Cameron Ridley-Guzman



2 years, 4 months ago


TW: Cam's page may mention: homophobic/transphobic family, family abandonment
Cameron Guzman


Name Cameron Ridley-Guzman
Nicknames Cam
Birthday January 24th, Aquarius
Age ≈ 27
Gender Trans Masc Nonbinary (he/them)
Sexuality Gay
Occupation Ceramicist; Stay at Home Dad
Race Mexican


  • chill
  • lazy
  • adaptable



  • pottery
  • DIY clothes
  • deep convos
  • detective shows


  • doing laundry
  • sleepless nights
  • morning sickness


A casual punk and father, very down to earth.


Cam has a medium tan complexion and is average height (but looks short compared to Trav lol) Very freckled, has a lip ring, has a skull tattooed on his left lower bicep. Has a messy long layered hair look, naturally brown in color but dyes it black. Roots are VERY visible a lot of the time. (lazy punk...) Sometimes pulls it back into a low ponytail.

Clothes style is again,, casual punk, comfy clothes and not too many accessories. Likes long shorts and likes to cut off the sleeves of his t-shirts. Usually prints DIY slogans and art onto shirts.



Cameron helped out a lot with their family, having a younger sibling and a sick grandmother to take care of. But his dad kicked him out of the house when he came out, leaving him with no real home to stay.
Cam got pregnant at 21 after a few hookups with Drew, the guitarist for a local band, but can't really get in contact with him again. Cameron ends up crashing at a friends house while pregnant and hits it off with Travis, a casual acquaintance and the friends roommate. This ends up being the start of a beautiful, but slowburn, relationship. Cameron's daughter Sheena is born, and grows into an opinionated and bossy little girl.
Cam and Trav are married now and will have a second child with health complications, which leads into them getting in contact with Sheena's biological dad at some point.


Cameron moves around between couch surfing and squatting with various friends for years, and when pregnant, eventually winds up staying with a friend and a kinda casual acquaintance, Travis. They spend the first night together just staying up the whole night talking, about fears and other deep stuff, making jokes, etc. Bonding! Cam tells him about the baby's father and how they couldn't get in touch with him as he's moved back home dealing with some sort of family emergency. But he's gonna try his best to raise the baby alone! Travis says it would be easier with friends ... 👍 Sooner or later Cameron gets another offer on a place to temporarily crash, and while he doesn't really want to burden Trav (+his roommate) by overstaying his welcome, he doesn't want to leave... And Travis doesn't want him to leave either! He wants his new friend to be safe n comfortable, so they figure out a new arrangement for Cam and soon the baby to live. By now, Trav's roommate plans to move out soon anyway. Hell yeah, spare room!

Travis ends up helping raise little Sheena when she's born, platonically coparenting with Cam. Until um, the boys finally realize they've caught some feelings and start dating. 😳 I think everyone around them could see it, but they needed to ease into it with all the ... everything happening in Cam's life. But yes, Cam realized how comfortable and happy he feels around Trav... 🥺


So CamTrav are officially married now, they've been raising Sheena together for years, she's maybe 5 or 6 years old when Cameron gets pregnant with their second child. Not only does this pregnancy take a lot out of him, but their new baby is born premature with a few health complications. Since Cam doesn't have much family and Travis's family lives several hours away in another state, they don't have much extra support and it's hard. They talk it out and decide it's probably for the best if they can get in touch with Drew and let him know about Sheena to see if he can offer little help.



Friendly Rude
Affectionate Standoffish
Clever Foolish
Funny Serious
Careful Reckless
Optimistic Pessimistic
  • Cam likes making pottery and sells it for extra cash. He even guides Sheena to make some wonky looking bowls and ashtrays once she's old enough to help!
  • he also DIYs clothes, often printing custom slogans and art onto tshirts
  • used to be more hardcore and was partying often, but, you know, fatherhood
  • he's tired now, okay?!



Travis Guzman   [ will they/won't they???; husband ]


Cam met Travis while couchsurfing and pregnant. Trav helped him out a lot in the early days and they became good friends. It took Cam n Trav a good while to admit to their feelings for each other but they've been inseparable ever siiince.


Drew Donovan   [ babydaddy ]


They had a couple hookups in their twenties but Drew disappeared while dealing with some Family Stuff TM. Well, he should have stayed in contact to deal with some OTHER family stuff as Cam finds out he's pregnant. OOPS. Cam manages pretty well without him and only manages to reach out after a few years.


Peaches   [ friends ]


Buddies since their couchsurfing days! They both knew Travis's original roommate who was always inviting people over (for better or worse). They still like to hang out from time to time, and Cameron is excited to hear that Peaches is looking into having a little baby of her own and will always be there to have advice for her. Happy to let any of the roomie squad babysit, you knowww, for practice and all, and not just for a well needed break or anything.