Miki Hisamatsu



2 years, 5 months ago



Miki Hisamatsu


September 9




bisexual; male lean



Introduction · · ·

Miki is known for being an extroverted, unabashed girl whose outspoken and not afraid to be who she is. She's confident and always wears a knowing grin. Her family life is quite normal from what people say, and she seems to lead an eventful but expected life.

Peek through the fun nature and you may not find a super serious girl, or one that's pretending. Just a girl with a unique power- the ability to touch objects and see the memories held within.


  • sweet people
  • gossip
  • the summer

  • staying home
  • windy days
  • being one-upped

Personality · · ·

Miki is an only child, and it definitely shows! The girl has troubles sharing and making sure things are equal- but that doesn't mean she isn't trying! She's also chock full of confidence that could rival nearly anybody's, knowing she has the brains and enough brawn to back up her claims. Miki is also a bit on the wild side, she enjoys going out and it's not a stretch to find her at a party or hanging with a troublemaker crowd. Then again, she likes innocent people, too. Perhaps it's safe to say she's quite the chameleon, adjusting her socializing levels to the people around her! She does like teasing, though, it's fun on everybody~


Miki has mastered the art of confidence, not crossing into arrogant territory. She knows where her strengths lie and will work to cover her weaknesses. Her confidence can help the group as a whole feel at ease, as though they have a better handle than they really do on a situation.


Miki feels things strongly, and she isn't afraid to let you know what she's thinking. This can put her in awkward or difficult situations, but she feels the honesty is necessary. Unfortunately with the opinions, she can be stubborn or have negative views on certain subjects or people, which make her opinionated attitude something hard to work with.


Playful teasing is fine, but sometimes she can push it too far! She's definitely the friend that likes to tease the others- especially cuties like Aiyana who make it so easy! But if she isn't careful, it can come off as strong, flirty or even like bullying.


Miki has quick wits which enable her to be one of the very first to react, which you would think would be a purely good thing, but... it also means she can sometimes react negatively and hurt a situation more. When it comes to personal disputes, it's known she can be difficult to patch a relationship up. On the flip side though, when somebody needs to react quick and speak up, her quick thinking can get them out of a bind.

Stats · · ·









· · ·

But you're ohhhh so cute! I can't help but tease~

Trivia · · ·

Miki was athletic as a kid, and was in sports. As she grew older though, she lost her interest.
Miki likes the hipster look, but believe it or not, she actually needs those glasses. They aren't just for show!
Miki isn't one to decline a smoke or alcohol. She's definitely done both and enjoys it with the right crowd! She's not addicted to either, though.
Lino is her ex-boyfriend. The two simply weren't compatible, and are still on good terms.
She's been a member of ASH;ES for roughly one year.
Has the ability of psychometry (otherwise known as object reading).

Backstory · · ·

Miki is the only child to the Hisamatsu household. Growing up, she had an incredibly average, but envious, life. She never went without food, shelter or new clothes. Her parents both worked hard, and encouraged her to try out many sports and extracurricular activities. Her mother worked in a high end department store, her father in a bank.

Growing up, she was a responisible and academic child. Her parents offered her more and more freedom- and she took advantage of that. The social butterfly made friends from all walks of life. She had shy friends, nerdy friends and, in her parent's opinion, the worst of all: delinquent friends. These kids helped make Miki more street savy, and she enjoyed the rough lifestyle. Miki was smart though, she saw what sort of self-destructive habits you can form living like that. She only would partake in the delinquency once in a while!

Her playful confidence didn't just naturally stem from within, though. She learned as a child she had a remarkable ability- psychmetry. She could touch objects and often read the memories of it. Miki would learn about others through this method, and use it to her advantage. Mostly to appear as though she was insanely good at guessing things. It helped guide her through many social situations as well as just satiating her natural, everyday curiosities.

When she hit 12 years old, she began to visit the Spirit World. At first, she thought it was only a dream. But the injuries felt too real, the people were too lifelike- this was no dream! This was a liminal space- a place where the dead were walking and waiting for the next step in the life cycle. She would come a couple of times a week, and at her current age is very comfortable there.

Miki met Lino in junior high and they dated for a year before breaking up- citing that they just didn't get along romantically like they thought they would. Lost a boyfriend, but gained a friend. The pair can often be spotted around school- and Miki can't help but stare at a little brunette girl with a purple flower in her hair. She swears, there's something about that flower that she's seen before... maybe in red, maybe not?

The Spirit World · · ·

Miki has been entering the Spirit World since she was 12 years old; she has no clue why it was 12, when she's had her supernatural ability her entire life. Still, the world was strange and scary and at first she'd cower and wait to wake up. As she appeared there more often, the girl got braver and would wander.

Miki has seen many people in the Spirit World. Some only once, a handful she's seen many times. Enough that she recognizes them, anyways. She's come to realize the danger of this world as well, able to connect the faces of people in the Spirit World to newspaper articles of people being found dead in their beds. Live to fight another day! Sometimes running is the only option, if you can't fight back.

Miki's psychmetry is useless in battle, but she's able to produce a weapon thanks to her supernatural frequency within the world. She has something that looks almost like a baton- which is lightweight and works with her more graceful fighting style. Well, graceful until she pulls out the kicks and punches. Thanks, mom and dad! She learned valuable fighting stances from all those years of various sports!

Asterays · · ·

Miki has never heard of this religion, but the moment she hears about it, she labeled it a cult. But it was the moment she laid eyes on Yukio and Chika's outfits did she truly realize how likely that was. Miki has no interest in religion, however, it would seem this religion has an intimate connection to the Spirit World. This makes her much more interested in what the pair have to say.

Miki personally wants nothing to do with Yukio and Chika- she thinks they're shady and will lead them down a dark path. And it's clear Miki isn't very interested in them- she rarely interacts with them. It's fine, Aiyana seems very interested in Yukio; meanwhile Chika is being whisked away by Razi and Shinya. Perfect, it means she can watch them. Yukio especially has strange things to say, so she's constantly trying to verify his claims when in that world.

Links · · ·

ex-boyfriend, friend
Lino Torisei

Such a cute, sweet boy! In fact, too sickeningly kind for Miki. She felt she couldn't return what he gave her, and thought they'd make better friends. He follows her around since he's quite shy and hasn't made friends; meanwhile, Miki plays the leader role well. They're also colleagues in ASH;ES.

She considers him a great friend! Though she worries nobody can treat such a soft-hearted boy right.

friend, boyfriend
Reno Cabrera

Ah, obnoxious Reno! He was hot, and a fun personality to mix with her own. The two are firecrackers together, and the attraction between them is clear. He's not the best influence, and really, maybe this is just a fun fling because they're both young. But they get along great- long term? We'll see about that.

Miki likes Reno, and the two date soon after meeting. She knows they probably aren't soul mates, but it's fun in the moment, so whatever!

code by 00Ishikawa00