Shinji Fujinaka



5 years, 9 months ago


original.gif"It's what I'm best at, sweetheart."



  • Shinji had to learn how to care and provide for himself and Aiko from a young age and although he's the last person you'd expect it from, he actually can be rather nurturing and kind
  • Shinji has no faith in people, save for a handful of people close to him and even they're on thin ice, he believes everybody's always out to get something and "genuine kindness" is just for the theatres.
  • He's extremely secretive, Shinji hates being vulnerable and open with people and has a very difficult time being completely, 100% honest with people.
  • He had to drop out of school shortly after his parents kicked him out, and as of late he's been too busy to bother getting back into the swing of things, not that it really bothers him. He a lil dumb though
  • Shinji isn't short by any means but he still doesn't really like his height and sometimes wears heeled boots to give him a few extra inches.
  • ok this is like really short but i don't. ? know what to put head empty i'll add more later



Backstory (TW Alcohol, underaged drinking/smoking, CSA)

Shinji's always been his parent's pride and joy, they had extremely high expectations for him and as far as he can remember, they've always made him perfectly aware of this fact. And for a while, he was playing the part of the perfect golden child of their dreams rather well, he was a "gifted student", he got good grades and it always seemed like he was going places, but honestly, Shinji never really cared about any of that stuff. His parents put him on a pedestal and expected a lot from him, naturally, the pressure did start getting to him, who wouldn't feel at least a little stressed out with your parents constantly reminding you all your self-worth comes from how you do academically. Shinji got into shit he shouldn't of from a very young age, he'd ditch his classes and took to smoking behind the school ever since he was at least 15, he'd steal alcohol and random shit from drugstores and was generally mixed up in things of that nature, Shinji's always been a sneaky kid and somehow managed to narrowly dodge ever getting in trouble for the stuff he did, at least with his parents, the fact they had a new to focus their attention to certainly helped him out in that regard. Shinji never cared about making his parents proud, it's always been about staying on their good side for him, it wasn't until a couple of years later that things started really going downhill. Shinji's parents and Aiko have never gotten along, so when the fight first started happening, Shinji stayed put in his room, he didn't see any reason to come out and help and he figured it'd be over soon, but when things started getting more intense he finally came down to investigate, and he couldn't help but intervene, at first, he tried to make peace and calm his parents down and have them calmly explain the situation, but once the threat of kicking Aiko out of the house came up, it struck a chord with Shinji, he couldn't stand for that, obviously, how could you kick your own child out? And especially one so young at that, Shinji was fuming, he was never one to get involved in things like this, he always kept his head low and would offer comfort to Aiko afterward but he never wanted to be caught in the warfare but this, for lack of a better term, was fucked up, he tried to get that point across to his parents but it only resulted in them deciding to kick Shinji and Aiko out with only the clothes on their backs, leaving them homeless for a period of time. It didn't take long for Shinji to start picking up the slack, he'd take whatever odd-end jobs he could, he was desperate, he'd have Aiko stay at friends' houses and would couch surf himself wherever he could, he wanted little more than to get Aiko and himself a roof over their heads and a warm meal, money was hard to come by and Shinji'd take whatever he could, eventually he turned to illegal escorting, illegal as in he was still only a minor, barely 17, and it was more than just taking creeps out to dinner. Thankfully, Shinji was able to move on from that scene relatively quickly, that being said, this wasn't ever something to be taken lightly, and Shinji still struggles with issues from it all to this day, fortunately, he was able to find a relatively steady job and he and Aiko are doing much better now, they have their own apartment and have been living together for a few years now and neither of them sees that changing anytime soon.



  • Cats, they're his favorite animal in the world and Shinji's always had a soft spot for cats. Because he is a cliche.
  • Strong alcohol
  • Silk sheets
  • Hot showers
  • Jogging

Dislikes x

  • Being touched without permission
  • Weak cigarettes
  • Creeps
  • Pineapple
  • Cold showers 


(quote or song link, if you want)


To many, Shinji is known as nothing more than a carefree playboy who always knows just the right things to say to get your heart pumping. He's undeniably charming and an experienced smooth-talker. Though, he's closed off and would rather keep to himself when he's not flirting with every cute stranger that catches his eye. Even then, all of this is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the player. Typically, Shinji is very apathetic and uncaring when it comes to others and their feelings, wooing others and breaking hearts without a second glance almost comes as second-nature to him, Shinji enjoys messing around, he's a serial dater with serious commitment issues and he'd rather keep everyone he meets at arm's length, no strings attached. While for the most part, he remains cool and collected, he has something of a temper and is stubborn to a fault, he may not wear his heart on his sleeve but he's far from being emotionless, he's terribly protective over the handful of people he does care for and wouldn't bat an eye about giving you a piece of his mind if any harm were to come there way, he can be incredibly compassionate, there's just few who get to see that side of him. 


Appearance and Basics

• Name: Shinji Fujinaka

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

• Age: 25

• Species: Human

• Height: 5'11

Eye color: Red

• Hair color: Brown

• Misc notes:
-n/a for now lol

Nicknames: Worm/Pest/Bug (Aiko)

Sexuality: Bisexual

Relationship status: Dating Connor Strickland

Birthday: February 14'th •

Occupation: Model •

Zodiac sign: Aquariaus •

Favorite color: Red •

Favorite ice cream flavor: Chocolate truffle •

Playlist ♫


  • (All this text is backstory stuff lol) Shinji's always been his parent's pride and joy, they had extremely high expectations for him and as far as he can remember, they've always made him perfectly aware of this fact. And for a while, he was playing the part of the perfect golden child of their dreams rather well, he was a "gifted student", he got good grades and it always seemed like he was going places, but honestly, Shinji never really cared about any of that stuff. 
  • (CW CSA, Underage drinking/Smoking) Naturally, your parents constantly reminding you all your self-worth comes from how you do academically, combined with all the other stressors of being his age is hard, for lack of a better term. Shinji got into things he shouldn't of from a young age, he's been smoking ever since he was 15 and was no stranger to stealing alcohol and various other things from drugstores. Shinji's always been a sneaky kid and somehow managed to narrowly dodge ever getting caught, at least with his parents, the fact they had a new addition to focus their attention on certainly helped him out in that regard. When Shinji needed a little extra cash he'd regrettably turn to illegal escorting, he'd give sexual favors to older creeps in exchange for money, understandably, he doesn't like talking about it. (End CW)
  • When he was still living at home, whenever Aiko and their parents began to fight, Shinji had grown accustomed to keeping his head down and his nose out of it, wanting to stay on their good side no matter what, he'd comfort Aiko afterward but he wouldn't be caught dead in the middle of the warfare, it wasn't until a particularly bad fight broke out that Shinji stepped in to intervene, the plan was to make peace and calm his parents down from their fit of rage but once the threat of kicking Aiko out came to light, something snapped, Aiko couldn't have been older than 12 and yet they were more than ready to kick her out to fend for herself, Shinji was fuming and snapped, every bit of resentment he harbored over the years came pouring out that night and it only ended with him and Aiko getting promptly kicked out with nothing more than the clothes on their backs. Shinji had just gotten into college and had to drop out to take care of Aiko, he wanted nothing more than to get himself and Aiko a roof over their heads, in the meantime, he'd have Aiko stay at friends houses while he couch-surfed until Shinji was able to land a somewhat steady modeling job. They're doing much better now, they have their own apartment and have been living together for a few years now and they can't see that changing anytime soon. (backstory end)

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♥ ♥ ♥
Aiko Fujinaka | Younger sister 
aaaaaaa♡♡♡test this is a test

Last Updated: 2/14/2022