RP comfort meme



2 years, 7 months ago


Sleeby doctor
This be me
Name Iggs

Called Iggs/Iggy/Iggothy

Age 24

D.o.B. March 22nd

Gender *Shrugs*

Pronouns He/They/She

Time zone CET/CEST

What I do Med student

Temp. Melancholic-Phlegmatic


Zodiac Aries

Orientation Bi/Ace

Race White

First language Danish

Art tools XP-PEN Innovator + CSP

HTML Pinky

Danish • Shy • Tired • Hhhh

Helo I am Iggs. Hopefully that was clear by now, though...

I've been RP'ing since like the early 2010's, and I'd like to think I've gotten at least a little bit better since then, but who knows. At this point I mostly rp in a group called Mahou Wando (which is rly cool, and you should check it out), so if you wanna talk to me, your best shot is by being part of that first, because I take ages to warm up to people, so if you message me about RPs and I don't have at least an approximate knowledge of who you are, I can't promise I'll respond, I'm sorry.






Hee hoos

RP stuff
Availabilty Evenings/Nights

Canon/OC Only OCs

RP or HC? Both

RP lengths Any

Location Discord

DMs Not out of the blue pls

Hotel? Trivago

Time 4 ships

Care 4 ships

RP frens
Beartie Cool bean B)

Dec I jumpscare them

Prince Bunny enjoyer

Floof RP champion

Jojo Writer extraordinaire

Simon The OG (ily)

RP Likes & Dislikes
  • Modern fantasy
  • Slice of life
  • AUs
  • Comedy
  • Some angst
  • Conversations
  • High fantasy
  • God modding
  • Pure tragedy
  • Bullying
  • Lol random humour
  • Sad endings


I like ships! But the vibes have to be there. They gotta be right. Characters made specifically for mine makes me uncomfy, and the ship is also likely to kinda... Fizzle out really quickly, so yeah. Don't... Do that. If our characters have chemistry and connect, then hella yeah! I'm down for that! I like headcanoning a lot, and I will probably draw them and get commissions done of them. But also pls be aware that I don't have that much time to do stuff, and I mostly draw when my brain really just goes BRRRRR. So if I don't draw a ship a lot, it does NOT mean I don't care about them. It just means my brain is doing something else.

Violence and conflict

Okay, so I like me a bit of angst every now and then. Arguments or fighting can really make me get into a character's emotions. But... I mean, I have a limit too. If our characters do nothing but fight, it stops being fun and just gets tiring. A good fight in the parkin lot for fun can be hella neat to rp, but a lot of physical violence is kinda eugh... Also like... Graphic violence??? No thanks. I can handle it being part of background stuff but if that's all you wanna rp, you gotta find a different person to do that with.


RIGHT! SO! *Points at the ace-thing*. I am not the most comfy with NSFW stuff. I think headcanons are fun to do, as long as they don't go super into details about stuff. I think drawings can be neat too, again, as long as they aren't too graphic. Writing is like... Eeeuuughhh... The stuff before, and the stuff after? I'm cool with that! The act itself? Hard no. ALSO if you wanna do this? You gotta be 18+ and that's just how it is. Same with the characters you wanna do this with, and honestly? I'd very much prefer it if both you and the characters were at least 20+

  • I am Danish. (3rd time I say that, I think.)
  • I like punk and pastel aesthetics (I know, big surprise there).
  • Rock music good. A lot of music good, but rock is v good.
  • Motorcycles ALSO good.
  • OCs that are fun and chaotic, who still have depth are my JAM.
  • I also like good boys (regardless of gender), gimme them.

Pulse BossEmotional baby boy
My little boy with protagonist syndrome. He can fit so many emotions in him. He is usually very happy, but he will also cry if he gets sad or angy. I care him lots.


Riff NightgazeESFP rockstar man
Shitty dumbass, deadbeat demon dad. He's just vibing and would like to keep doing that. A fuckboy who's allergic to responsibility. Chaotic neutral man.


Emilienne ScarletwingLiddol lady
Huffy little noble girl, who loves tea parties, adventures and swordplay. She's basically a Scarlet Pimpernel fan child, and you can't do anyhting about it.

Revolution Radio
Green Day