Matthew Romero



7 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info















Relationship Status

Dating Raiden Dazai


September 8'th

Playlist ♫






Appearance and Basics

• Name: Matthew Romero

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

• Age: 24

• Species: Human

• Height: 6'0

Eye color: Red 

• Hair color: White

• Misc notes:

Nicknames: N/A
Sexuality: Pansexual

Relationship status: Dating Teigen

Birthday: April 20'th •

Occupation:  •

Zodiac sign: Taurus •

Favorite color: Black •

Favorite ice cream flavor: Vanilla •

Playlist ♫


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Likes ♥

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♥ ♥ ♥
person | relationship
aaaaaaa♡♡♡test this is a test

Last Updated: 6/24/2022


Matthew's a charmer, he's a social butterfly with a pretty face and a quick mouth, contrary to what one might think, he's not a playboy! He might flirt around here and there but he's never been the kind of person to actively lead people on or mess around. Matthew may seem a bit arrogant and full of himself, and to some degree, he can be a tad conceited, but he almost always puts others before himself, Matthew cares about other people deeply and he hates making others worry, especially when it's about himself and will go through great lengths to avoid doing just that, bottling things up almost to an unhealthy amount, Matthew's on the secretive side and tends to keep quiet or change the subject when it comes to his feelings. Other than that, Matthew really is a big sweetie pie, he's hyper and friendly and just a big ole' puppy dog.


  • Matthew tends to act more carefree and relaxed no matter the circumstances, he doesn't like anybody seeing him upset and tries to cover-up any bad feelings by just acting like everything's fine (it is not fine). But that being said, Matthew is generally very happy. 
  • He's spontaneous and tends to act without thinking, but most of the time even if it ends up going south, he's got enough charisma to get himself out of it. Most of the time.
  • Matthew was scouted by a modeling agency a few years back, he was confident and was already doing a couple of other odd-end jobs, learning to never be picky about what he could get. He started out by doing simple poster ads but he eventually made his way up to being a common-face on magazine covers.
  • Matthew loves being a model but like any job, it has its downsides. He's no stranger to being recognized in public, which is a bit of a coin toss, he's met wonderful fans that just wanted to say hello but he's also been subject to far too many people treating him like he's an object rather than a person. 
  • Matthew's been doing whatever odds and ends jobs he could nab since he was 14, his dads a piece of shit and he's been saving up to move out for as long as he can remember, as of now he's currently in the process of moving into his own apartment but he still has to stop by his old house every now and again, unfortunately. 
  • He's very affectionate around friends! He'll ruffle your hair and hug you mid-conversation and hold your hand and in general just be super lovey. 
  • Matthew doesn't have a steady education, he dropped out of school when he was around 16 to focus on modeling instead, not that he cares all that much, it's been working out just fine thus far.
  • Matthew has a hard time talking about his feelings, he doesn't like making other people worry about him and tends to keep things bottled up until he can't anymore and everything spills over the top, which really isn't healthy...

Backstory (TW: Alcohol, abuse, death)

His dad used to be pretty alright, actually. All was well until his mom died in a freak car accident picking up Matthew from school, Matthew ended up making out of it alive but the same couldn't be said about his mom who died tragically. Naturally, Matthew's dad was a wreck and started drinking extremely heavily afterward to try and cope. His dad grew this unreasonable and unfair grudge against Matthew because he survived and his wife didn't. Whenever his dad would get wasted, he'd go on these long, sporadic rants about how the whole thing was Matthew's fault and if it weren't for him his mom would still be here if it weren't for him none of this would be happening. And honestly, a part of him felt like he was right. If Matthew had just walked home, if he had just taken the bus, if he had just gotten a ride, if anything, he could've had his mom with him right here, right now and they'd be one big happy family life before. But he didn't, he couldn't take back what had already happened, he knew this and it ate him alive inside, his father constantly reminding him about this fact certainly didn't help, Matthew struggled with self-loathing for years because of this. And unfortunately, the abuse didn't stop there, Matthew's dad would get physically abusive as well. As time went on, Matthew came to learn that his mom's death wasn't his fault, he didn't deserve what was happening to him, regardless of what his father said, he began fighting back, if his dad shoved him he'd shove him back if he started to pick a fight Matthew'd say something snarky back. Matthew stayed away from home as much as he possibly could, anywhere away from his dad was like heaven on earth. He still sometimes struggles with self-loathing to this day and not a day goes by where he doesn't think about his mom but he's doing better now. At the very least, he's in the progress of getting away from his dad, hopefully for good.

For the angel verse; everything's pretty much the same. Only this time after an especially bad fight with his dad, Matthew's dad ends up bringing him outside and pushing him over a bridge, he drowned and became the guardian angel he is today. 


Likes ♥

  • Dogs, his life goal is to pet every dog
  • People watching
  • When people play with his hair (So long as they're not like. A stranger)
  • Acoustic music
  • Cherry flavored candies

Dislikes x

  • Being touched without permission
  • Talking about his feelings
  • Driving
  • Cinnamon gum
  • Alcohol
  • Being alone


