


2 years, 6 months ago


【Name】Oshenku Osoruto【Gender】Male
【Species】Tiger-bear-person【Height】 6'8"
【Hair】Off-white【Skin】Soft tan












Resolute - Optimistic - Aggressive - Impulsive

Oso's son, and not like his father at all (other than being a bear-person... half, in his case). 

He actually resents being the baby of his family, treated like he's a foolish child even now. Regardless, he loves his father very much and clearly would do anything for him... As long as it doesn't hassle him when he's interested in his own diversions within (and around) the Yasiara. 

Oshen desperately wanted to join Neeya's militia, but was turned away on the grounds of being raised near the Yasiara, and what sort of dreadful mannerisms and this upbringing could 'infect' into the troops. His father's career getting discovered has managed to save and 'ruin' him; he always had a brash disposition, and being able to blame it all on the insidious nature of the Yasiara was a great scapegoat for him.
The fact of the matter is that the damage has been done, and he is stuck in his ways, perpetually hungry and thirsty, hedonistic to an extreme compared to the rest of his family.

Though he wishes to work as the courtesans of the inn do, he is currently staffed within the larder, and oftentimes is asked to do heavy lifting beyond what goes on in the kitchen.
...He used to have the same position as his father- as a general up keeper- but he often hassled patrons and the courtesans, distracting the latter especially from doing their proper work. In the kitchen, he's at least away from anyone but the proprietors, passing servants, and other cooks. It's not his favorite job, but the perks around him make up for it tenfold.


  • He worships Honrai and does his best to be staunch in it, but... its so  easy to get distracted with everyone and everything around him...
  • His scars are corporal punishments from previous jobs he has attempted to work at
  • Despite all the dreary happenings in his past, he can speak on them fondly (or rather, not speak on them at all, more focused on his future). He's an affable guy underneath all of his blustery, overexcited moments

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