Benton Irving



2 years, 4 months ago


Benton Irving



 Name Benton Irving
 Called Benton
 Gender Male
 Age 23
 Height 5'4"
 Race Mirialan
 Role Bounty hunter / medic
 Demeanor Ambivert
 HTML Eggy

Benton is a skilled bounty hunter, as well as a skilled medic. He can treat nearly any wound, if he has the right supplies to do so.

His weapon of choice is a blaster rifle and an energy bow. 

 Charisma ●●●●●○○
 Temper ●●○○○○○
 Integrity ●●●●●●○
 Courage ●●●●○○○
 Intellect ●●●●○○○
 Humour ●●●●●●○


  • Spending time with his crew
  • Helping others


  • The Empire
  • Talking about the things that happened in his past.
  • Not being able to treat someone who is sick, or has a severe injury.


Benton was born on Naboo in 20 BBY,  just as the Clone Wars was ending and the Empire was taking control. His parents were a part of a small rebel cell, and they worked hard to keep the Empire's presence out of their town. But of course, the Stormtroopers came anyway, patrolling the streets and inflicting fear in the residents of Naboo. When Benton was 5, His parents were arrested and accused of working against the Empire. They were taken right in front of him, when Stormtroopers bursted into their home and dragged them away. Benton's parents, along with other members of the rebel cell, were executed, and he was sent to the town's orphanage.

 Benton didn't understand any of this- he was so young, and didn't understand the concept of war. He didn't know why his parents were taken by Stormtroopers. He was so frightened and confused. Seeing his parents being arrested by Stormtroopers had terrified him, and he couldn't think of anything else but those events. 

At the orphanage, Benton met Clay, a Twi'lek boy who was six years older then him. Clay was so nice to Benton, acting like a big brother to him. He was there to confort Benton the first few weeks when he was getting accustumed to the Orphanage. He was there to help Benton through his fears, to help him with his nightmares, and to look out for his safety.

A few years later, when more kids began to be orphaned, the orphanage was running low on supplies. There was hardly enough food and provisions for everyone, and the beds were slowly being filled. Clay and a group of 5 other older kids decided to leave, to allow more space to be available for the younger kids. Benton immediatly demanded that he come too, despite the fact that he was only ten. He was so close to Clay- and so afraid to lose him, that he was nearly inseparable from him.

So Benton and the group left the Orphanage and left Naboo, trying their best to survive on their own. They didn't quite calculate how difficult it would be though. They could hardly make enough credits to buy food and rations to stay alive. One of the kids in their group, Karter, started to shoplift food items from vendors, just so that the others could have meals to eat. The group got away with it for a while, before eventually getting caught by Stormtroopers and ending up in a blaster battle in the middle of a marketplace. They ultimatly won, but not without casualties. Karter had been shot, his blaster wound so bad that no one could figure out how to treat it.

This absolutley tore Benton apart- to have lost a close friend was hard enough- but to know that Karter could have been saved was the worst part. If someone had known how to properly treat the wound, then maybe he still would be alive. Maybe Karter still would have been here, and Benton didn't have to helplessly watch him die. That was when he decided that he wanted to learn how to be a medic, so he could help his friends if they ever got hurt.

For the next couple years, Benton's medical skills had indeed increased greatly. He was able to tend to his friend's wounds, and help them if they were sick. Imperial raids of towns that they were staying in was very common, and they'd often try their best to help defend the citizens. Another member of their group, Rory, was killed in one of the Empire's attacks. She fought bravely, but ended up with a bad stab wound in her side. Benton desparatley tried his best to save her. But no matter how hard he tried, Rory was still lost anyway. Benton was devestated by this- first Karter, now Rory. He was furious at himself for not being able to save them. He was furious that he wasn't a good enough medic. So he forced himself to learn more about healing and tending to wounds, hoping that he'd be more helpful in the future.

More years passed, more friends were lost. Each loss broke Benton's already broken spirit. It was so hard to lose someone you were close to, and even harder to know that you couldn't save them, even though you tried so hard to do so. Now it was just Clay and Benton that remained from the group of orphans that left Naboo so many years ago. Clay suggested they try out bounty hunting- after all, it was a quick way to get credits. 

The two did just that, starting their career as bounty hunters. They soon were able to afford better weapons, better armor, and they both finally started to have a decent supply of money. 

One day, Clay and Benton was pursuing a bounty, and it just happened to be the same one that Titus and his slowly growing crew was on. They teamed up, helping each other capture the asset and spltting the credits. Eventually, Benton and Clay joined Titus' crew.

  • Ironically, for a medic, he likes to use weapons that can deal alot of damage.
  • Benton always worries about if he has enough medical supplies. He wants to be prepared when someone gets hurt.
  • He used to be afraid of Stormtroopers and used to be squeamish with blood, but now he isn't, overcoming those fears.
  • He constantly has nightmares about his family, and the friends that he and Clay had lost.


Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.


Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.


Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sem pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem.