


2 years, 7 months ago



Florence Lunare

Ambassador of Wildlife

Age Late 40's
Birthday April 22nd
Gender Cis Female
Sexuality Unknown
Height ???
Nickname(s) n/a


  • Plants
  • Birds
  • Mia
  • Helios
  • Nature
  • Her job


  • Bones
  • Fire
  • Ash
  • Recklessness
  • Astronomy (Post-Helios)
  • Leaving Pervigeo


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"The sun, began to freeze her heart whole..."

Cautious Reserved Introspective

Florence Lunare is the Ambassador of Wildlife. She is Mia's mother. Florence is friendly, but cautious and reserved. Her cautious behavior often leads her to prevent Mia from doing the things she truly wants, even if unintentionally. She desires to protect her above all cost. This behavior mainly stems from the death of her husband, Helios.

continue reading

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Born into a family of Ambassadors, Florence's passion was always in the life around her. She loved to study and take care of animals/plants, more so than any of her siblings ever did. Her infatuation with outside life made her perfect for being next in line as the Ambassador of Wildlife, though it did isolate her often from her peers. Though the solitude didn't bother her, it did make it hard for her to maintain connections with anyone her age growing up, as she was more in tune with animals then she was with people. Eventually, though, she met Helios, who would later become her husband.

Helios was Florence's opposite. While Helios was social, Florence didn't care for people, while Helios was bright and humorous, Florence was often serious and reserved. While most would expect these opposites to polarize the two from one another, it did ironically, the complete opposite. Florence was drawn to Helios's outgoing, free nature, and Helios was drawn to the safety and thoughtful nature of Florence. The two kept each other grounded, and very quickly fell in love. Helios shared his love of astronomy with Florence, and Florence returned the favor by sharing her love of nature and wildlife. After eventually dating then getting married, all seemed good for the two, even with a child (later to be Caramia Lunare, or as most know her, Mia) on the way. But not all good things are set to last.

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Who do we think we are? Everything plays a part...


Pervigeo is currently guarded by a barrier created by Divinity, though it wasn’t always that way. During a conflict between planets which ended in one’s destruction (despite Peace’s and Divinity’s court’s attempts to quell it), a shower of meteors from the debris fell onto Pervigeo, causing great destruction, and little to no way to leave the planet or communicate to other people about what was happening. Hopeless, the people on Pervigeo prepared to let themselves die there as a giant, massive meteor to finally destroy the planet pummeled nearby. Divinity, having not been made aware of the threat, and still wallowing in his sorrow in The Aether, had no idea that Pervigeo was in danger. With only hours to spare, Helios decided he would sacrifice himself using his astronomy powers in order to get rid of the meteor and save everyone on Pervigeo.

Helios's death left not even a body to bury, as although he had saved everyone, he had sacrificed his own life. Florence, left with a newly born child to raise alone, was grief stricken. She promised herself to never let her daughter follow her husbands path in hopes it would keep her safe. Florence became cautious and vigilant, not allowing Mia to express her desire in astronomy in fear that she would end up the same way. This event also led to Divinity realizing he had to start moving past Chaos's death, as it was his negligence that caused this tragedy.

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Quisque pretium augue a justo auctor, quis consequat lectus blandit. Donec ante lorem, viverra quis lorem laoreet, consectetur interdum leo. Etiam diam quam, commodo id tellus eu, varius fringilla nisi. Maecenas id maximus purus. Suspendisse pretium maximus orci, eu facilisis massa. Praesent at dui urna. Quisque tristique odio a venenatis sollicitudin. Quisque risus arcu, iaculis ac ullamcorper ac, fermentum ut dui. Nullam mollis, ipsum sed tempus ultricies, enim justo pharetra lorem, sit amet tristique risus purus at enim. Integer sit amet odio tristique, facilisis lacus ut, vestibulum leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer finibus bibendum turpis, sit amet tempor purus placerat in. Mauris tempus sodales orci, nec aliquam quam tincidunt eu. Aenean lacinia venenatis eros. Integer feugiat efficitur nibh non finibus. Praesent quis nisl auctor, lobortis diam vel, interdum lorem. Aenean dui elit, iaculis vel finibus a, semper non augue. Nulla est libero, ornare at felis eget, egestas ullamcorper metus. Vestibulum lacinia erat ante, vitae lacinia orci feugiat in.

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Who's your best friend?

...I don't really think I have one



What's your childhood like?

It was fine. I was a "good" child by most standards, but not the "best", at least not socially I suppose. My sisters are more well equipped for that sort of thing.



What do you want out of life?

To keep Mia safe.



What's your biggest fear?

Anything happening to Mia scares me. Or well, anything dangerous general really. Pervigeo is much safer now at least.



Where's your favorite place to go?

My garden.



Do you have any pets?

I tend to many forms of life, would those count as "pets"?



Describe a memory that had a significant impact on you.

Let's see...meeting my husband, Mia's birth and...losing Helios.



Where did you go to school? Did you like it?

My family was homeschooled. It was fine.



What helps you relax? What are your hobbies?

Gardening and tending to the animals never hurts...in terms of hobbies I honestly like anything botany related.



If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?

I don't really know...I'm fine with just about everything about me really. Maybe making myself stronger...? It wouldn't hurt...





Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer finibus bibendum turpis, sit amet tempor purus placerat in. Mauris tempus sodales orci, nec aliquam quam tincidunt eu. Aenean lacinia venenatis eros. Integer feugiat efficitur nibh non finibus. Praesent quis nisl auctor, lobortis diam vel, interdum lorem. Aenean dui elit, iaculis vel finibus a, semper non augue.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer finibus bibendum turpis, sit amet tempor purus placerat in. Mauris tempus sodales orci, nec aliquam quam tincidunt eu. Aenean lacinia venenatis eros. Integer feugiat efficitur nibh non finibus. Praesent quis nisl auctor, lobortis diam vel, interdum lorem. Aenean dui elit, iaculis vel finibus a, semper non augue.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer finibus bibendum turpis, sit amet tempor purus placerat in. Mauris tempus sodales orci, nec aliquam quam tincidunt eu. Aenean lacinia venenatis eros. Integer feugiat efficitur nibh non finibus. Praesent quis nisl auctor, lobortis diam vel, interdum lorem. Aenean dui elit, iaculis vel finibus a, semper non augue.

theme by sylladexter
