(2-2)(Shiketsu) Shinkei Ashido



2 years, 7 months ago


Shinkei Ashido

Subheading 1
Japanese Name
Romanji Name
Ashido Shinkei
Green Lance
May 13th
17 -> 18 (Currently)
186cm (6'1)
74.8kg (170lbs)
Hair Color
Light Cobalt
Eye Color
Sea Green
Blood Type
Chiba Prefecture
Nitro Ashido (Father)
Kiyoko Ashido (Mother)
Mina Ashido (Younger Sister)
Second Year Shiketsu Student
Shiketsu High School
Fighting Style
Melee + Long Range
Subheading 1
Japanese Voice
Yuki Ono
English Voice
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Shinkei Ashido (also know as Green Lance) is a second year student as Shiketsu High School training to become a hero in class 2-2. He serves as a main character of the Shiketsu Headcanon and supporting character in the main canon. He is the older brother of Mina Ashido


Shinkei is a fairly lean and muscular young man standing over 6 feet tall and often wears clothes to show off his build. Like his sister, Shinkei's quirk has built up in his skin altering his skin tone turning it into a lighter green color. Although unlike his sister his sclera remained normal and sports the same messy hair as his sister but dark green in color with a pair of longer and thicker horns on his head..

When in school, Shinkei wears the general uniform male Shiketsu high school students depending on the season.

Shinkei's casual wear varies by the season.


Unlike his sister who's more silly, energetic, and extroverted Shinkei is more serious, down to earth, and introverted. Due to professions of their parents with them at times working long hours into the night and him being the oldest, Shinkei often had to act as a stand-in parent to Mina in their parents absensce not being able to be kid when they weren't around and had to look after her and reign her in whenever she did something she wasn't supposed to, a trait that carried over into their teenage years. As such, Shinkei is often pretty serious serving as the voice of reason amongst his friend group being a contender for Class Representative in his class at Shiketsu. Though ultimately Shinkei is someone who values the friends and people in his life that he cares about, at times seeming invasive in matters that don't pertain to him such as asking his friend Ao Mitsudo how she feels about their friend Konchumei Shiori and point blank telling her she's hurting him by not recognizing his feelings of him loving her for so long out outright ask her if she feels the same or almost interrogating Mina about a falling out she had with Noah that resulted in her leaving UA for a night to stay with their parents (although this could be more related to Shinkei's brotherly instinct towards his sister). He values the people he has in his life and is protective of them only caring about their best interest

Despite Shinkei's seeming maturity, he does display both some form of insecurity and hypocrisy in the way he presents himself. While he likes to portray himself as the more mature sibling between himself and Mina (which he undoutedly is), he does show some form of jealousy towards his sister with their parents spoiling her and lamenting how he didn't get to have the childhood he wished he could've had being able to be more carefee as she is, at times feeling as though their parents have favoritism towards her with the amount of attention she recieved. Outside of that he does display some form of hypocrisy being annoyed at others for holding back and afraid to say something on their mind such as his friend Konchumei Shiori who's been in love with their classmate Ao Mitsudo for the longest time yet was too afraid to tell her, although he himself beats around the bush at times being hesitant to tell Tsuyu Asui how he feels about her and delayed in asking her to make their relationship official. Though outside of those moments, Shinkei is generally one to speak his mind and not hold back no matter how rude he might come off as. He does display an immature side at times being rather prideful and hesitant to show his sister affection in public wanting to come off as 'cool' but is more affectionate with her in public and isn't above teasing her and bickering with her as siblings do over the most trivial of things.

Shinkei has displayed a love for reptiles, owning several National Geographic issues for reptiles and amphibians which he has a Print & Digital Tier subscritpion for and has had for over 7 years. Due to his quirk operating in a similar manner to some poisonous snakes and frogs, Shinkei became fascinated by them as a kid and sought to learn more about them to learn how to use his quirk as a means of being less lethal to others. With his interest in reptiles, Shinkei made it a habit of collecting them as pets taking them in for a short while before releasing them back into the while and is a frequent visitor to the Reptile House Musuem in Shizouka with the staff more or less having watched him grow up and allow him to help handle the reptiles and amphibians they have.



