Moissanite's Comments

Hello Ms. Elb, can you please tell me how you did what previously was the "Species information" section for the OG spore template? I'd like it to look similar to yours with the gemstone and appearance info, but whenever I try to delete the spore parts the whole code collapses in on itself 🥲

Oh sure! Basically, once you encounter the <!--===ABILITIES===--> part, delete everything between it and the <!--===CREATURE FULLBODY===--> section. Then put a <div class="col-12 px-1 mb-2"></div></div></div> in its place and all should be good. The rest of the Species information menu is just copypasted from other tabs of the code

I hope this helps! Feel free to ask if more info is needed

Tysm! I'm revamping my Steve-o OC. (which you so kindly favorited) There's no way I would've been able to figure that out myself.

WE REACHED 300 FAVORITES TODAY!!!! WOOHOOOOOO! What a beautiful time to be a snake mother 


"You. I hate you so much."

"Hm? Since when White's decorative furniture talks? Go back to your frame and focus on reflection the images of those that truly matter. You are not even canon in this universe."

Steven Universe OC! I love the layout of her profile! It is very nice, I love how much information there is... the shapeshifting on the tailcoats is such a cool ability. She's just such an interesting character in general the way rejuvenation effects her is also a neat concept :0

✨Snake twink✨