Selova "Snarkle"



2 years, 8 months ago


I feel so funny these days / I'd rather sleep than stay awake
Trees used to talk to me / Now I know what's real and what is fake


Selova's almost alarmingly laid back and more often than not can be found nodding off or lost in her own world finding something to keep her boredom at bay (mostly consisting of various dangerous and reckless activities), while for the most part, she may seem impulsive and like she takes action without thinking (and there's no denying she's a risk-taker), she's an excellent tactician and can be extremely thoughtful when it comes to others, whether that be predicting her enemy's next move or getting a gift for a friend. She has a heart of gold and goes to great lengths to keep others safe and at peace, she's kind and compassionate and cares deeply for others, even if with her carefree demeanor, it can be kinda hard to tell. She's optimistic and always tries to remain lighthearted and friendly if she can, she's not one to take anything terribly seriously if it's off the battlefield.


Appearance and Basics


• Name: Selova

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/They

• Age: 27

• Species: Human

• Height: 6'0

Eye color: Purple

• Hair color: Pink

• Misc notes:
-Selova has dozens of scars across her body, one day I promise I'll draw a reference for it
-(Outfit only) Her mage robe has bunny ears on the hood (This is important)

-Selova's fat

Nicknames: Snarkle (OOC)

Sexuality: Bisexual

Relationship status: Single

Birthday: July 4'th •

Occupation: Mercenary/Body-guard (+ A Mage in FE/Fantasy verses) •

Zodiac sign: Cancer •

Favorite color: Dusty pink •

Favorite ice cream flavor: Lots (Rocky road, if she had to pick.) •

• Playlist ♫ •


  • Selova has horrible memory issues and often times has trouble remembering dates or events.
  • She has difficulty reading and avoids it when she can because it's kind of embarrassing. 
  • Selova's an excellent chess player.
  • She's by no means a picky eater and will eat just about anything.
  • She can't tell time very well and most days blend together for her and she'll end up talking about something that happened yesterday as if it happened a decade ago.
  • They have trouble sleeping through the night due to night terrors so she typically just naps sporadically throughout the day.


Likes ♥

  • Naps
  • Being outside
  • Climbing trees


  • Hot weather
  • Cleaning
  • Serious conversations and arguments (And if she's on the receiving end she has no issue trying to worm her way out of it.)


♥ ♥ ♥
chara | relatioship
aaaaaaa♡♡♡test this is a test

Last Updated: 11/1/2021