


2 years, 6 months ago



Name Jonathan Quill
Age looks to be in his 20s or 30s
Gender Male
Orientation Straight
Occupation Entertainer/Entrepreneur
Race Oriental Cat
Origin Oregon U.S.
Residence Kairi
Height 6'2"


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum et justo quis nibh interdum molestie in eget nisi. Nunc et venenatis risus. Donec venenatis ipsum a libero tincidunt, et facilisis elit iaculis. Quisque convallis, lectus at congue hendrerit, elit ligula imperdiet massa, in ultrices sem leo nec nunc. Nulla et eleifend enim. Aenean vitae convallis risus. Nulla consectetur auctor odio, a rhoncus dui sodales porttitor. Sed cursus eros non justo maximus porttitor. Fusce aliquet posuere metus, a vehicula leo tempus in. Cras id lorem magna. Cras ut sodales leo. Praesent ullamcorper dignissim ipsum. Maecenas ultricies est nec blandit vulputate. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Mauris quis ex mi. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.



A magician. Going through life trying to make a reputation. Giving sleight of hand a brand new definition. Lying through his teeth, he said he's got wisdom. Such fools, believe in everything he do.

He's inching. Getting closer to your heart, the spell is gonna kick in. He asked if it's your card, one in a million. Waiting for the applause, he thinks he's going to win big. Such fools, believing everything he do. "I am determined to end..."

But Jenny just turned 18. "...human suffering." She sees it in his eyes; she knows he's just a thief. "We have requested more agents,..." He asked if it's her card but she isn't listening. "and keep America safe. In fact.." He's looking so surprised, the magic isn't working "safer than ever before."

He's screaming...

"Open Sesame! ...Jenny, come and let me in!"

{Let me take advantage of your mind!!} Lemme do the trick one more time... Alrighty now~ Come and let me in.. "


Alec Benjamin - The Wolf and the Sheep

Everybody has to get older, even Jenny. She’s just 19, young and naïve. She wants to find a way to be endless, fight the science, in defiance, and be timeless.

Silly little girl who tried to live forever, to "live" forever, gave away her soul to buy a bit of pleasure; the bitter pleasure. Wicked little boy who tried to steal her treasure for the bitter pleasure, now they're cursed forever, cursed together.

And if you could see the look in her eyes. The wolf wore the sheep as a perfect disguise. And she can't believe that she fell for his lies. He promised forever but she never knew the price.


  • Hella dramatic. Probably was a theatre kid.
  • Walks on a *mamaguy type beat. *(will attempt to deceive every living body, especially with flattery and weaponizing dopamine jolts)
  • Has a thing for flowers and floral patterning.
  • The locals associate this man with actual orange oranges.
  • Knows a une chose ou deux of French.
  • Made this man up from 2 songs I stumbled and it was as if Jesus kissed my chin that night.


Jenny ragtime doll

Sed aliquet turpis nulla, at venenatis lectus volutpat quis. Phasellus non purus vel dui eleifend commodo nec a erat. Sed dolor tellus, fringilla a velit ac, interdum dictum libero. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce et tristique odio.

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Sed aliquet turpis nulla, at venenatis lectus volutpat quis. Phasellus non purus vel dui eleifend commodo nec a erat. Sed dolor tellus, fringilla a velit ac, interdum dictum libero. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce et tristique odio.

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Sed aliquet turpis nulla, at venenatis lectus volutpat quis. Phasellus non purus vel dui eleifend commodo nec a erat. Sed dolor tellus, fringilla a velit ac, interdum dictum libero. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce et tristique odio.

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