The Captain (shedim au)



1 year, 3 months ago


Au for Skeletondoggy's setting :) for fun, to explore different aspects of their personalities and an excuse for me to indulge in monstery designs for them <3

Height: 9'6"
Magic specialty: if someone ingests part of her body (typically a scale from her tail) they will understand her when she crows, a sound not even translated by the gems shedim have that convert sound to language between them all, its useful for covert messaging or alerts, and if anyone can understand her when they shouldnt she knows something is Up.

Main differences for captain:
-even more intense and interested in peoples ambition
-still values the clan but isnt as close with them as her human counterpart is to her crew, while human captains crew is basically her family, shedim captain cares about her clan members but kind of cares less about having a close knit bond with all of them
-doesnt have a boat, but has accidentally created a nomadic crafts fair and "runs" that with input from all parties involved
-a bit more distant with others but more open about her ideology
-constantly tries to challenge others on their mindsets rather than just focusing on her own and believing in it, more combative about viewpoints
-a little more jaded.. but it doesnt let it get in the way of her feelings as much as she can, more trust issues
-actually more of a pacifist than her human counterpart, but isnt squeamish or even reluctant to resort to violence, just prefers it as an answer to problems less and tries to exhaust other options first


Captain originated from the sea and did not know her parents, she was left to fend for herself as many shedim children do and did quite well for herself, though there remained a sense of emptiness that was not brought into focus until she met her future mentor. Captain is someone who is deeply social and needs close relationships of all types (platonic, romantic, familial) to truly feel at ease, and all of her relationships being rather inconsistent took a toll on her. Her mentor was someone who she attached to quickly, they were an eccentric older shedim who took promising youngsters under their wing to give them direction to "become something". It was an externalization of something captain had felt before but never had the word or action to communicate, the belief in others and wanting to see what people can make

Thats what it was supposed to be at least, it wasnt until young adulthood that she realized her mentor did not share her mindset, and the death of one of her peers for not "measuring up" hit her hard as she had grown to see the group in a familial sense. Her admiration for her mentor crumbled away as she realized they only really cared for the "best" and had an extremely narrow view of what that was, a view that essentially still conformed to standard societal values was not one captain was interested in. As much as it pained her, she performed what basically amounted to a one man coup and took control of the group, none of the others stayed, fearing a similar betrayal at some point. Captain didnt intentionally reform it but she would offer protection to "weaker" more vulnerable shedim in exchange for them "showing" her what theyre capable of, in either a literal or figurative sense. Most dismissed her as strange at best or condescending at worst but a few equally strange individuals took her up on her offer. Over time, shes amassed what is essentially a clan (which is a collection of shedim with a similar goal or ideology who live together to achieve something). 

Because of captains encouragement for shedim to essentially pour themselves into what their passions are, the clan has become a bit of a craft or service fair at times, with the shedim within perfecting the things they care about and presenting it periodically for the public (and captain themself) to see and praise and trade for. They travel around and members are free to come or go as they please and admission is simply to be trustworthy and to earnestly have a passion you wish to dedicate yourself to without the threat of anyone picking you off in the street or extorting you. Captain claims to not be in control of anyone but the others DO look to her for guidance at times, but she also makes sure to get their input as well, not wishing to repeat the mistakes in her mind of her former mentor, though she trusts if she becomes out of line in such a way another member would do whatever needed to be done. 


Hunter- One of her close friends, similar to most of hunters encounters, they heard of a strong shedim in the area and wanted to fight her, but instead found someone who had the same values as they did in a way and the two hit it off. Hunter visits whenever shes in the area and the two like to catch up, captain has offered for them to join but hunter refuses, not one for company which captain respects. Despite not being a member of the clan hunter actually does have one of her scales ingested, meaning they understand her crows. Captain finds them comfortable and they are someone she can trust, which even among the clan she finds herself struggling to fully do. 

Chimera- A friend the hunter introduced her to, GREATLY enjoys speaking with them and they like hunter understand her vision and get much more excited about it than hunter does, which is enjoyable if not amusing. They speak at lengths with her on ideological points of view and their similar desire for pacifism and value of the "little things" in the world. They also share the grief of having to be the one to stop a tyrannical parent figure and appreciate the others understanding. 

Cook-She would like to get to know them more, since hunter speaks of cook so often, but the shedim has expressed a very open distrust of clans. Captain respects this but cant help but feel cook would benefit from taking time to learn more about the groups beliefs. Oh well.

First mate- Captains oldest and closest member of the clan, similarly to hunter they are someone she can trust. The two have been essentially inseparable since the first mate decided to tag along. First mate isnt one of the shedim who actually benefit from the protection of someone stronger, since they can hold their own just fine, but earnestly just is fascinated by captain and wants to see what SHE is going to do with her beliefs. It kind of keeps captain going at times, the two have Something going on between them but others cant quite pin down the exact nature of their relationship, but everyone is aware its Close.