Mylani Andreev



6 years, 7 months ago

Basic Info







Eye Color

Reddish Brown

Hair Color / Length

Brown / with asymmetrical cut in which one side is longer than the other

Skin Tone



April 15th

Zodiac Sign




Sexual Orientation



Mylani is 18 yrs old and he's an Aries. He has Brown asymetrically cut hair and reddish brown eyes. He lives in a small Russian village. He comes from a borderline poverty stricken family, not that good but not too poor either, and is predominantly female; he has four older sisters and a lot of female cousins both older and younger than him, he has a few aunts and fewer uncles, and there's his mom. He doesn't know his dad, but he's heard rumors that his mom had an affair with a foreign guy and he was born from the two. It makes even more sense when he notices that most of his siblings and cousins have blonde hair and blue eyes and he doesn't. Anyway being the only guy in his family, he sometimes ends up being with his uncles doing random jobs he can handle, and there's some other boys on the village he could hang out with, despite them being either older or younger than him. Overall he'd rather help out his sisters; he doesn't care that they do traditionally female tasks.  They find ways to let him help out (like letting him do some carrying heavy stuff, or using him as a mannequin when stitching together clothes,  etc). When it comes to hunting or chores though, he'd find ways to hide and avoid them, going off somewhere to paint, his favorite pastime. One of his uncles is a traveler and would bring back things for him and his family; once he brought back a few painting supplies for him and that's when he discovered his love for painting.

He can be a rebellious kid, which tend to cause issues between him and the adults and/or elders. He does have a temper, though he rarely gets physical with it; it's mainly heated verbal exchanges. Painting was therapeutic and was an escape for him. He liked playing around with the colors and coming up with some techniques. He mostly painted the landscapes and views from afar. He self taught himself everything he knows. He couldn't go to one of the major cities to see paintings and other art forms due to lack of finances or time, but his paintings were almost becoming the way Russians wanted to paint later on; to use less influences from the more modernized rest of Europe and the Academy which used varying glorifying topics from history and mythology, and to move towards a more realistically Russian point of view. After all, Mylani was only painting what he was exposed to, which would be what he saw around him. 

One day he happened to get into an argument with some other people, and he got so mad that he packed his paint supplies and some extra clothes, and he left his village. He went westward, passing through the German countries and seeing the sights. He was hoping to gather inspiration for his paintings as he traveled. Sometimes he regretted leaving, especially when he felt tired and couldn't go into a home and warm up, or he would think about his sisters and cousins and wonder how they are doing without him. He would think about his mother too, since he was her only son, despite looking and acting differently from everyone. Sometimes he'd think about what kind of person his father was, even though he never met him. He would also think about his favorite uncle- the one that got him the paint set- and other items since this uncle traveled frequently and would share his adventures in different countries.

During his travels he happens to meet Dmitrios, an older man from Greece who was also away from home, but for a different reason than his own. Dmitrios was a pretty hospitable guy and doesn't mind Mylani tagging along with him. He found out that Dmitrios was an artist as well; he was a sculptor and this fascinated Mylani. They would talk about their own art forms and their greatest artwork to date, and talk about other various things. Later on Mylani would meet Vax. However the first impression was an unusual one. Mylani was wandering in the woods looking for things that could be edible, until he stumbled across a bear. He didn't know how to react, so... he freaked out and ran. The bear chased after him. While running Mylani bumped into Vax who was just strolling by, and the impact was so forceful that they both fell over. They both heard the bear, and Vax shouted to play dead, which they did, and when the bear came over and saw them, all it did was sniff and observe then left them be. Once it was gone, Mylani thanked Vax profusely, then had the idea for Vax join him and Dmitrios for lunch. He tugged on Vax's arm and brought him over to where Dmitrios was, where we had started a fire and had a couple fish cooking over it. Mylani tried to introduce Vax but he hasn't got him name as yet, so Vax finished the introduction for him.