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec convallis ac augue nec pretium. Aenean porta porttitor sem, at consequat dolor pretium sit amet. Nulla iaculis turpis et pulvinar vestibulum. Phasellus vitae risus non enim volutpat convallis et non elit. Aenean consequat eu mauris in vulputate. Proin congue lacus mauris, eget molestie ante sollicitudin vitae. Ut vestibulum, urna suscipit iaculis semper, felis purus rhoncus tellus, efficitur ultricies neque turpis vel lectus. Morbi non urna vitae lorem bibendum sodales.

Overall Abilities

Being a 2nd year hero course student, Shinkei is an exceptionally capable hero in-training with him being a contender for class representative which given Shiketsu's standards and system speaks volumes about his abilities as a hero. Being sharp and observant Shinkei's abilities put him on par with exceptional students in his class and above some of the third years.

  • Leadership Skills: Due him being an older sibling who spent a lot of time taking care of Mina as a kid and being stern with her, Shinkei is a natural born leader being able to look after teammates and peers as if they were his family to lead them in ideal situations showing good judgement and tactical ability.
  • Keen + Tactical Intellect: Shinkei possesses a sound amoung of intelligence having some of the highest grades of his class at Shiketsu with his tactical ability.


Toxin (毒 , Poisoning): Shinkei’s quirk allows him secrete liquid acidic substances that when making contact with someone can cause a feeling of numbness, a sensation of burning, or even paralysis to the limb it makes contact with. With his quirk, Shinkei is generally an ideal choice for subduing villains or numbing a person to take away their sense of feeling if he has to. Although as useful as his quirk is, he does have a limit on how long he can use it with his quirk causing the same feeling in his hands and arms as it does others if he uses it for too long.

Super Moves

TBD (Kanji, Rōmaji): [Description here]

TBD (Kanji, Rōmaji): [Description here]


3/5 C
3/5 C
5/5 A
5/5 A
2/5 D
4/6 B
4/6 B
5/6 A
5/6 A
Reptile Fanatic
6/6 E


Mina Ashido

"Yes she's annoying at times with how loud and hyper she is. She might've been spoiled rotten by our parents but, at the end of the day, she's still my sister and if anyone dares to touch her in any way that hurts her, I'll drop being a hero at the moment to be a protective older brother make sure that hand never feels anything ever again."
― Shinkei's protective nature regarding Mina.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec convallis ac augue nec pretium. Aenean porta porttitor sem, at consequat dolor pretium sit amet. Nulla iaculis turpis et pulvinar vestibulum. Phasellus vitae risus non enim volutpat convallis et non elit. Aenean consequat eu mauris in vulputate. Proin congue lacus mauris, eget molestie ante sollicitudin vitae. Ut vestibulum, urna suscipit iaculis semper, felis purus rhoncus tellus, efficitur ultricies neque turpis vel lectus. Morbi non urna vitae lorem bibendum sodales.

Nitro and Kiyoko Ashido

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― Source

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec convallis ac augue nec pretium. Aenean porta porttitor sem, at consequat dolor pretium sit amet. Nulla iaculis turpis et pulvinar vestibulum. Phasellus vitae risus non enim volutpat convallis et non elit. Aenean consequat eu mauris in vulputate. Proin congue lacus mauris, eget molestie ante sollicitudin vitae. Ut vestibulum, urna suscipit iaculis semper, felis purus rhoncus tellus, efficitur ultricies neque turpis vel lectus. Morbi non urna vitae lorem bibendum sodales.

Kokomi Kiyokawa

"At first I thought of you as like another sister, one who doesn't get on my nerves with how often you spent time with Mina but, then... you know...with your parents and you came to me, you trusted me and I did all that I could to protect you and after we lost touch, I couldn't help but think about how you were doing and when Mina told me you were back in her life and I saw nothing had changed I couldn't let you go through that again... I thought I had to protect you, be your confidant...and I'd be worried about what would happen if I wasn't around...I think around that time is when I knew deep down that you're not a sister to me...you're so much more than that..."
― Shinkei asking Kokomi during his confession.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec convallis ac augue nec pretium. Aenean porta porttitor sem, at consequat dolor pretium sit amet. Nulla iaculis turpis et pulvinar vestibulum. Phasellus vitae risus non enim volutpat convallis et non elit. Aenean consequat eu mauris in vulputate. Proin congue lacus mauris, eget molestie ante sollicitudin vitae. Ut vestibulum, urna suscipit iaculis semper, felis purus rhoncus tellus, efficitur ultricies neque turpis vel lectus. Morbi non urna vitae lorem bibendum sodales.

