Selena Miranda



6 years, 9 months ago


【 Name 】Selena Miranda
【 Age 】 30
Gender 】 Female
【 Status 】 Engaged
【 Alias 】 Selly, Lena
【 Origin 】 Juarez, Mexico
【 Ethnicity 】 Mexican
【 Birthday】08/29
【 Theme 】Adoro

【Height】 5' 2"
【Skin tone】 Warm Tan
【Hair Color】 Strawberry Blond
【Demeanor】 Flirty
【Build】 Curvy and Soft
【Eye color】 Warm Gold
【Hair style Thick and Straight
【Style】 Selena Style Board
【 Positives 】
  • Optimistic
  • Cheerful
  • Patient
【 Negatives 】
  • Overly Flirtatious
  • Prone to Addictions
  • Low Self-Image

Selena is a charming, flirtatious, friendly woman who always greets her customers with a wide smile and a cheerful wave.  She treats everyone like a friend.  However, that doesn't mean that she isn't cautious; she is a lot savvier than she first appears and is not afraid to play up her feminine wiles (though mostly in getting protection from unruly patrons in her bar.  Or needing help grabbing something from a tall shelf).

Though she is friendly and cheerful, she also has a tendency to hide unpleasant feelings.  She doesn't see herself as very beautiful but counteracts that with wearing cute feminine clothes and wearing flirty makeup.  She'd like to see herself as beautiful one day, but for now, she likes to pretend.



Selena Miranda was born and raised in Juarez, Mexico.  It was not a pleasant childhood; she used to have a few brothers as a child, but one by one they, like her father, left her life, either through joining the warring cartels or through dying in the streets.  Sometimes both were the case.  Her mother, tired of losing her children, and fearful for the fate of her thirteen-year-old daughter, smuggled her child into El Paso, begging for anyone to take her in.  A kind couple with a husband in social work took the young Selena into their home.

She never saw her mother again.

In the United States, Selenas' life was not too bad.  She was a friendly child and while her accent was always going to be thick, she managed to make friends.  Her foster parents were kind, but elderly, and had their hands full with another teenager, the far more troublesome and rebellious April Soung.  They were thankful that Selena was able to calm the troubled girl down and even act like an older sister for her.

Selena was never adopted; she was too old and considered not that bright.  However, she was under the Dream Act and was able to go to school.  She graduated high-school and enrolled in the local community college for beauty, something her foster-mother and April encouraged.  However, she was young and fell in love with one of her teachers, a nice older gentleman who did, in fact, marry her and introduced her to the world of modeling at the tender age of eighteen.

Her life got a bit difficult; she became engrossed in the world.  She lost more weight to get more photo shoots, got addicted to cocaine and other drugs in order to keep the weight off while also going to after parties filled with more drugs and alcohol.  She had divorced and remarried multiple times, as well as being forced to her use her body to keep up her lifestyle.  It became too much for her; even though she was pretending to play the part of the worldly model, she was still the soft sweet girl she had always been.

One day, she was hospitalized after an overdose and while in the hospital, dangerously underweight, she was encouraged to eat and get help for her anorexia, drug and now sex addiction.  While getting that help, she was divorced again by her latest music artist husband and left to fend for herself.  The police officer who got her to the hospital, Darrion Dante, offered to find her a job and a place to stay.

Even if it meant becoming a bartender, then the manager of a bar that owned by a certain Mafia Queen.  Rogue Red was her new home and a new career.  The work was steady and though she had seen a few unsavory things, she felt protected.  No one would mess with her while she worked at the Rogue Red bar.  It was also at the bar that she met the love of her life, Eliot Levesque, who was on a business trip at the time.  One for a whirlwind romance, she and him became very close and now have a relatively stable and good life together.

6979118_1M9sdqOw0g9XiaC.pngApril SoungLittle Sister April is Selena's foster sister and they are very close.  Selena looked after April even though they were not that far apart in age and though they did spend a lot of years together, they are as close as sisters can be.  While April is very, very rough around the edges, Selena is one of the people April can trust and opens up to.

7102486_8DBkriz7QeTosJc.jpgEliot LevesqueFiance Eliot is her knight in charming armor.  He has protected her from unruly guests and is also a stable and kind man.  She adores his French accent as much as he loves her Mexican one and while they have their differences, their values align.  He doesn't care that she gained weight and never knew her as a model.  Only the traditional, clumsy, feminine woman she is.
renyuki_tsubame__1_by_astrawberrydream-dRenyuki TsubameSexual Tension Abounds Ren is Eliot's cousin and has done a lot for Eliot and Selena.  The two flirt with each other a lot and even had a one-off liaison together.  Selena does find herself feeling a kinship with him, but besides those few fleeting moments together, she tries not to stay too close with Ren.

lust_tristan_dante_by_artisticallystrangLust: Tristan DanteFlirty Trickster  Selena enjoys Tristans' antics whenever he visits, and often they have flirtatious banter though nothing more serious than that.  Tristan is clear to ask about the latest patrons and if any of them were handsome...or causing trouble.  She rather not mention if there were unruly guests because she can tell there is something not at all stable behind Tristans' blue eyes.
pride__darrion_dante_by_artisticallystraPride: Darrion DanteHer "Hero"  Darrion helped Selena out when she needed it the most and managed to get back on her feet after her disastrous years as a model.  Though they are not close, he keeps in touch with her.
wrath__ira_dante_by_artisticallystrange-Wrath: Ira DanteRogue Reds' Owner   Selena owes a lot to Ira; Ira found a stable job for her after she was rescued by Darrion.  Though they are not close, Selena does respect Ira and is more than happy to look the other way when there are...private parties happening in the bar.  Selena is just the manager; she doesn't own it.
jaycetennisonfull_by_artisticallystrangeJayce TennisonAdorable Yayce Jayce and Selena see each other as family thanks to the Ren and Eliots' close relationship.  Though Jayce and Selena are very different, Jayce enjoys helping Selena with technlogy while Selena gently teases him and hugs him.  Anything to get the shy ginger kitten more social and happy.
More Information
【 DeviantArt Full Profile 】N/A
【 Full Gallery 】N/A
【 Japanese Seiyu 】Houko Kuwashima
【 English Voice Actor】Thalia