Basic Info


Trati Melfic


Often referred to as Madame Melfic by regulars of Emdrica Fly




Scorpiral Demon




Waitress/Bartender/General Manager of Emdrica Fly under De Jack Zilvas





Creation Year


Soul Tune

Desert Dancer


Detra Melfic (older brother)


Detrati - Onakaiya

Current Home



Physical Appearance

  • Short black hair
  • Purple eyes
  • Tan skin
  • Tall in height
  • Physically fit with muscled build
  • Purple facial markings (see reference)
  • Armored exoskeletal plates and horns
  • Scorpion tail

Clothing Style

Trati doesn't particularly like wearing that much clothing considering how difficult it can be to put on over her exoskeleton without it being custom made. While working at Emdrica Fly, she wears a black and purple sleeveless top with a silver badge and shoulder guard on the left side. She wears custom sleeve-fitted arm guards, which is somewhat difficult to distinguish from her exoskeletal plates. These gauntlets also have slits for her arm blades. She also wears a purple and white armored skirt and thigh high armored boots.


Trati is a serious and hard working woman who works at Emdrica Fly and keeps things running smoothly. She comes off as a little unemotional sometimes, but she is a helpful and responsible person who does her best to assist those in need and protect those around her. She doesn't always come off as very warm and inviting, and she has a rather rough and blunt demeanor, but she means well and is ultimately a solid ally to have and a well grounded person in general. Trati is certainly very independent and focused on her goals, and she will pursue her desires regardless if anyone around her will support her, and she is not easily discouraged or intimidated. She has the hardiness and bravery of a warrior, yet she is always willing to lend an ear to others and offer advice or assistance with reasonable troubles. Trati tends to keep herself to a tight schedule and always seems to keep herself busy doing something, and she is very efficient and won't hesitate to act on any problem or confrontation around her.


  • Poyson rifting - rank 4/5
  • Shapeshifting - giant scorpion
  • Scorpion tail has deadly poison even in humanoid form
  • Semi-retractable arm blades
  • Skilled at hand to hand combat
  • Skilled at cooking/baking and mixing drinks


  • Responsible, confident, and reliable
  • Down to earth, helpful, and a good listener
  • Sensible, organized, and multitasks well
  • Assertive, observant, and very little gets by her watch


  • Slow to open up to others and rarely talks about herself personally even with close friends
  • Rather low key and doesn't go out to have fun much, especially not with others
  • Tends to worry about many things at once and loads herself up with many tasks/problems
  • Although she adapts well in her workplace, she dislikes change in her lifestyle/schedule overall


Trati was born in Detrati, Onakaiya and grew up watching her older brother undertake warrior training by the elite Scorpiral. However, when the Enlightened raided the desert one day during their childhood, her brother was nowhere to be found in the aftermath. Trati believes he was taken or killed by the Enlightened, and she insisted on being trained as a warrior despite all opposition. She eventually completed her combat training and left Onakaiya in search of information on the Enlightened. She lived on Emdrica and got a job as a waitress at Emdrica Fly, eventually being promoted to De Jack's assistant, although she continues her work as a server in the bar. She hopes the continuous stream of travelers and new information coming through will one day shed light on the fate of her brother.

Trati continues her work at Emdrica Fly, although she does not think much of her brother nearly as much anymore and has moved on. She is more concerned with the rising threat of the Enlightened threatening numerous people she holds dear.


  • Trati's character concept was jointly developed by both me and a close friend's sister. This character was the sister of this friend's "rp" character of sorts in the past when a group of us were developing Anatola's story, but I have always been the one that developed and wrote about the character. I have ownership of the character in most aspects, which includes profile building, although I take into account suggestions from the friend and his sister if they give any.
    • This particular friend of mine's only public internet presence is on GaiaOnline as Detra Melfic, while his sister has no public internet presence.
  • Old Charahub blurb: "Assistant to De Jack Zilvas, but a fearsome Scorpiral warrior of Detrati intent on discovering the fate of her long lost brother."
  • Original file number: 105
    • New file number: 349
  • Her favorite color is purple.
  • Not fond of spiders at all. The Ariac tribe of Onakaiya was vehement enemies of her Scorpiral tribe.
  • She's somewhat of a romantic, but she tends to keep her feelings to herself. She'd like to think she'd meet the right man someday, but she acknowledges she's extremely picky and not exactly giving herself opportunities to even try dating.
  • If people cause trouble in the bar, Trati will throw them out the door for Maelstrom to stomp on. She really enjoys throwing people.
  • Although she'd never admit it, she enjoys hearing about gossip and drama. She doesn't enjoy spreading it though, just hearing about it.
    • Despite enjoying drama and gossip, she hates hearing people complain or whine about their problems. She's totally fine with hearing about these problems from an objective or neutral perspective or tone, but she does not care to hear someone lament about it.
  • Trati and her brother, Detra, were generally based on the Pokemon Drapion, at least in terms of being scorpions and having a purple color scheme. But they're not really close enough to technically be gijinkas I suppose.
    • She and Detra were generally designed based on the humanization of my Drapion from Pokemon Pearl, who was named Detrati. Their new designs were developed by me and Detra's original "rp maker," although I technically have free rein over the character now.
  • Some of the people who Jack has taken in jokingly refer to her as "mom" when she's particularly doting or protective of them. She's not really old enough compared to them to be a mom, but she sometimes fusses over them in a motherly way. Mostly because the vast majority of them are complete and utter messes.