Septimius (The Spleen Eater)



2 years, 5 months ago


 Known to mortals (and most immortals) simply as "The Spleen Eater", Septimius is Galine's second oldest angel. It is best friends with her oldest angel, Atticus. The Spleen Eater is a very prideful creature, though it acts mostly as an animal it considers itself far above animals and will (most of the time) be insulted when you treat it as such. The Spleen Eater is generally not that friendly a creature. It is the most friendly to Atticus, Galine, and extremely pious mortals (mostly those pious toward Galine). Galine's mortal husband Heracles is also one of its favorite people. And it gets along very well with Galine's youngest daughter Wendy, but still will turn its nose up at her on occasion. 

The Spleen Eater got its universal nickname from the fact that it eats spleens. Go figure. But specifically Septimius's purpose is to punish those who blaspheme against the gods and desecrate holy places. Not just to Galine. A few famous incidents and legends of its punishments led people to most strongly associate The Spleen Eater with punishing people for using blasphemous and vulgar language. Leading to an idiom in Edemia where instead of saying "Watch your mouth" people say "Watch your Spleen". 

  • The Spleen Eater communicates completely in raccoon like sounds, and no one except Galine and Atticus can really fully understand it. Wendy comes close.  
  • The Spleen Eater is very neat and orderly. It likes to sort trash and random things. That's a lot of what it does in its free time.