Maria Seraphina Auren



6 years, 9 months ago


Clothing basics

Additional clothing

Name: Maria Seraphina Auren
Age: ~22 years old
Sex: Female

Species: Sinneghalla-Eastern Cerulean
Place of Birth: The White Palace of Auritas
Status: Heir to the Auritas Throne, Princess of the Cerulean Empire

 Cheerful Impulsive Bratty Spoiled Emotional Dimwitted

The Curse
Academic success
Maria suffers from the same unknown illness that took the lives of her older twin brothers. Being bedridden for multiple days(or even weeks) at a time, Maria wasn't able to perform many of the duties fit for a princess. Her affliction has left Maria and her family in constant fear for her life. Fortunately her royal parents are more than capable of financing all sorts of cures from all over the world. They made sure to protect her from all the cruelties of the world, unintentionally raising her into a spoiled and sheltered girl.
Maria is a devout worshiper of Belgrath, the Sun Serpent. Because her illness forced her to be bedridden, Maria spends most of her time reading religious scrolls and listening to sermons. Her religiousness is more of a desperate search for the cure and answers rather than true faith. Her sheltered life gives her a distorted view of the outside world and consequently the religion itself, as she sees it as far more pure and naive than it truly is. Despite being a true believer, Maria still has vices, like kidnapping Alexendrei from the fighting pits.
Little to none. Maria is as stupid as she is cheerful. As the last viable heir to the imperial throne, she is forced to prepare to inherit the crown when the time comes. She relies on her friends to study for with her.
Both Andromeda and Sno are much more than unwilling tutors for her, as they became the pillar to rely on, especially during the long and torturous bouts of The Curse. She often compensates them for their love(and doing her homework) by showering them both with hugs and expensive things.

Souvenir collecting
Maria  has always had a secret rebellious streak to her. First she expressed  herself by stealing food and alcohol from the kitchens whenever she was  healthy enough to "sneak around" (though the staff knew about this and  just let her do it). This wasn't enough for her as her bedridden days  turned into weeks.
Andromeda accidentally mentioned how she heard  about the secret fighting rings beneath the streets of Auritas, that  employs enslaved Arabeleans. This idea excited Maria so much that she  immediately jumped off of her bed and demanded Andromeda take her there.  After a good two-hour debate that was doomed from the start, they put  on their best commoner-like clothes and began their secret mission.

The  fights were far crueler and gory than either of them expected. Men  against men, men against animals that neither of them has ever seen.  Andromeda had to avert her gaze a few times, but Maria was having the  time of her life. The betting who will die first, the excitement of  being there in secrecy! Exactly what she always wanted to experience.
A  peculiar fighter immediately caught Maria's eye as soon as his form  emerged from the shadows: taller than any ghalla she's ever seen, and  alabaster white. Jagged bloody teeth decorated a gaping hole on the left  side of his face where the mouth is supposed to be. She watched him rip  man after man to pieces, never taking her eyes off of him despite  Andromeda's objections. "I must have him!", the Princess proclaimed at  once, leaving Andromeda stunned in silence.
(cutting short because this will be shown in either prose or comic form)
One  hectic chase across the dark streets of Auritas and the three of them  found themselves in the tunnels beneath the White Palace. Maria now has  the rarest pet in the whole of Eraden.


  • Parents: While she can be disrespectful and rebellious, she still  loves them and deeply respects them. As her illness progresses, she slowly becomes closer and closer to them. It's obvious where she got her personality, intelligence, and deformities.
  • Older brothers: The names of the deceased twins are rarely mentioned in the Auren household. Their sudden deaths were shocking to everyone, but Maria took the biggest blow, as her health quickly began declining soon after their passing. She idealizes her older brothers and fears she will never be on their level in the eyes of her family or the country. She always makes sure to mention them in her daily prayers.
  • Grand Priest Thorntail: Thorntail is something of a grandfather figure to Maria. While she finds his many lessons boring, she still turns to him for all advice. He is in charge of keeping her alive and takes great care to make sure that the princess is content as possible.
  • Andromeda: Despite the large gap in social status, they quickly became very good friends. Andromeda's fiery and ambitious personality acts as a driving force that keeps Maria going. She knows that she can always rely on Andromeda and use her as a shoulder to cry on. Though, Maria is well aware of their  differences and she will not hesitate to use that to her advantage to get what she wants from Andromeda.
  • Alexendrei: His arrival into Maria's life was an extremely impulsive decision on her part. For quite a while she saw him as a mindless savage all Arabeleans are described as. She behaved around him as if he was an exotic pet, a shiny toy to brag to other royal girls. Maria did not expect this savage beast to be the one to truly love and care for her. As Sno stopped following her every command, Maria realized that they are more equal than she was aware. Soon enough, she became attached to him and his presence the most. Now she cannot envision her life without him by her side.
  • Commoners and court staff: Even though deep down she knows that people around her have their own wants and needs, even deeper down she is convinced that they were all born to serve her and fulfill her every whim. 


  • She has developed a great passion for alcoholic beverages. Sno often has to put them on the highest shelves to stop her from getting to them.
  • Her 'bulbous' nose is a slight genetic defect that can lead to troubled nasal breathing.
  • Her doubled horns are actually just one horn bifurcated into the separate forks. This structure makes her horns somewhat more fragile than usual.
  • She absolutely adores Cermedilian Hounds and would own a thousand if she could.