


2 years, 5 months ago




Respectful . Tranquil . Orderly

Mother Nature



Trefloest (dragon)

H: 6'0" D: 70+ ft

Tribe Leader

Cove is the tribal queen of the Earth tribe. She's highly respected throughout all tribes and overall unproblematic. She's very easy-going and slow moving. She has a motherly soul and only wishes to protect her people and whoever shares the world with her.

She's very easy to get along with and will most likely strike up conversation if she sees you. She'll direct her attention to you and softly bring you in for a warm cup of tea and honey. She'll be sure to make you feel at home.

Β Don't stress yourself lovely, life changes. You'll figure it out on your own time.Β 

  • Nature walks
  • Herbal tea
  • Gentle affection
  • Sleep
  • Impatience
  • Rats
  • Deforestation
  • Pushy people

Cove is a motherly figure to most tribes, having practically no problems if any at all with the tribes. She is an extremely large were-dragon standing at about 32 ft tall and stretching to a whopping 70 ft long. Despite her size, she is extremely gentle and kind in both of her forms. Her life has been fairly simple and is staying that way so far.


Born to mother Ami and father Stargaze, Cove was raised to be kind the moment she was born. She was an only child raised by two of the most well-respected leaders of the tribe, and learned under their wing. She was taught as soon as she could to be thankful with what she has and her place in the kingdom, and she was more than happy with that. Her personality is extremely similar to her mother's, as she spent the most time with her. She was never really considered trouble, was always very serene and gentle with others, and never caused problems when she was younger. Her parents lived out a good chunk of her life and died during her adult years, she was taught that life comes with death, and that it was a natural process. Her parents deaths didn't much phase her, instead brought her up stronger and gave her a reason to go on in life. She thanks her parents for being the way she is now.

Current life

Cove has a husband named Jerimiah, who shares her kingdom and her kindness. While she isn't a real mother, she would love to have kids of her own at some time in her life and spends a lot of time with the kids of her clan. She lives in a cottage-like structure with her husband, not being too worried about ambush, she doesn't live with anybody else. She feels as if she's doing well in life and she is, she keeps her clan orderly and proper, but has fun and isn't overly strict! She has an extremely settled life, spending the bulk of it with her husband, friends, and followers.

  • She's a gentle giant, despite her huge size she is ultimately the most careful to not step on others.
  • She moves at an extremely slow pace in dragon form, and is completely herbivore. She's harmless honestly.
  • She lives on tea and bay leaves, if you make her a good cup of tea she will take you in as her kid (take notes boys)
  • Loves positive praise but will always give it back, she feels more like a friend rather than a leader.




They often join each other for tea, and have a decent respect for each other. She is always welcome.



Both share an intense interest with trees and will sit and discuss different kinds of trees for hours... Henry may be a little odd but at least they get along.



Cove thinks that they're utterly adorable and loves spending time with him. She loves to take slow walks while he flies around her, and totally obsesses over how fluffy he is!