Misa Amane

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
― Source

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec convallis ac augue nec pretium. Aenean porta porttitor sem, at consequat dolor pretium sit amet. Nulla iaculis turpis et pulvinar vestibulum. Phasellus vitae risus non enim volutpat convallis et non elit. Aenean consequat eu mauris in vulputate. Proin congue lacus mauris, eget molestie ante sollicitudin vitae. Ut vestibulum, urna suscipit iaculis semper, felis purus rhoncus tellus, efficitur ultricies neque turpis vel lectus. Morbi non urna vitae lorem bibendum sodales.

Noahtak Kenzinger

Truth be told, I'm not surprised she has a boyfriend but more along the lines of being glad she has one. I had to watch over to make sure she did nothing dumb as a kid so I'm glad you can take the next shift. However...she's still my sister so if you hurt her, I'll hurt you, Kenzinger. I'm entrusting her to you.
― Shinkei giving Noah his blessing to date Mina.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec convallis ac augue nec pretium. Aenean porta porttitor sem, at consequat dolor pretium sit amet. Nulla iaculis turpis et pulvinar vestibulum. Phasellus vitae risus non enim volutpat convallis et non elit. Aenean consequat eu mauris in vulputate. Proin congue lacus mauris, eget molestie ante sollicitudin vitae. Ut vestibulum, urna suscipit iaculis semper, felis purus rhoncus tellus, efficitur ultricies neque turpis vel lectus. Morbi non urna vitae lorem bibendum sodales.

Konchumei Shiori

Kon seriously...if you like Mitsudo so much just tell her already. Yeah Shiketsu has rules where we can't date our classmates but seriously to hell with it. Shiketsu might be training us but they have no right to keep us from being happy, so if you feel like she's the one and you've like her for so long just DO IT! I have a feeling she likes you too even if she doesn't know it yet.
― Shinkei encouraging Konchumei to confess to Ao Mitsudo

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec convallis ac augue nec pretium. Aenean porta porttitor sem, at consequat dolor pretium sit amet. Nulla iaculis turpis et pulvinar vestibulum. Phasellus vitae risus non enim volutpat convallis et non elit. Aenean consequat eu mauris in vulputate. Proin congue lacus mauris, eget molestie ante sollicitudin vitae. Ut vestibulum, urna suscipit iaculis semper, felis purus rhoncus tellus, efficitur ultricies neque turpis vel lectus. Morbi non urna vitae lorem bibendum sodales.

Ao Mitsudo

I don't get you at times. Do you like girls? Guys? Both? Either way it doesn't matter I'm sure you've seen the way Kon looks at you, to him you're the precious thing in the world and he's really hurting right now. He endures the pain he feels from you not noticing his feelings and supports you nonetheless because he truly does love you, Mitsudo. What goes on between you two is between you two but, I have a feeling that deep down, you know that you love him too, don't you?
― Shinkei talking to Ao about her relationship with Konchumei

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec convallis ac augue nec pretium. Aenean porta porttitor sem, at consequat dolor pretium sit amet. Nulla iaculis turpis et pulvinar vestibulum. Phasellus vitae risus non enim volutpat convallis et non elit. Aenean consequat eu mauris in vulputate. Proin congue lacus mauris, eget molestie ante sollicitudin vitae. Ut vestibulum, urna suscipit iaculis semper, felis purus rhoncus tellus, efficitur ultricies neque turpis vel lectus. Morbi non urna vitae lorem bibendum sodales.


  • Shinkei's name is spelled 神経
  • Shinkei's hero name "Green Lance" is a reference to two breeds of snake: The Green Mamba and the Golden Lancehead Viper. Both are incredibly venomous snakes who's poison is capable of killing a grown man with their venom attacking the central nervous system and heart which is a reference to his quirk.
  • Shinkei by his own admission is a terrible dancer.
  • Shinkei is a custom created by MCsCreativeArts!.
  • Shinkei is a frequent visitor to the Reptile House Musuem which might be a reason on why he's attracted to Tsuyu Asui with her being a frog (even though they're amphibians).
  • Shinkei's love interest could've potentially been Setsuna Tokage.