The Captain



2 years, 9 months ago


Name: Shes called "Captain" out of respect, nothing else
Age: around late 40s early 50s
Pronouns: she/her
Species: human
Height: 6'2"

A woman with a piercing gaze and remarkably clear voice well known for having the lowest crew loss rate among leviathan hunters. Quick to act and quicker to strategize, Captain is all about doing things right and doing them right the first time. Her crew is notably more loyal to her than others to their captains in her profession, she treats them all as irreplaceable. Her ship is alive and her crew are its arms and legs, eyes and teeth, heart and lungs. Shes an extrovert who chooses how she communicates carefully, her crew has to be able to understand detailed instructions within seconds sometimes relying only on the tone of her voice through the crashing waves to guide them, or her gestures as she aids them. Her confidence is unmatched and can come across as arrogance to those who dont realize she has what it takes to back it up, and she delights in proving it. Shes vivacious in everything she does, full of movement and and clearly has a love for the world around her, she even finds the leviathans she hunts beautiful. Shes a woman who respects the ungovernable, untamed, wild and peculiar, beasts included. While she loves the beasts, she loves people just as much and is someone who cannot thrive in isolation.

Captain is often fair, refusing to accept anything from others without an adequate trade and expects the same treatment. Getting on her good side is recommended, shes just as unhospitable and malicious as the raging sea when wronged. Shes no stranger to danger and bloodshed and wont hesitate to participate in it if she feels its necessary or if shes just in the mood. She has a knowing feeling about her and if youre caught in a lie she wont forget it. Thankfully she also doesnt forget those who do right by her, if you manage to earn her approval its difficult to make her change her mind. Her work attitude isnt a persona, and she behaves the same way around the clock but you can tell when she likes or trusts someone because the ready to pounce tension leaves her posture and makes room for dance-like fluidity. She values keepsakes and is both sentimental and very superstitious so good luck charms are a favorite for her. She and Hunter exchange jobs with one another and are on good terms. 

She and her first mate are closer than the average crew pair, theyve known each other since teenhood and have Something(tm) going on, first mate has seen captain in her entirety something not everyone can say. Captain sometimes affectionately refers to her as her best girl. 

-has a glass eye, keeps it a secret she has a glass eye unless shes friendly with you
-doesnt smooth talk people, is very upfront and blunt
-intense stare, almost doesnt blink when talking to people
-likes to nap in the crow's nest when the ship is docked
-loves the boat like its her baby
-has a tattoo of a rooster on her back
-used to be a deckhand before the captain before her died, it was a hard loss for her
-often carries a lantern because theyre good improvised weapons and she needs the light for her remaining eye
-shes the weird animal girl, loves all forms of life, thinks parasites are cool and cute
-stern but well liked, forges connections willingly with those she deems worth it
-the charm in her hair was a gift, she absolutely has accidentally whacked herself with it but refuses to take it out
-her voice carries VERY far. She sometimes goes hoarse during the busy season which causes her to sound like shes crowing
-shes lactose intolerant