Minor characters (Malynn)



2 years, 9 months ago


>Malynn Flynn

Species: waterling; axolotl

Male; he/ him

Age: 12

Height: growing

Sexuality: N/A

Occupation: schooling


He is the son of Barry Flynn and Everett Gills. Personality wise, he resembles his father very much. But look wise, nobody really knows who he resembles to. He’s also quite the trouble maker.



-Everett Gills; mother. He enjoys her mothers stories more than his fathers stories. He always makes an origami flower for her in her birthdays.

-Barry Flynn; father. Both him and his sister enjoy spending time with their father, than their mother, as he’s a little less strict.

-Alina Flynn; twin sister. She can be really competitive sometimes, but she got his back when he need it.

-Henry Gills; grandfather. In order to compete with her sisters artistic skills, he makes origamies for his grandfather.

-Delilah Gills ; grandmother. He likes how grandma draws flowers.

-Markus Gills; uncle. Malynn thinks he is the best gift giver in the family.

-Matteo Gills; uncle. He can pinch his cheeks pretty hard sometimes, and his smile kinda looks creepy, but he’s funny.

-Katrina Gills; cousin. BEST COUSİN EVER!!!


Other Characteristics:

-He is actually pretty good at maths.

-Although he may not seem like it, he is quit a patient person.



-His name, at first, was “D3rp,” but then I decided to name him after the secondary MC in the book Shadow and Bone by Liegh Bardugo.