


2 years, 5 months ago




Intelligent . Stern . Analitical




Wyvern (dragon)

H: 5'9" D: 25+ft

Tribe Leader

Henry is the king of the forest tribe. Despite the stereotype of wyverns being relatively dumb creatures, he's actually quite smart..! Y'know, in his human form... he's very clumsy in his dragon form.

Henry keeps to himself a lot to avoid interaction with people he doesn't like, but if you get under his shell he's extremely loving. He doesn't show emotion a lot to avoid being made fun of, but if he gets used to you he uses gift-giving and affection as his love language. He's a nerd, easiest way to his heart is to talk about something he hyper fixates over.

 Shut it, BOZO. 

  • Books
  • Trees
  • People who enjoy his company
  • Reading glasses, he collects them
  • Bullies
  • Men
  • Sports
  • Social interaction

Henry is a bookwork who would adore sharing his passion, but lacks the people to do so. He has a relatively large wyvern form, standing at about 20 ft tall and 28 feet long. He is normally in his humanoid form rather than his wyvern form, but gets extremely overprotective and violent in his dragon form. He seems stern and hard on the outside, but it really just a sweetie on the inside craving some attention. He's been living a relatively lonely life, but has hopes to change that in the future.


Henry doesn't know who his actual parents are; if you were to ask him today he probably doesn't remember the first 100 years of his life because he was actually adopted into the royal family. He was adopted by Queen Forte and King Thistle, who found him alone in the woods after being abandoned from his original clutch. He was a runt and was unwanted within his family, so his father flew him off somewhere and literally just dropped him in hopes to get rid of him. It was King Thistle who found him, and he immediately fell in love with the little wyvern, he felt a strong urge to bring him home. He was treated to sweetness, love, and affection, which built him back up as a boy. He wasn't aware of his situation actually, and for the longest time didn't even know they weren't his real parents. Either way, he grew up with an intense passion for reading and science. He was hoping to one day write his own magic spells, discover new worlds, and make the tribe they shared the best one of all. He drew himself very hard into his studies, and he well prepared himself to lead via books and scrolls. His parents both fell sick to illness and died of relatively natural causes when Henry was an adult. He set out his mission to strengthen his kingdom and still today works his butt off trying to study magic and the way of dragons. He's always been a nerd... and he still is. <3

Current life

He grew up doing exactly what he does today! He takes care of his kingdom well, he's smart about the defenses he's put up, structure of their houses, who gets what, etc! He's built an extremely stable kingdom and he's very proud of that. He dedicates a lot of his time to studying and is normally by himself. His kingdom is well protected and his people are very free to do as they please.

  • Henry collects reading glasses, but also has a fascination over other objects. If he finds something that sparks his interest, it's his now.
  • He has a pet spoon he named "Gorby".... he likes how shiny it is.
  • He's most commonly seen reading, and owns a library along side his headquarters!
  • He would never admit it, but he has to sleep with a plushie and denies its existence if asked about it.




Jrew makes fun of him and Henry hates it. They're just fighting 12 year olds. Jrew makes fun of him and Henry yells at him. That's it that's their love.



They have a mutual respect for each other and often have reading studies together. They're both fascinated with nature and would be very willing to talk about it for hours on end. They have similar taste.



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