Minor characters (Alina)



2 years, 8 months ago


>Alina Flynn

Species: waterling; axolotl

Female; she/ her

Age: 12

Height: growing

Sexuality: N/A

Occupation: schooling


She’s the daughter of Barry Flynn and Everett Gills. She resembles her mother both and looks and personality wise. She doesn’t like being hugged or her cheeks to be pinched by people, though grandpa  Henry and grandma Delilah are an exception.



-Everett Gills: mother. She enjoys her mothers stories more than his fathers stories.

-Barrlyn Flynn: father. Both her and her brother enjoy spending time with their father, than their mother, as he’s a little less strict.

-Malynn: twin brother. He can be annoying sometimes, but he got her back when she need it.

-Henry Gills: grandfather. She enjoys drawing gifts for her grandfather.

-Delilah (last name): grandmother. Elli also enjoys drawing gift for her grandmother to impress her, and get her approval, as she is an artist.

-Markus Gills: uncle. She likes the gifts uncle Markus buys more than anyone elses.

-Matteo Gills: uncle. She wished he’d stop pinching her cheeks so hard.

-Katrina Gills: cousin. She finds her cousin, Katrina, a little annoying but still enjoys spending time with her.


Other characteristics:

-Her favorite season is winter.

-Her grandfather, Henry, is the only one in the family that referrs to her as “Alina”. Everybody else calls her “Elli.”



- her name, at first was actually just “Elli,” but I decided give her a full name; I named her after the MC in the book Shadow and Bone by Liegh Bardugo.

-her great-grand mother was designed after Alina