Andromeda Rammorne



6 years, 8 months ago



Clothing basics

Name: Andromeda Rammorne
Age: ~19/20 years old
Sex: Female
Species: Sinneghalla-Western Cerulean
Place of birth: Ranadum, a town in the Carmedil Province
Status: Apprentice of the Grand Priest, lady in waiting of Princess Maria

Ambitious Determined Explosive Intelligent Scheming Stubborn 

Runaway aspirations
The gift
The Priest's apprentice
Andromeda escaped her abusive home at the age of 13, after a violent outburst from her father. She set her sights on 'making it big' in Auritas, the capital city of the Empire. She spent a lot of her teenage years slowly inching towards Auritas and surviving. Along the way, Andromeda learned how to take care of herself and thrive in the harsh world around her. This sort of lifestyle forced her to develop a 'stone cold' outer shell and a brash persona.While running away from roadside thieves, Andromeda found shelter in a cavern. She was confronted by Variga, the Moon Deity. Variga offered her unimaginable power, in exchange for Andromeda's body and soul. Andromeda initially refused and Variga decided to give her a 'parting gift'; From that point on Andromeda was able to enter a parallel plane of existence, enabling her to see and interact with the spirits of the deceased that haven't moved on yet. If she focuses enough she can see the spirits in the material plane as well.Due to unfortunate circumstances, the last person to enter Andromeda's 'card reading' tent was Princess Maria in disguise. After stealing the princess' necklace, Andromeda was arrested. the Grand Priest Thorntail saw the potential in her and took her in as his apprentice. In order to counter Variga's offer, the Sun Deity Belgrath gifted her with a 'blank' Carmedilian hound to serve her. Andromeda accustomed quickly to the studious and fast-paced life of a priest's apprentice and the princess' confidant.

The miracle child and the hound of the Sun
Right before sunrise, just as the most devout disciples of the Sun temple flooded the place and began their morning routines of cleaning and  praying, a strange sight caught them by surprise: a blank Carmedil hound standing in the middle of the great hall. Out of all the  bewildered faces, the beast approached Andromeda only, choosing her in a sense. She named the Carmedil Hound Cornelius because corn was the first thing she thought to try feeding him with, and he loved it. To everyone else it was a sign of Andromeda being the "one chosen by the Sun Serpent", but to Andromeda it was a horrible burden. From time to time Cornelius' face would shift, indicating that he became a vessel for Belgrath, the purpose for which he was created. Belgrath-ridden Cornelius would speak with Andromeda in private, guiding her ever so slowly to his side or chastising her for steering away.
While Thorntail was the first to notice that Andromeda "isn't your everyday street rat", the sentiment spread like wildfire once Andromeda started holding her own sermons. With the help of divine intervention from both Calamities, as well as a few of her own tricks, Andromeda's popularity amongst the common folk skyrocketed. No other disciple of Thorntail's could even come close to holding the title of "the Burning Child" and "the Burning Priestess" later on, as Andromeda would set herself on fire, unharmed by the searing flames as proof of her purity and holiness. She knows how to engage the audience and preaches with a fiery passion. Don't be fooled by her passionate preaching; she has no true interest in worshiping anything or anyone.

Parents: Andromeda never met her mother, and her father only used her to as a scapegoat for everything that went wrong in his life. For this, among many other things, Andromeda deeply resents him.
The Deities: the Moon and the Sun: Andromeda was never religious but after her encounter with Variga she became aware of the potential religion has. She tentatively juggles between the opposing deities, doing her best to stay in graces of both of them. 
Variga(personally): Andromeda is not too happy with Variga's antics and constant pestering. Variga is astronomically bored and apparently nothing is more amusing than a homeless teenager. Variga openly hopes that Andromeda will buckle under pressure and accept the deal, while Andromeda openly hopes that Variga will find someone else to bother.
Maria: At first, Andromeda saw Maria as nothing but an easy way to make money fast, and planned on using princess' naive nature to climb the social ladder. Much to her annoyance, Andromeda grew fond of the princess and soon became close friends with her. The way faith continues to treat Maria fuels Andromeda's anger towards it.
Sno: Just like everyone else, Andromeda fell for the 'they're all savages' image Arabeleans usually have. After some time she began to respect him not only for his evident intelligence and determination to survive, but for the fact that he is the only person able to say no to Maria without causing a scene. Sno and Andromeda share a similar, very bleak view on the world.
Grand Priest Thorntail: Thorntail quickly became both a father figure and a mentor to Andromeda. He quickly saw her potential to climb up the social ladder, and chose her as his successor as the Grand Priest of Auritas.


  • The tip of her tail is broken and hurts when touched. She fidgets with it when nervous.
  • Andromeda is great at lock-picking and loves a good challenge
  • She can't seem to be able to put on any weight(which might be intentional)
  • Sometimes she babytalks to Cornelius and denies it
  • She has a great singing voice