

2 years, 5 months ago



There is no use in hating wolves for preying on yearling elk

Baldur tends to float through life unburdened by things that would bother most normal men. He does not react much to death or hatred or filth, and just observes tragedy to move on from it. Noone can hate him for this because he is not callous or cruel, but a few people find themselves offended by his seeming indifference to their plights. He is very gentle, and does not pursue much beyond immediate personal pleasure, often becoming fascinated by small moments in time and what natural beauty can be found in the waste. Baldur tends to wander, and relies heavily on companionship to survive.

  • Ulysses dotes on Baldur with a lot of care and patience, he recognizes that Baldur is weak and cannot survive on his own. They tend to speak a lot about the waste, and after Baldur's death these conversations have had a profoundly devastating effect on him. He is upset by his death but recognizes it as part of the cycle of life, and ultimately it was a mistake on his part that resulted in Baldur's murder that he must move on from. He watched the waste take his body away, and is deeply grateful for that.
  • Micheal believes random acts of violence to be normal. He would not have killed him on his own.
  • Seva sees far too much of himself as a young man in Baldur's reflection, his propensity for cruelty shines through when he is confronted with the realization that he has tortured himself his whole life. For Baldur to grow to adulthood would be a devastating reality check that he could not abide by. He believes he killed him for convenience. 
  • He keeps Dragon warm.