal, but that's about all he'll elaborate on. He'll leave you to guess what else is part of him and what isn't.


Detra is a quiet and fierce warrior of the desert who is primarily motivated by his loyalties. He holds himself with confidence yet is never arrogant, and he tends to be observant of his surroundings at all times. He comes off as practical and no-nonsense, but it's mostly because he likes to keep things as simple as possible rather than being too serious. When he speaks, he's usually very blunt with his words and is honest about pretty much everything, aside from the occasional sarcasm. He tends to keep a calm and rather low-energy demeanor most of the time, but he doesn't put up with any crap and doesn't even bother himself with petty problems or drama. He's usually a perfectly reasonable person to talk and negotiate with, but he also doesn't have any problem punching his way through problems if talking is going to be a waste of time. His demeanor is actually quite similar to Lady Anatola's in the sense that neither of them typically show that much external emotion or enthusiasm, although he can be more expressive than she normally is, especially if displaying his anger or annoyance.

Detra can be somewhat brooding and unapproachable at times, but he's not quite as scary as he looks, as long as you don't annoy him. He has a down to earth nature and always works hard and efficiently to reach his goals. He seems rather aggressive and intimidating, and honestly he really is in the right situations, but in general he's pretty mellow and friendly. He also has a rather light sense of humor that's usually too subtle for most people to pick up on unless they are already familiar with him. Detra isn't really a fan of using complicated technology if there's a perfectly reasonable alternative that doesn't require technology. He's not incapable of learning how to use certain devices and is by no means technology-illiterate, but he dislikes having to interact with it and avoids it if possible.


  • Poyson rifting - rank 4/5
  • Shapeshifting - giant scorpion
  • Scorpion tail has deadly poison even in humanoid form
  • Semi-retractable arm blades
  • Highly trained in various combat disciplines
  • Trained in a fair amount of military oriented disciplines and assassination


  • Physically strong, enduring, and surprisingly agile
  • Has quick reflexes, high pain tolerance, and physical control/balance
  • Instinctual, reliable, perceptive, and loyal
  • Down to earth, sensible, hands on, and never bothers with petty drama


  • A bit aggressive and resorts to violence quickly when being overprotective of his friends
  • Sometimes a stick in the mud and a bit too serious
  • Sticks out in crowds, takes up a lot of space, and has trouble finding clothes that fit him
  • Only takes orders from people he respects and can be hard to cooperate with otherwise


Detra was born in Detrati, Onakaiya and grew up with his parents, both elite warriors, and his younger sister, Trati. He undertook training from his parents and many of the other elite Scorpiral warriors of his clan. Around the age of 10, he was snatched from his village by the Enlightened during an invasion, and he was later transferred to Memoira.

His history involving Sakavist Academy is classified.


  • Detra and his sister, Trati, were generally based on the Pokemon Drapion, at least in terms of being scorpions and having a purple color scheme. But they're not really close enough to technically be gijinkas I suppose.
    • He and Trati were generally designed based on the humanization of my Drapion from Pokemon Pearl, who was named Detrati. Their new designs were developed by me and his original "rp maker," although I technically have free rein over the character now.
  • His birthday is October 27th.
  • Obviously since he was born in the desert, he enjoys warmer weather over cooler weather. However, he hasn't been to the desert in a long while, so he's gotten used to various climates out of necessity.
    • He's a lot more mellow when the weather is warm and the sun is out though.
    • He does not like humidity though, so dry heat is much more enjoyable than a humid one.
  • His favorite color is purple, closely followed by black.
  • Anatola is currently trying to teach him ballroom dancing, and he doesn't really like it.
  • His outlook on life is that each moment should be treated as a new experience and should never go to waste. Life is precious, so one should never let other people pick your path for you, and if you're not learning from your life and experiences and simply coast along on other people's currents, maybe you don't deserve that life at all.
  • Because Anatola requires everyone to play an instrument while she's having a coughing fit, Detra has taken up learning to play sitar. He's pretty good at it now, but sometimes he'll just resort to just playing the kazoo at her because it's easier to carry around.
  • Often called "party pooper" by Jethro.
  • Often called "hunk of man" by Anatola.
  • Old Charahub blurb: "A highly trained warrior experienced in assassination and combat tactics that serves as The Lady's personal guard."
  • Original file number: 108
    • New file number: 341